Acts as counsel to U.S. delegations and participates in negotiations at the U.N., the Organization of American States, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and elsewhere on matters relating to human rights and refugees. In Haunting Legacy, the father-daughter journalist team of Marvin Kalb and Deborah Kalb presents a compelling, accessible, and hugely important history of presidential decisionmaking on one crucial issue: in light of the Vietnam debacle, ... 1 FAM 210 BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION (A) (CT:ORG-576; 04-05-2021) (Office of Origin: A/EX/CSM) 1 FAM 211 SCOPE AND AUTHORITY. FUNCTIONAL OFFICES The Office of the Legal Adviser also supports the various functional bureaus of the Department which have crosscutting, worldwide responsibilities for specific program areas. INL combats crime by helping foreign governments build effective law enforcement institutions that counter transnational crime—everything from money laundering, cybercrime, and intellectual property theft to trafficking in goods, people, weapons, drugs, or endangered wildlife. H Bureau, in coordination with the Executive Office, Office of the Legal Adviser and Bureau of Legislative Affairs (L-H/EX), managed nearly $18 million in travel funding on behalf of Congress in FY 2019. L/CAâs roles include negotiation and implementation of international agreements on consular relations, information sharing and prisoner transfers; working on proposed immigration-related legislation; drafting Department regulations and guidance; participating in interagency initiatives; interpreting U.S. law and obligations under international agreements; assisting the Department of Justice in litigation related to the Departmentâs consular functions; and promoting compliance by law enforcement officials with U.S. obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and other consular agreements. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Functional Bureau Strategies. State Department Functional Areas. The Under Secretaries of State serve as advisors to the Secretary and lead the Department’s efforts in their respective subject matters. Foreign Affairs Manual and Handbook Home; FAM. The Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) directs the worldwide building program for the Department of State. Functional Bureau Strategies. BUREAU OF DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND LABOR (DRL) (CT:ORG-553; 07-28-2020) Found inside – Page 433The department's regional and functional bureaus also contain public diplomacy offices , which report to the relevant assistant secretary . § 74803 etseq. The State Department should require demonstration of successful service in a functional bureau or functional post overseas at the mid-ranks (in addition to the entry-level consular tour already . Defends U.S. laws and practices in response to a variety of U.N., OAS, and OSCE human rights complaint mechanisms, and coordinates U.S. reporting to treaty bodies on U.S. implementation of human rights treaty obligations. This volume features a detailed examination of the perspectives and actions of both the United States and the Soviet Union and their interactions, including the inter-relationships of domestic factors with foreign and security policies in ... Shortcuts to Sections on This Page: Web Help The Department (about the Secretary and Department of State, FOIA information) Policy (regional and functional bureaus/topics: regional bureaus also appear under "Regions") Regions (regional bureaus/country information, Geographic Learning Site for Students/Teachers) Outreach (press briefings, remarks, major publications list, public affairs . The Office of the Legal Adviser also supports the various functional bureaus of the Department which have crosscutting, worldwide responsibilities for specific program areas. FUNCTIONAL OFFICES The Office of the Legal Adviser also supports the various functional bureaus of the Department which have crosscutting, worldwide responsibilities for specific program areas. Therefore, sectors, localities and especially Taxation Bureau and the provincial department of Environment and Natural Resources should improve shortcomings and excel promulgation and explanation of the tax policy for taxpayers. Students can work in one of the many offices which make up the respective geographic or functional bureaus. The PMA is a set of management initiatives designed to make government more citizen-centered, effective, and efficient. Organization Structure —The Department of State's organization structure consists of the Office of the Secretary, Functional Bureaus, Regional Bureaus, Administrative Bureau, Special Offices and Staffs, and Posts Abroad. If you need additional assistance or have any questions, please email the FBS Support team at The Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security serves as a Senior Adviser to the President and the Secretary of State, leads the interagency policy process on nonproliferation, and manages global U.S. security policy, including: nonproliferation, arms control, regional security, defense relations, arms transfers, security assistance. The Under Secretariat team coordinates closely with the regional bureaus, functional bureaus, the interagency, the private sector, and international partners to ensure the Department's public diplomacy and public affairs activities are consistent, forward looking, supportive of U.S. foreign policy, and grounded in research. Office of Political-Military Affairs (L/PM):Â Provides legal assistance in matters relating to global military and political-military activities, base rights and status of forces agreements; foreign military claims and suits against U.S. Armed Forces; munitions control; use of force and war powers; and laws of war. Found inside – Page 11The second way , of course , that the State Department's focus can be broadened is through the work of its functional bureaus : political , military ... Department of State Organization Chart, August 2021 (Accessible PowerPoint Version) [88 KB] [89 KB] Department of State Organization Chart, August 2021 (PDF Version) [96 KB] DOS Org Chart August 2021 [97 KB] U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): FY 2020 International Sports Programming Initiative Announcement Type: New Cooperative Agreement Funding Opportunity Number: SFOP0006298 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 19.415 Key Dates/Application Deadline: Thursday, February 27, 2020 The major offices and bureaus are subdivided into offices and/or directorates, divisions, branches and sections. Found inside – Page 16How does the Bureau of Diplomatic Security exercise its influence in the regional and functional bureaus at the State Department and also at our missions ... The reintegration of ACDA and USIA into State added another six functional bureaus to the mix. Office of Employment Law (L/EMP):Â Provides legal advice and services to the Director General of the Foreign Service and the Director of Human Resources, in addition to those involved in the management of the Department’s human resources and labor relations; conducts hearings before EEOC, MSPB, Foreign Service Grievance Board and supports personnel litigation in Federal courts. Found inside – Page 61( 3 ) In addition , a process of exchanging personnel between the State Department functional bureaus and the “ limited foreign offices ” of the domestic ... Found inside – Page 76... to the Department of State.34 There, USIA's remnants were divided and partitioned among Department of State's geographic and functional bureaus, ... UNCLASSIFIED (U) 1 FAM 500 Social and Scientific Functional Bureaus. regional and functional bureaus that make up the core of the State Department." He asserted that his planned changes would empower regional and functional bureaus, create a more efficient State Department, and improve the department's ability to achieve critical foreign policy goals that are currently the responsibility of special envoys. Found inside – Page 849( Department of State photo ) Secretary of State --1 Deputy Secretary of State State Department. Functional Bureaus Other bureaus have functional ... The Office of Regional, Global, and Functional Affairs interacts with Congress on the Department's full range of policy issues of interest to the Congress. Diplomatic Security The Bureau of Diplomatic Security, established under the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, as amended (22 U.S.C.A. This is a new law with many new characters and big influences on people, so its launching work encounters many obstacles. Found inside – Page 37New functional bureaus have been added to the State Department organizational structure, along with a layer of under secretaries, creating complex competing ... Found inside – Page 53The State Department is composed of 26 bureaus that are assigned either regional or functional responsibilities. Regional bureaus are responsible for ... State Department Functional Areas. Functional Bureau Strategies (FBS): A focused, subject matter specific strategic plan developed by each functional bureau that sets priorities and is based on coordination between the functional bureaus and partner regional bureaus, key overseas missions, and interagency partners. Found inside – Page 19Department of State. functional bureaus , are important foreign policy issues for the United States . Many ambassadors and deputy chiefs of mission have ... Found insideHe and Rice need to install, in the State Department and its foreign embassies, ... Tours involving assignments in the “functional bureaus” (such as ... L/NPA also advises policymakers on nonproliferation-related sanctions and assistance programs, nuclear safeguards and export controls, and other threat-reduction activities, and on space and cyber arms control initiatives. INTERNAL FUNCTIONAL BUREAUS. The Under Secretariat team coordinates closely with the regional bureaus, functional bureaus, the interagency, the private sector, and international partners to ensure the Department's public diplomacy and public affairs activities are consistent, forward looking, supportive of U.S. foreign policy, and grounded in research. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, Office of the U.S. Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. Found inside – Page 50... diverse components comprising the Department's IT security program , identifies the functional bureaus responsible for development and implementation of ... 1 FAM 210 BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION (A) (CT:ORG-576; 04-05-2021) (Office of Origin: A/EX/CSM) 1 FAM 211 SCOPE AND AUTHORITY. Other functional bureaus have responsibility for different critical operations and aspects of the administration of the Department of State, including Administration (A), Consular Affairs (CA), Diplomatic Security (DS), Legislative Affairs (H), Global Talent Management (GTM), and Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO). A representative description of the functional offices is set forth below: Office of Buildings and Acquisitions (L/BA): Provides legal advice and representation in the solicitation, award and . (6) Coordinates the bureau's efforts on energy diplomacy with U.S. Government and State Department policy and programs on arms control and nonproliferation, related to nuclear energy; and (7) Conducts policy analysis that covers broad areas of our foreign economic policy in five functional areas: Found inside – Page 991Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, ... the State Department , such as with the regional and other functional Bureaus ... Found inside – Page 48... been redistributed to the Division of Compensation , overseas missions and designated posts , and regional and functional bureaus in the Department . Found inside – Page 109Responsible State Department Offices: Regional Bureaus, Functional Bureaus, INR, Overseas Missions Lead Agencies: State, DoD, Intelligence Community. Found inside – Page 157The State Department's deficiencies were usually in the transnational areas that ... They are the responsibility of the so - called functional bureaus and ... Most U.S. Department of State Student Internship Program opportunities are offered at the bureau level. ), provides a secure environment for conducting U.S. diplomacy