South Sudan has among the world’s highest maternal mortality ratios, highlighting under-investment and lack of prioritization of women’s right to health. 2.1- South Sudan’s HDI value and rank South Sudan’s HDI value for 2019 is 0.433— which put the country in the low human development category—positioning it at 185 out of 189 countries and territories. Research on gender inequity in international health in both low- and high-income countries. By Getty Images for HRW. Customary laws in South Sudan deny women rights of inheritance and ownership of productive assets, lack of voice and decision making in family and Thus, the lack of implementation is hindering women from playing effective roles in promoting gender mainstreaming in all government institutions. South Sudan is one of the countries with deeply entrenched cultural practices and social norms linked to gender. Gender equality and women's empowerment has long been a part of USAID's work. Child marriage is further fuelled by poverty. South Sudan has the highest maternal mortality rate in the world at more than 2054 out of every 100 000 live births. The research findings reveal the following issues and concerns pertaining to women’s conditions and gender issues in South Sudan: This study proposes several policy recommendations to address the challenges facing women, and for the achievement of gender equality in South Sudan. Improving women’s access to the legal system by establishing institutions that collect and document cases of gender-based violence, training of female legal professionals, and provision of legal aid programs for women seeking justice. UNDP has made gender equality central to its work and we’ve seen remarkable progress in the past 20 years. Practices such as early marriage and gender-based violence are widespread in South Sudan, mainly due to unclear and varied definitions of an adult across many ethnic groups, the availability of small arms making possible forced and early marriages, as well as non-specification of the minimal legal age for marriage in the Transitional Constitution. Between 2010 and 2019, South Sudan’s HDI value … A new anthology of poems, short stories, and artwork by South Sudanese women, “No Time to Mourn”, seeks to provide personal insight into gender inequality and related abuses in South Sudan. Found insideBuilding on new analyses and new sex-disaggregated data, Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between trade and gender equality and to identify a series of ... Population (2019): 11.1 Million. Improving the health care system and developing infrastructure to improve access and ensure better living conditions for women and their families. A recently independent country, South Sudan, is facing mountains of transitional difficulties, including how to address developmentally retarding gender inequality. 0.456. High illiteracy rates among women and the prevalence of sociocultural perceptions that devalue girls’ education hinder women’s participation in politics and other public affairs of the country. Young women in Juba will live different lives than their mothers and grandmothers. Found insideThis book offers a multidisciplinary treatment of this important topic, harnessing perspectives from international law and international relations, traversing academia and practice. Empowering women has strong impact in the lives of their children, allowing them to productively build a bright future. It also brings the review of research up to date throughout and explains new debates and emerging gender theories. the girls’ experiences in terms of gender equality in Sudan and in poor rural areas of South Africa, but also the socio-economic value attached to formal education in both countries. Esther shares,”We have understood that every child deserves the best in life and it is not a bad idea to provide equal opportunities for both girls and boys.”. Many of our large-scale programs have a gender component and objective to address gender inequality. Which countries have gender inequality in education? Sudan is a developing nation that faces many challenges in regard to gender inequality. Officially recognized as the Republic of Sudan, the country is located in North-eastern Africa between Egypt and Eritea. The attacks happened in broad daylight, as these women and girls were on their way to food distribution sites. More than half of them do not attend school, 90% of females are obliged to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM), 12.4% of girls are forced to marry before the age 15, and many of them are employed as child soldiers. Watch: FEED II - Stronger livelihoods in South Sudan through partnerships, Photos and Story by Jemima Tumalu with inputs from FEED II Chief of Party Alana Mascoll, Many women in remote areas of South Sudan are still at risk of losing their lives or babies due to home delivery caused by either no access to health facilities. Find more information and data on education here. Some background on Sudan. Children of Sudan are facing harsh poverty. Nevertheless, expenditure Establishing a gender program within universities and research institutes such as the Sudd Institute to conduct research on women and gender issues to shape public policy and influence implementation. "We used to be at our farm lands in Gezira across the river and didn't know much. The women of South Sudan are actively participating in the ongoing peace talks both as direct representatives of the two sides of the conflict, and as representative of neutral civil society organizations advocating for the concerns and interest of all the women of South Sudan and the South Sudanese population as a whole. First, it analyzes concepts and themes such as gender, gender configurations, gender mainstreaming, and gender equality to set the context for the discussion of women’s conditions in South Sudan. Gender inequality not only affects individual employees, it can also affect the overall economic performance of the organization. Besides being illegal, discriminating on the basis of gender has far reaching implications for your female employees as well as for their male colleagues. Women and men of all ages are suffering from the effects of conflict, including abuses and loss of control over, and access International actors interested in South Sudan recognize that promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment and addressing gender-based violence (GBV) are key to maintaining … The National Policy on Disability in South Sudan aims at promoting equal opportunities for enhanced empowerment, participation and protection of rights of PWDs irrespective of gender, age, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation and nature of disability. But now they are changing for the better. Currently she is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of African Immigration Research, Department of African and African American Studies, Fordham University. Mandatory paid maternity leave (days) 90. This OECD report focuses on how best to close gender gaps under four broad headings: 1) Gender equality, social norms and public policies; and gender equality in 2) education; 3) employment and 4) entrepreneurship. Women in South Sudan have a historic From failing public healthcare systems to racial inequality, the pandemic has laid bare unjust … Sudan: a country ensnared by poverty, inequality and underdevelopment Part two of an edited extract from A Poisonous Thorn in Our Hearts: Sudan and South Sudan's Bitter and Incomplete Divorce In South Sudan, the participation rates of girls and women in education are shockingly low. Chad is fifth, followed by Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Liberia and Ethiopia. Traditional leaders gathered in Wau engaged in important talks about reconciliation, conflict management, gender equality and a culture of impunity. Times in South Sudan are changing. In a ten-day period in November 2018, more than 125 women and girls were raped, beaten, and robbed in the town of Bentiu in South Sudan. During the course of this study various research approaches were utilized for data collection. While the very low rates in Uganda and South Sudan are to be celebrated, a low rate is still not acceptable for such a gross violation of human rights. The second phase is just getting started. The findings reveal a high frequency of GBV across all assessment sites; however, population-based studies are needed to determine the prevalence of GBV in South Sudan. " Income Inequality Trends in sub-Saharan Africa: Divergence, Determinants, and Consequences is a groundbreaking United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) study that provides policy guidance to reduce income inequality in sub-Saharan ... Ranked 139 out of 187 countries on the Human Development Index and 47 out 144 countries surveyed on the Gender Inequality … The main purpose of the focus group meetings was to elicit data on socio-cultural norms, and to acquire broad perspectives on issues and concerns. The Sudan, however, remains characterized by macroeconomic instability, gender inequality, high rates of malnutrition and food insecurity. UNESCO, in partnership with the National Press Club South Sudan, conducted a capacity training workshop for twenty-five journalists and editors in Juba on 17 and 18 August 2021. Found insideA growing body of empirical evidence suggests that inequality—income or gender related—can impede economic growth. Fourth, the study concludes by outlining policy recommendations for the promotion of gender mainstreaming to ensure gender equality in South Sudan. "Social and Policy Aspects of Gender and Migration in Sudan." She says,” I am able to do all this because World Vision showed us the right path and we are grateful for the support.”, She adds, “Through World Vision, some of the women in Tokiman community can now read and write. South Sudan Gender Analysis: A snapshot situation analysis of the differential impact of the humanitarian crisis on women, girls, men and boys in South Sudan-March-July 2016. We have understood that every child deserves the best in life and it is not a bad idea to provide equal opportunities for both girls and boys. Last year, South Sudanese women and girls around the world started #SouthSudaneseSurvivor, on Twitter, providing a rare platform for survivors of sexual violence to share their experiences and call for accountability. for the equality of men and women. Her life on that side of the world was much more different from life in Juba or in counties where girls were sent to school to be educated. She was born and raised in Southern Sudan, and educated in Sudan, Egypt and Canada. Untitled, My Plate of Combo Series, Acrylic Paint by Abul Oyay Deng, 2020. International Women’s Day Interview: Covid, Women, and Building Back Better, A Glimmer of Hope for South Sudan’s Victims, Indian Girl’s Alleged Rape and Murder Sparks Protests, Afghanistan: Taliban Abuses Cause Widespread Fear, Zimbabwe: Dire Lack of Clean Water in Capital, US: Treatment of Haitian Migrants Discriminatory, China’s Coal Announcement Potential Climate Game-Changer. Focus group meetings were held with the following associations: the Ayiki Farmer’s Association in Yei River County whose members include both women and men; the Lo’bonog Women Association in Lo’bonog Payam and Rabita Salam Wa Muhaba based in Gu’dele residential area in Juba. A new anthology of poems, short stories, and artwork by South Sudanese women, “No Time to Mourn”, seeks to provide personal insight into gender inequality and related abuses in South Sudan. Found insideThis report maps strategies, governance tools, institutional settings and innovative approaches used by governments across the OECD to drive and support society-wide gender equality goals. We will write a custom Research Paper on Public Policy Analysis on Gender Inequality in Education in South Sudan specifically for you. This is why Women’s Day celebrations every year is important for the project as it celebrates where women have come from and where they can go”, Mascoll concludes. Second, the study identifies and examines some barriers to women’s participation in public sphere, ranging from social, cultural, economic, legal and political. Taking a look at the very controversial and ongoing issue of gender equality, specifically in South Sudan, Africa.By: Gillian Gazdic and Sierra Parsons widely practiced in South Sudan. Many gender-oriented policies in South Sudan are not implemented, and others are still in draft form. In line with UNDP’s Gender Equality Strategy 2014-2017 and in close consultation with national, state and county government as well as with development partners, UNDP South Sudan works to mainstream gender equality and advance women's empowerment into core governance functions, economic … [66] The issues being debated include: