. Don’t ever forget how much grace the Lord has given you whenever you disobeyed Him in the past. It’s what caused me to write this very article—to tell you that there are many people who have suffered as you are suffering and yet can tell you the story of God’s rescue and return of their child. This is one of the most difficult things to do as parents, and requires daily prayer for wisdom and grace. Many do pray, privately and individually. We pray every day for God’s strong arm to hold us up as we reach out to him.”A ministry leader with two prodigals yearns for people to “pray and ask God if there is any way he would have them connect with my prodigals and then follow through.”Finally, parents hunger for support from their pastors:As pastors become aware of prodigals in their ministry’s families, of course they’re expected to pray. Realize that some suffer in silence because they are afraid their church family will not understand.”One parent revealed her vulnerability when she said, “Friends who listen and allow me to cry are the best.”However, corporate prayers in ministry often mention specific troubles such as health problems, financial difficulties, and broken marriage relationships. . And like the father of the prodigal son, you may be longing for your child to return home and to his or her faith.© DUDLEY RUTHERFORD 2020 All Rights Reserved10) Lastly, PRAY!
Stand firm, hold your position, and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf.”. Try to do exactly what you think Jesus would do if He were in your situation.1) Don’t give up. Keep in mind that the Prodigal Son wasn’t able to “come to himself” until he had come to the end of himself.
Love conquers all. And our child didn’t know it, but we had people all over the country who had agreed to join us in prayer at 3:11 p.m. every day.
And like the father of the prodigal son, you may be longing for your child to return home and to his or her faith. Anyone who can speak one-on-one with your son, providing him with carefully considered food for thought and listening compassionately to his responses, could play an important role in opening up the lines of communication. Even if the prodigal refuses, the offer and effort goes a long way in ministering to the parents.Watching other families can be painful. There is nothing quite like helping a precious son or daughter grow from an infant, to a toddler, to an elementary schooler, to a teenager, and finally to an adult. And God will do it again!Raising a child is one of the most fulfilling, wonderful, and selfless experiences in life. the heart-break of his son's rejection. Like the prodigal son whom Jesus described in Luke 15:11-32, your child may have run far away to indulge in revelry. Rarely is the issue of prodigals mentioned, which reinforces the parents’ sense of isolation and implies this is not an issue within the congregation.One ministry leader shared, “I wish they would join me in praying for my prodigals, right then and there with me, and then continue as the Holy Spirit brings my kids to their minds.” The parent of a prodigal daughter noted that only the Lord has the power to change her child’s heart. _____ Shattered Dreams. Ultimately, they will remember that things were best in their life when they were at home under your care.8) Aim for that line between tough love and compassionate love. But this doesn’t make it any less painful when a parent watches his child’s destructive choices.Parenthood has been described as having “a piece of your heart walking around outside your body.” If this is true, then having a prodigal child means standing helpless as you watch that heart being trampled and abused. Whatever your prodigal’s birthdate, make it the time that you invite people pray.
The prodigal's father had to experience.