It is especially beneficial to use it when you need to take time to consider the various options open to you.It is said to be helpful to aid issues in the stomach such as irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease and may assist you to better assimilate vitamins and minerals.You may also see them selling as either Desert Jasper or Royal Savannah Jasper, and they come in a range of quite bright and beautiful colors such as bright red and bright green, see picture below.They also help you to let go of any feelings of anger you might feel regarding the circumstances of your bone break, that may be holding back your healing.They are helpful for new mothers as they may aid you to bond to the new baby, and may help post natal depression.They can assist you to regain feelings of happiness, and they are good stones to assist in bringing good fortune into your life.To aid you to find what you are looking for, checkout the picture grid below. * Listing is for 1 anhydrite (aka: purple angelite): Anhydrite Metaphysical Properties: aka: purple angelite - Crown Chakra - Good stone for healers (deepens attunement and perception) - Aids in speaking the truth - Compassionate - Accepting - Learning - Peace - Tranquility - Connect with spirit
I also use it to help me raise my vibrations to better communicate with my Angel and Spirit Guides. This pendant is quite small, but as it was unusual I felt it was worth acquiring so I could show you what it is like.They are excellent to use during meditation, as they may aid you to contact spirit beings in the higher realms and their energy may be helpful when astral traveling.It is also helpful to aid you to recall dreams, and to take notice of dream aspects that may be of particular significance to your life.It has a quite easily felt heart chakra energy, and it is also an excellent stone to combine with other stones to enhance their energy.It is said to be beneficial to use these crystals when you have health issues that are expected to get worse.They are known to assist you to feel more courageous and may help you to take the right action to create financial gain.The healing properties of crystals made from this unusual mixture relates to its action as an environmental cleanser, and it will help to remove negative energy from both your thinking and how you live your life.This is a good stone to use in your daily meditation, as it may assist you to discover ways to remedy situations in your life that you feel are unfair or not in your best interests in some way.The healing properties of crystals like these are beneficial to aid you to be aware of your own self worth.If you haven't previously worked with your guides, and even if you have, it helps to stimulate clarity in your communication. The healing properties of crystals like these relates to the area of the stomach and in particular to its action to aid the digestion and assist the body to create adrenaline.This variety of quartz is quite uncommon and contains Gilalite, which is a bluish green copper based tuftish inclusion, so this crystal is also known as Gilalite in Quartz.This means that if you look at something through this stone it appears as if they are in two different locations.The addition of the energy of Epidote which is also a strong solar plexus stone, brings with it a strong energy to boost your personal power.Their energy encourages happiness and aids you to feel that life is a pleasure to live.The healing properties of crystals that are an orange color relate to the sacral chakra, and this makes them excellent stones for enhancing creativity.They may help you to be able to permit yourself to walk the spiritual path when you are feeling conflicted.While using it in meditation it may assist you to remember dreams that were given to you to help you to solve life issues.It is a stone that stimulates an increase in success in your life, and can stimulate your energy physically.The healing properties of crystals in the fluorite family are all similar in that they are excellent to use when you have any type of infection or virus.They are lovely to use in meditation, as their energy of Pecos Diamonds vibrates quite strongly within the lower chakras, and is known to create balance between these chakras and the higher chakras.There is detailed information for each chakra, and you need only click on the highlighted chakra name to go it.