After hearing that Bonnie was sold as a slave to Shinichi and barely rescued from death by Damon, Elena is furious with him and can not speak with him. He wants her to lose control and become a Ripper. She understands and empathizes with Stefan, and the two exchange blood.Stefan and Damon had gone back to Italy, but six months later in June, Bonnie summons them back with a summoning spell.
Later in the book, Klaus gives Stefan a dream where he sees Elena and they see Sue Carson's body in a casket. Stefan was born and raised in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Death of Stefan and Damon Salvatore (TVD) YouTube; The Vampire Diaries - Damon & Elena save Stefan - Duration: 4:51. At the end of the book, on December 13, Bonnie leads the group to the tomb of Honoria Fell in a trance. Stefan then also tries to talk Damon out of being a human again only to be with Elena but Damon decides to take the cure.Stefan starts working for him as he agreed to do to save Damon, and hopes it might also protect Elena by making sure Klaus never returns to Mystic Falls, since he believes her to be dead. Stefan Salvatore Death – It has been reported that Stefan Salvatore has sadly passed away.
Matt says that they should take him to the hospital but Elena refuses as she knows that he is a vampire.
Song Name: "RAIGN - Don't let me go "
This opens up lost memories in Meredith that Stefan also accesses - memories of a twin brother. Artwork by Jan Sovak.Stefan Salvatore was born in the late 15th century in Florence, Italy.
After Klaus gives Stefan his blood to save Damon from a werewolf bite, he turns Stefan into a Ripper again.When Elena begins to hallucinate because of Connor's death, Klaus informs Stefan and Damon that she must be locked away to keep from killing herself, and kidnaps her before they can say no.
Damon also grows closer to Elena in this book, coming to dinner at one point and exchanging blood with her at Bonnie's house as she sleeps. She is delirious from drowning and thinks that she is in love with Damon, due to the presence of his blood in her system. (Er wurde auf dem Salvatore Anwesen geboren. However, he meets Katherine, a young girl and secretly a vampire turned by Klaus.
Originally a human, Stefan was turned by a vampire woman named Katherine, who bears an uncanny … Stefan nació y se crió en la ciudad sobrenatural de Mystic Falls, Virginia y llegó a la mayoría de edad durante la época de la Guerra Civil. He is pictured here on the cover of The Awakening and The Struggle. During the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, Stefan Turns a criminal in the hospital and convinces Jeremy to kill him to make the hunter's mark on his arm grow. For the next 500 years, Stefan lives alone in the wilderness, feeding on animals and exiled by the high-society vampire Damon becomes.At the end of the book, Stefan is invited to the Vitale Society which Matt had already been a part of, the secret society on campus. He is the younger brother of Damon Salvatore and the main love interest of Elena Gilbert. However, Stefan rushes down and catches her. Stefan is simply no match for Klaus, though, and Klaus easily breaks the white ash wood stake. Near the end of the season, Stefan and Elena keep seeing dreams of the two being together and of them as humans. The leader of the society, Ethan, reveals to Stefan that he met a vampire turned by Klaus in Europe over the summer.
)And if you're crying like me right now, take comfort in the fact that in death Stefan was reunited with his best friend, Lexie, and eventually he saw Damon again. Stefan saves her by ripping her scarf as it is caught by the train she gets off of. (In other words, a Salvatore brother had to die. Stefan Salvatore is a fictional character from L. J. Smith's novel series The Vampire Diaries.He is portrayed by Paul Wesley in the television series CW's The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.Stefan Salvatore was turned into a vampire in 1864, at the age of 17, by Katherine Pierce, who also turned his older brother Damon Salvatore. His journey has sadly come to an end on earth. When they go to rescue him, Stefan is not there. Damon makes a deal with Shinichi while possessed by the malach that he controls. Damon also joins the fight, but he is overpowered as well. Later, it turns out that Stefan has been put in a well. Um sie vor Manipulation durch andere Vampire, unter anderem auch durch Damon, zu schützen, schenkt er ihr eine Kette mit Eisenkraut.Erst als ein älterer Mann glaubt Stefan von früher zu kennen, wird Elena misstrauisch und findet schließlich heraus, dass Stefan und Damon Vampire sind.
Stefan ist in Mystic Falls/Virginia, geboren und ist gerade wieder zurück gezogen. Just as he is about to kill everyone, Bonnie screams out Elena's name in desperation.