Here you can copy Greek letters, Greek symbols, and their English names in just one click. For example, to type é, è, ê or ë, hold Alt and press E one, two, three or four times.. Stop the mouse over each button to learn its keyboard shortcut. These special symbols are real text and available to copy and paste to anywhere, such like Microsoft Word, Facebook, Twitter, HTML or Blogging. They're mainly used in maths, but they're pretty and look very special.These symbols have antique look. Press Alt with the appropriate letter.
Help. A copy and paste Chinese symbols collection for easy access.
How do I copy the actual trangon language symbols because when I copy and paste it doesn't work.
Or writing a "status" update.
This will automatically collect your most recent and frequently used icons.
These one's are truly rare, but just in case you'll need some, here they are:As of Unicode 5.1, there are 3 characters missing.
Click icon to copy to clipboardScissors, plane, phone, watch, hourglass, envelopes, pen, pencil, copyright, registered trademark, service mark and trademark symbols.Add, subtract, multiply, divide, unlimited symbols.
If a poet is making a book where he wants to display some body language visually, he usually would hire a painter to paint some scenes and do an even better job than emoticons would. And what's really strange is that they come from mathematics ^.^ 1/1000 and 1/10000 symbols.Sun, moon, rain, cloud, meteor, umbrella, hot spring, snowman, ice crystal symbols.Wheel of Dharma, Orthodox, Ankh, Swastika, Chi Rho, Cross of Lorraine, Cross of Jerusalem, Farsi, Khanda, peace, Taijitu, Star of DavidUp, down, left and right arrows, wind direction, the compass symbolEuro, US dollar, US cent, GBP, South Korean won, Chinese Renminbi and Japanese yen.Hearts, Spades, square and plum blossom symbolLength unit, temperature unit, area unit, Celsius and Fahrenheit symbolsConstellation, astrological and zodiac .Face, eyes, smiley, male, female symbols.House, Macintosh command key, apple, enter key, nuclear energy, virus and HD symbols. Click icon to copy to clipboard Recently Used.
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Hope you'll enjoy them. The Greek alphabet has 24 letters to write the Greek language. This website is designed to copy the Greek alphabet very quickly. Shift + click a button to insert its upper-case form. You can use your computer keyboard or mouse to type Arabic letters with this online keyboard.
Font like in the old books. For example, they can be used to draw attention to the opening phrase or line of a new section of text, or to provide an additional style in a dictionary entry where many parts must be typographically differentiated.Here I give you the list of foreign language symbols (letters and signs) and some Double-struck and "Antique"-style maths letters.ಐ ಓ ಔ ಕ ಖ ಗ ಘ ಙ ಝ ಞ ಲ ಶ ಹ ೀ ಾ ಿ ಧಿ ೈ ೋ ೌ ೬ ೂ ೄ ભ મ ય ર લ ળ વ શ ષ સ હ ઼ ઽ ા િ ી ુ ૂ ૃ ૄ ૅ ે ૈ ૉ ો ૌ ્ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য র ল শ ষ স ঁ ং ঃ অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ ঌ এ ঐ ও ঔ ক খ গহಐ ಓ ಔ ಕ ಖ ಗ ಘ ಙ ಝ ಞ ಲ ಶ ಹ ೀ ಾ ಿ ಧಿ ೈ ೋ ೌ ೬ ೂ ೄ ભ મ ય ર લ ળ વ શ ષ સ હ ઼ ઽ ા િ ી ુ ૂ ૃ ૄ ૅ ે ૈ ૉ ો ૌ ્ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন প ফ ব ভ ম য র ল শ ষ স ঁ ং ঃ অ আ ই ঈ উ ঊ ঋ ঌ এ ঐ ও ঔ ক খ গহHere I give you a list of pretty letters.
All of them derived from the earlier Phoenician alphabet. Copy paste, or you can also make some with the use of your keyboard if you know about Symbols on Keyboard. This standard yet cool icon set includes ticks, crosses, circles, suns, moons, numbers, exclamation marks and question marks, music symbols, lines and arrows, squares, speech marks symbols, copy and paste quotes, shapes and unusual icons you can use as a designer to add as font text in your web pages and documents.