and promoting U.S. interests worldwide. An official website of the United States Government, Office of the U.S. Found inside – Page 10... with a number of bureau officials at the department , functional bureaus and geographic bureaus , as well as some State Department employees overseas . Joint Regional and Functional Bureau Strategies (JRS, FBS) guide priority setting and resource allocation at the regional and functional bureau level. Bureaus and offices cover “regional” or “functional” topics. Found inside – Page 194The second significant post-9/11 challenge for the State Department, ... the State Department today is integrating its regional and functional bureaus. Found inside – Page 27The State Department , unlike other federal organizations , is well equipped to conduct ... myriad functional bureaus , and the broader U.S. government . These functions include: adjudication and revocation of visas and passports; the protection of U.S. nationals and their property abroad; loss or acquisition of U.S. nationality; passport, visa and terrorism-related information sharing; international childrenâs issues; enforcement and administration of immigration laws. The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) is one of the State Department's "functional," as opposed to "geographic" bureaus. Bureaus and offices cover "regional" or "functional" topics. 1 FAM 211.1 Policy (CT:ORG-113; 07-01-2002) It is the policy of the Department of State to provide for a uniform handling of administrative programs and responsibilities. 1 FAM; 2 FAM; 3 FAM; 4 FAM; 5 FAM; 6 FAM; 7 FAM; 8 FAM; 9 FAM; 10 FAM; 11 FAM; 12 FAM; 13 FAM Office of Legislation and Foreign Assistance (L/LFA):Â Provides legal advice on legislation affecting the Department, including Department appropriations and authorization legislation dealing both with Department operations and foreign assistance; works with other agencies and with Congress on legislative initiatives of interest to the Department; advises on implementation of foreign assistance programs, including legal requirements related to termination of foreign assistance and implementation of sanctions. We also operate several other types of offices, most of which are located throughout the United States, including passport agencies, foreign press centers, logistic support offices, security offices, and financial service centers. 1 FAM 510. At the agency level, the State Department and USAID Joint Strategic Plan (JSP) outlines overarching goals and objectives, and guides bureau and mission planning. INL combats corruption by helping governments and civil society . Most report to one of six Under Secretaries, but some report directly to the Secretary of State or the Deputy Secretary of State. Found inside – Page 14The State Department conducts activities designed to promote and protect ... State maintains a headquarters with regional and functional bureaus and 252 ... Found inside – Page 10an assessment after one year United States Advisory Commission on Public ... In a few functional bureaus, public diplomacy is working well; in others, ... Found insidePolitical Affairs The mainstream State Department mission is conducted in the regional and functional bureaus reporting to the under secretary for political ... Found inside – Page 4Brookings Institution, Henry Field Haviland, United States. ... organization of the Department of State , combining both geographic and functional bureaus ... About 99 per cent state services are available online through government's middleware (X-road); 70 per cent citizens use the ID card regularly; 43.8 per cent Estonians cast their vote online in Parliament election 2019 and 2600+ services can be accessed through the eID. The assistant secretary of state . This indicates a Bureau that focuses on a particular issue wherever it arises around the world. Organization Structure —The Department of State's organization structure consists of the Office of the Secretary, Functional Bureaus, Regional Bureaus, Administrative Bureau, Special Offices and Staffs, and Posts Abroad. The major offices and bureaus are subdivided into offices and/or directorates, divisions, branches and sections. Found inside – Page 1896... tracking systems are reviewed and updated frequently and regularly Validation : TIP works closely with State Department regional and functional bureaus ... Office of Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (L/OES):Â Provides legal advice on matters relating to development, negotiation and application of international and domestic law relating to oceans, including law of the sea, maritime boundaries, maritime drug interdiction, navigation and over flight freedoms; environment and conservation, including marine pollution, transboundary air pollution, biodiversity, ozone depletion, biotechnology, desertification, trade and environment, environmental impact assessment, endangered species, liability for environmental damage; scientific and technological affairs, including technology transfer and intellectual property rights; outer space, including the Space Station agreements; and polar affairs, including all matters related to the Antarctic Treaty system. Found inside – Page 802Compilation of Studies United States. Congress. ... The present organization of the Department of State , combining both geographic and functional bureaus ... Global AIDS Coordinator and Health Diplomacy (S/GAC), Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance Resources (F, Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI), Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance (AVC), Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN), Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM), Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO), Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL), Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP), Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB), Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES), Office of the Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State (E/STAS), Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS), Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, Office of the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Office of the Secretary’s Special Representative for Syria Engagement, Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, United States Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security (T), Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights (J), Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and Environment (E), Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P), Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (R), Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Policy, Planning, and Resources. Found inside – Page 267The State Department is entering the 21st century with outdated and costly ... 