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Have one to sell? Recommended Ages: 14+ Time to Play: 60 minutes.
Inner Compass Initiative provides information, resources, tools, and connecting platforms to facilitate more informed choices regarding all things "mental health" and to support individuals and groups around the world who wish to leave, bypass, or build community beyond the mental health system.
Inner Compass is a bold experiment in determining your personal inner compass.
This time, we’re checking out a new one from Alderac. Inner Compass is designed by Asger Harding Granerud and Daniel Skjold Pedersen, and published by Alderac Entertainment Group.
Are you thinking about reducing or coming off psychiatric drugs?Millions of us have taken them, but are any of us being meaningfully informed about their risks and effects?THE PATH AHEAD LEADS TO A FUTURE BEYOND THE MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM.Inner Compass Initiative provides information, resources, tools, and connecting platforms to facilitate more informed choices regarding all things "mental health" and to support individuals and groups around the world who wish to leave, bypass, or build community beyond the mental health system. What are you jonesing for at Gen Con Online? Compare prices for the Inner Compass board game across 12 board game online retailers like Amazon, Miniature Market and Cool Stuff Inc. Inner Compass is a bold experiment in determining your personal inner compass. GAMES NEWS! Sometimes it can be healthy and productive, while at other times it can be destructive and inappropriate. During the game, players are trying to imprint memories of various emotions. Inner Compass is a bold experiment in determining […] 0 item(s) - $0.00 It can be your own video or a video by someone else.All other content © 2020 Atlas Alpha Inc.' + (published_date.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + published_date.getDate() + '/' + published_date.getFullYear() + 'We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.We talk about board games here. Full disclosure: A review copy of Inner Compass was provided by Alderac Entertainment Group. BoardGamesNMore stocks Inner Compass.
In Inner Compass, you play as one of four characters searching for meaning in their everyday lives. + video.views.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(? This feature is only for US prices currently.' $17.49 + shipping . Different emotions need a different number of cards to be discarded to imprint a memory.
Designed by: Asger Harding Granerud, Daniel Skjold Pedersen. Will you focus on building up emotions to release them at certain times? Sign up now to be put on the waitlist.Promote community contributions! Absolutely no guarantee is made for any price information. Posts can link directly to games and everyone is welcome to join the discussion.Game prices represent daily averages and/or market values provided data gathered through various APIs and curration. See stores for final prices and availability. Inner Compass., #GenConOnline is closer than it appears! We are energized to make change happen and eager for you to join us. This is done by discarding sets of cards, to score points. Board Game Atlas is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with any of these companies.' What did you think of the game after playing it?You can add as many games you want to the list, see it in your account area, and share it with others.Promote community contributions! It can be your own review or a review by someone else.The literal and graphical information presented on this site about board games, including component images, card images, rules images, and box images, and all other related items is copyright of each respective game publisher.