On Saturday, Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield posted a video to his Instagram in which he can be seen training while wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt with the phrase “I Can’t Breathe” written on the front.
I know we have a long way to go as Americans and quite frankly human beings. WATCH: Baker Mayfield and girlfriend Emily Wilkinson get engaged. As he wrote, the purpose was not to insult the Giants rookie quarterback or take shots at anyone in particular.
I’ve never quite seen anything like it,” former Giants quarterback Eli Manning has said of Barkley’s legs. This should just be another battle or war on racism that we as Americans will come together and defeat another evil enemy! I’ve always spoken my mind. “Everybody so upset about my comment doesn’t understand the reasoning behind kneeling in the first place,” Mayfield wrote on his Instagram story. Copyright 2018 PopCulture.com. Nate and Kap came to an agreement that kneeling was the most respectful way to support our military while also standing up for equality. And that’s from the heart.Mayfield’s remarks have gotten some blowback, but also support.These social justice protests have brought back into the conversation the idea of sports figures kneeling during the national anthem, which was initiated by Colin Kaepenick in 2016.Others have been drawn into the kneeling conversation as well.The “Nate” Mayfield referenced is Green Beret Nate Boyer, who “came to an agreement” with former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick to kneel rather than sit during the national anthem.Another user wrote: “I’m proud of you Baker! I believe we will. I do not feel disrespected by anyone kneeling for positive change. “We in off-season, he’s gonna have time to get his body right.
!”One user commented: “Baker will you also kneel and honor the good law enforcement officers out there who are murdered while trying to protect their citizens of the communities they work for?? Over the weekend, Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield became the latest to do so, responding to an Instagram comment asking, hopefully, that … I have the utmost respect for our military, cops, and people that serve our country.
And it worked, with the account gaining more than 300 new followers since Mayfield put out the prompt.“His quads are the size of my waist and whole upper body. He was simply trying to explain how the NFL views incoming quarterbacks. Mayfield expanded on his earlier Instagram post after receiving flak from some fans for vowing to kneel for the national anthem this season. In his explanation on Instagram, the Browns quarterback finished by stating that he has heard nothing but good things about Jones and that he wishes nothing but the best for the rookie. Neither should any veteran or active duty military. They forget you've gotta win.” The only color I see is red, white, and blue! If I lose fans, that’s okay.