On May 12, Kate McCann will place a “sweet” 16 birthday gift in her missing daughter Madeleine’s bedroom in Leicester, England. They have initiated proceedings against the suspect on suspicion of McCann’s murder.“We welcome the appeal today regarding the disappearance of our daughter, Madeleine. Girls’ swimming costumes, children’s clothes and 8,000 child abuse images were found by police investigating Madeleine McCann suspect Christian B, according to German media reports. If he murdered her, maybe it was decided to get rid of her due to the heat from the media, thus the reference to the Pope meeting. "All we have ever wanted is to find her, uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice," her parents, Kate and Gerry, said in a statement issued before the German prosecutor spoke.Madeleine McCann, the British girl who disappeared in Portugal in 2007 aged just three, is assumed to be dead and an imprisoned German child abuser is the murder suspect, a German prosecutor said on Thursday.Prosecutor Wolters said the suspect is a sex offender with multiple convictions, including for sexual abuse of children.British and German police appealed for information about the man - who lived in Braunschweig, northern Germany, before moving abroad - and released photographs of vehicles - a Volkswagen camper van and a Jaguar - which he used at the time. The suspect, who has been named in German media as Christian B, is currently serving a prison sentence. The suspect has not been named due to German privacy laws, but is believed to have been in the area where Madeleine McCann disappeared in Portugal 13 years ago.
"They are treating the case as suspected murder, though British police said the case remains a missing person inquiry.Madeleine Mccann disappearance sparked an internationl search (AFP)Police said they wanted to speak to a thus-far unidentified second person who spoke with the German suspect from a Portuguese phone number on May 3, 2007 at the time of McCann's disappearance.The suspect, who was not publicly named, lived in the Algarve between 1995 and 2007 and worked in the catering industry, burgled hotels and holiday flats as well as trading drugs, German police said. Members of the public are being asked if they recognised one of them, +351 912 730 680 , which was used by the suspect or if they had stored it in their contacts.
I think possibly a reason CB has withdrawn his case for parole and then the timing of the German police searching this house where he stayed right after Madeleines disappearance is maybe because he has told them something.I find it strange that so soon after withdrawing his parole case that the German police have found this ‘hidden cellar’ Someone has obviously spoken and told the police about this and I can’t help but think he knows the net is closing in on him and he’s cracked under pressure? The room has … Interviews in Portugal led to a search of an area of land close to where Madeleine had been staying but the men were subsequently eliminated from the investigation.“You may be aware of some of the things he has done. He is in prison and we are conscious that some people may have been concerned about contacting police in the past. "We assume that the girl is dead," Braunschweig state prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters said. More than 13 years have passed and your loyalties may have changed. Madeleine McCann: police identify German paedophile as new prime suspect This article is more than 1 month old Man in jail on another charge … A 43-year-old German man is being investigated on suspicion of murder, the public prosecutor added.. On the 10th anniversary of Madeleine’s disappearance in 2017, Hoppe said, police had received a tip-off about the same suspect but still required further testimonies.More than £11m has been spent on the British investigation, known as Operation Grange.