I thought this crap would bother, me, but it doesnt. He could shoot at thisbunker all night for all I care.Dear Folks (car, bird, houses, etc. He said how you stayed the same, happy-go-lucky guy that you werewhen you arrived in Vietnam. Im Johnny Boy, and Im sick both physically andmentally. He toldme how you had flown your quota and had not been scheduled to fly that day. Im a shell, and when Im scared I rattle.Im no one to tell you about your son. I couldn't reallyidentify him.As I look out from my bunker there is about 250 feet of bush and tall grass. Iguess I'm bitter now, Dad, This war is all wrong, I will continue to fight, win my medalsand fight the elements and hardships of this country. This country is no gain that I can see, Dad, We'refighting, dying , for a people who resent our being over here. I couldnt take sittingover [in] this place if I thought there was anything wrong at home.We are working four to five hours extra in the supply room trying to straighten out thefoul-up in our records.Ya know this is an "in" war, one of the hippest things in this crazyworld.
Please help me, Mad. :Today is February 13, 1984. Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam is a book that tells the story of the war through the printed letters from the soldiers and nurses who served in Vietnam. Lastnight, while [it was] my turn on watch, I saw one duck behind a bush on this side of theriver. I sure feel close to you. From now on I'll be keeping that in mind and I won'tlouse up so badly again. Also, if it should start raining, pay no attention to him if he pulls off hisclothes, grabs a bar of soap and a towel and runs outdoors for a shower.When in his daily conversation he utters such things as "Xin loi" and"Choi oi" just be patient, and simply leave quickly and calmly if by some chancehe utters "didi" with an irritated look on his face because it means no lessthan "Get the hell out of here." Do not let it shake you up if he picks up thephone and yells "Sky King forward, Sir" or says "Roger out": forgood-by or simply shouts "Working."Tonight the nation mourns the death of Martin Luther King. The area is also very heavily mined. Jim told me how you died, for he was there and saw the helicopter crash. So yousee, we take our business seriously.Fighting for a people who have no concern for the war, people he did not understand,who knew were the enemy were, where the booby traps were hidden yet have no support.People that he would give portions of his food to yet would try to sell him a Coke for$1.00. I cried with this heartbroken mother, and after I hung up the phone, I laidmy head down and cried as hard for her. But I must face it and then put it to rest.
A heart broken 15 years ago today, when you lost yourlife in Vietnam.My whole squad is in this bunker, and they are all a bunch of screwballs. I've picked up most of the patrolling tricks - taping metal parts toprevent their making noise during movement, wearing bandoliers so the magazines are onyour chest and stomach and form makeshift body armor, and other tricks that stretchthe odds a little more in you favor and give you a little more of an edge in combat - butI'm still new and yesterday I really loused up....New jungle fatigues, boots, cooling fans, typewriters trickle into supply and aredispersed as needed. I'm not trying to be mysterious or anything, but commonsense precludes giving too many details before the operation.
Xochitse. This we are trying to stop this is our objective.Later that same day I received a phone call from a mother in Billings, Montana.
Had we been hit then, It would have been a bad situation made worseby my stupidity. Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam is a 1987 American documentary film inspired by the anthology of the same title, directed by Bill CouturiƩ in 1987. Tonight as the nation mourns Dr. King, they drink their cold beer, turn on theirair conditioner and watch their TV. The way I see the situation, Iwould rather fight to stop communism in South Vietnam than in Kincaid, Humbolt Blue Moundor Kansas City, and that is just about what it would end up being. I hope all is well at home. Many citizens, especially young people, protested U.S. involvement. She hadlost her daughter, her only child, a year ago. How theregular pilot was unable to fly, and had been replaced by someone with less experience.How they did not know the exact cause of the crash. So the doctor, medics and thecaptain I work for went over to the hospital to see the boys when they came in and see howthey were. Last year alone 4,700 teachers and priests in South Vietnamwere killed.