Mom and pop are out of business because they can't compete with such tactics and your "free" market falls apart. Central to the diamond's role as a romantic symbol is the belief that diamonds are one of the rarest, most precious gifts for a loved one. This is a truth that history tells us in America. You are free to go. The Venus Project is nothing but communism repackaged. For that matter I can buy anything I need direct from those who grow it fresher and better than the commercial crap.
True Capitalism is merely the ability to freely trade among ourselves without the interference of anyone, especially govt.It is the propagandists that desire for you to think as you do; to keep us fighting among our selves while the evil elite of all colors and levels get away with what they do.You should sign up for our newsletter. Unions have been doing it for many decades; when they could have joined forces and competed. The present power balance makes it virtually impossible for a company to find success independently of a few giant corporations.If you think diamonds are a scam, which I always did since you can't eat them, then DON'T BUY THEM!
Free exchange in free markets is the only moral way of interacting, all other interaction involves coercion and force which NECESARILY means harm to one side or the other.Even minimum wages have the effect of unemploying all people who'se jobs aren't worth paying the minimum wage too. Except they don't consider the non elites "their own". If you want to improve the world, ALL the good folks have to be included and ALL the bad folks have to be contained, until they realize good is better than bad.I feel your view of this is also problematic. Yet no doubt they still use the stores which use those 3 companies. We need to find away for all to have opportunity, and currently our systems gives that opportunity to the wealthy, while the rest fight over the kitchen scraps.Nukka.. you don't have any money.If there were no restrictions we would all have abundant food and resources.Oh man, it seems like every company is corrupt these days. When no one buys, the price will drop. Expecting someone else to do that for you gets you what you got.
He even got to start collecting salary six months before he lifted a finger to work. This was done for thirty years after there had been conclusive published scientific evidence that hydrogenized food products had potentially unlimited adverse health effects.
Wal-mart enters a new town. It is the incremental socialism-communism that IS the root cause behind the corruption and the problems in govt.Ideally, it would be great if companies felt the moral obligation to uphold humane production standards, but history has shown us that many cannot be trusted to do so, as doing so often means less profit. The problem is the new kimberely process makes it very difficult and legally impossible to transport any diamond that does not come from a country where de beers already controls all of the mines (canada, usa, south africa, most of europe, and southern africa).Nice video...looks like someone set up an old video camera in front of the TV. If the woman you choose requires a diamond, maybe you ought to look for a different woman. In a free market, which is the goal and essence of capitalism, the only way to become wealthy is by HELPING OTHERS.Know I will get the shaft for this truth: You can show this docu to a number of women and plenty would still want a diamond on their ring. However, we CAN vote them out.
Just how many would take advantage of others if there were no consequences?
Nor is Corruption capitalism.