When several people brought up health concerns, he shut them down, responding: "There is not a high level of cancer in this area and there are not kids walking around with six arms or anything." On the phone, he suggested to us that these residents may have less than innocent motives: "Some people are gonna try to make a point of it to try to make money in suing 'em [the EPA].""But the damage has been done, right?" he replied. Jersey Plating Co. (June 2001) (PDF) (3 pp, 500K) Region 3. XTRA began grinding that material up and redistributing it to level other parts of the smelter grounds, which allowed wind and the constant truck traffic to whip it up into the air and carry it off the property.It's hard to ignore the demographic changes that have transformed the town since the EPA first began investigating American Zinc's legacy. But now the cost of a converter is trivial in the cost of an automobile.Now the question is can they fashion a technology-forcing program for climate that makes sense and is aggressive but not too aggressive. With each test, the known extent of the contamination increased. Like her son, she has round cheeks and a bright smile.
Human Exposure is one of the metrics EPA uses to communicate its progress in cleaning up Superfund sites. He reeled off a list of health concerns, wondering if any were linked to the contamination.A resident of the West Calumet Housing Complex in East Chicago, Indiana.By virtue of both income and ethnicity, new Americans have the odds stacked against them when it comes to finding a healthy place to live.Last June in Fairmont City, the difficulty of achieving that goal was starkly apparent. I don't think any of the immigrants living here know about it."Public concern started to rise in 1976, when a transportation company called XTRA Intermodal began leasing the defunct American Zinc property and turned it into a trucking terminal. It's been much more reactive. The '80s was a time of scandal for the EPA, of shrinking budgets and personnel. A dozen or so state and federal officials sat behind folding tables in a blue community center one evening. It was cutting-edge at the time--many people in the industry said it couldn't be done. Sofia had two sons and got a better job at a restaurant. By most accounts the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which turned 40 in December 2009, has been very effective. )"This is where we make our living. Political activity is a luxury." The latter is certainly true for Sofia.