15 functional bureaus , including a bureau for international organizations . Today, 13 of the 20 policy bureaus and offices in State concentrate on functional matters (see figure 1). What is the Bureau's role in the Department of State? The geographic bureaus and offices advise the Under Secretary and guide the operation of the U.S. diplomatic missions within their regional jurisdiction. International Organization Affairs develops and implements the policies of the U.S. Government within the United Nations and its affiliated agencies, as well as within certain other international organizations. A representative description of the functional offices is set forth below: Office of Buildings and Acquisitions (L/BA):Â Provides legal advice and representation in the solicitation, award and administration of Federal acquisition contracts; the acquisition and development of real property abroad; the negotiation and litigation of contract disputes; the defense of bid protests at the General Accounting Office; the management of Government property domestically and abroad; the drafting and interpretation of Federal acquisition laws, regulations and policies; the oversight and administration of employee associations at posts abroad; grant and cooperative agreement law, regulations, policies and administration. Found inside – Page 35The fact that at least five different State Department functional bureaus ( which relate to three under secretaries ) , in addition to the geographic ... In addition, all level functional agencies . This stage is designed to articulate priorities within the Department's regions and functional areas and outline specific tradeoffs necessary to bring resources into . Provides legal advice and support throughout the Department on asylum and refugee law, and human rights issues ranging from torture, genocide, and arbitrary detention to freedom of movement, assembly and expression. INTERNAL FUNCTIONAL BUREAUS. bureau (IO). e-Estonia ID is also available in the form of smart card (smart-ID), mobile . This report discusses the issues concerning U.S. public diplomacy. Determining levels of public diplomacy funding. Establishing capabilities to improve monitoring and assessment of public diplomacy activities. Charts and tables. Shortcuts to Sections on This Page: Web Help The Department (about the Secretary and Department of State, FOIA information) Policy (regional and functional bureaus/topics: regional bureaus also appear under "Regions") Regions (regional bureaus/country information, Geographic Learning Site for Students/Teachers) Outreach (press briefings, remarks, major publications list, public affairs . The Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) is a functional bureau within the United States Department of State.The Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs coordinates a suite of portfolios related to oceans, environmental, polar, scientific, fisheries, wildlife, conservation, and natural resource and . U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): FY 2021 International Sports Programming Initiative Announcement Type: New Cooperative Agreement Funding Opportunity Number: SFOP0007532 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 19.415 Key Dates/Application Deadline: Thursday, March 11, 2021 Office of Human Rights and Refugees (L/HRR):Â Provides legal advice and support to the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. As their work is often related, bureaus and offices that report to the same Under Secretary are said to belong to the same “family,” and are usually identified with a single letter representing each Under Secretary. Office of United Nations Affairs (L/UNA):Â Provides legal advice on matters related to the U.S. participation in the U.N., its specialized agencies and other international organizations; international criminal tribunals; U.N. consideration of specific situations; international peacekeeping; multilateral sanctions; the use of force; peaceful settlement of international disputes; matters concerning the International Court of Justice and problems arising out of the presence of the U.N. and other international organizations in the U.S. An official website of the United States Government, Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues, Office of the U.S. Found inside – Page 48... been redistributed to the Division of Compensation , overseas missions and designated posts , and regional and functional bureaus in the Department . The United States Department of State (DOS), or State Department, is an executive department of the U.S. federal government responsible for the nation's foreign policy and international relations.Equivalent to the ministry of foreign affairs of other nations, its primary duties are advising the U.S. president, administering diplomatic missions, negotiating international treaties and agreements . The author relates his experiences in the State Department during a period that witnessed World War II, European reconstruction, the Korean War and McCarthyism The team coordinates closely with bureaus, the interagency, the private sector, and international partners to ensure the Department’s public diplomacy and public affairs activities are consistent, forward looking, supportive of U.S. foreign policy, and grounded in research. Security, DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS instruments inl combats corruption by helping and... 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