the age of consent for marriage (puberty under the current law), [67] polygamy, [68] and female genital mutilation (FGM). Soccer, which has long been used to unite a country torn apart by war, is now being used to combat some of the gender inequality that women persistently face in this central Africa n nation. She is the author of Sudanese Women Refugees: Transformations and Future Imaginings, 2007, and several book chapters and articles. Some of its shortcomings include the likelihood of tokenism, emphasis on numeral representation, power of party patronage, and disregard of the domestic productive and reproductive responsibilities of women. Back to Top. Found insideInformal Armies: Community Defence Groups in South Sudan's Civil War. ... and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Narrative Summary . The majority of which are engaged in nomadic grazing and agriculture. A fghanistan, which has the highest level of gender disparity in primary school, is the only non-African country to make the list, ranking in fourth place. Lessons from South Sudan on Gender Equality. It recognises the historic inequalities between women and men in South Sudan and sets out a 25% Affirmative Action quota for women in legislative and executive bodies. This volume contains seven chapters that consider how fiscal policies can address women’s and girls’ disadvantages in education, health, employment, and financial well-being. Author: Munzoul Assal Abstract: S udan is both a sending and a receiving country for economic as well as forced migrants (refugees). Tuesday, April 23, 2019 (PW) — For every country to have a successful Educational System, they must have a good Information Communication Technology (ICT) background, hence, for South Sudan to achieve successive female participation in education. c b. Abstract. Rebeca, 18, has been affected by conflict and food shortages in South Sudan. This study seeks to examine how structural factors, customary laws and traditional practices, and economic hardships shape women’s status and hinder their effective participation in leadership positions in South Sudan. COVID-19 has exposed fault lines in both rich and poor countries. Getting it Right : Strengthening Gender Outcomes in South Sudan. As the new humanitarian chief assumes his position, Plan International is calling on him to raise the ambition of the humanitarian sector on gender equality and inclusion and to seize the opportunity to drive truly transformative change. By doing so, the study identifies some of the socio-cultural, economic, legal, educational and political conditions, which lead to gender inequality in South Sudan. From Afghanistan to Sudan, women in conflict areas are increasingly turning to technology to build peace and reduce gender inequality. Found insideFrom Perspective of Skills for South Sudan Founding Member Lawrence M. Tombe ... of this goal to ensure that gender inequality in education was eliminated. South Sudan has among the world’s highest maternal mortality ratios, highlighting under-investment and lack of prioritization of women’s right to health. Edward’s areas of research interest center on refugee and immigrant women’s experience, human rights and education, gender, race, class and representation, gender issues in conflict and post-conflict situations, and African immigration to the United States. Humanitarian organizations have highlighted that domestic and other forms of gender-based violence increased with the conflict in South Sudan. Found inside – Page 1The challenges of growth, job creation, and inclusion are closely intertwined. This volume brings together key research by IMF economists on issues related to gender and macroeconomics. An error occurred while subscribing your email address. Prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting among girls and women (% of girls and women ages 15–49) n.a. Women are also fighting to be included in political processes beyond gender quotas. Women in South Sudan face obstacles accessing the justice system due to the dictates of customs and traditions, as well as a general lack of financial resources to file legal claims. A girl stands next to a herd of cattle, often given as dowry for child marriage, in Bor, the capital of Jonglei in South Sudan. 2.4 South Sudan’s Commitment to Gender Equality: Data Presentation and Analysis. Found insideCivilizing Women is a riveting exploration of the disparate worlds of British colonial officers and the Muslim Sudanese they sought to remake into modern imperial subjects. Huge efforts are in place to keep girls in school, and encourage families to value their … ENVISIONING A PEACEFUL, JUST AND PROSPEROUS SOUTH SUDAN, Author: 809 certified writers online. The Government should: Also women’s differentiated personal locations represent another obstacle to women’s unity. Also the Gender Focal Points or departments created by the Ministry of Gender, Child, and Social Welfare in various government institutions are inadequately funded. As a result, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) argues that addressing gender norms in South Sudan is crucial to addressing the causes of conflict. Gender inequality is very common in families of South Sudan in front and behind the rails, despite the legal measures and steps taken and this has brought a concerned putting in mind the facts that women had the same ability with men to equally participate in all aspects of life like One-on-one interviews were conducted with randomly selected government officials, policy makers and ordinary South Sudanese females and males to understand their experiences and perspectives on issues related to women and gender in South Sudan. Violence Against Women and Girls During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya, Women and Matrimonial Property Rights in Kenya, Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice. Traditional leaders in Western Bahr el-Ghazal have identified more balanced gender roles and an end to a culture of impunity as key factors to achieve harmony within and between their communities. ... South Sudan. Providing nuanced accounts of how the social identities of men and women, the context of displacement and the experience or manifestation of violence interact, this collection offers conceptual analyses and in-depth case studies to ... A women's empowerment initiative that uses a food security and livelihood platform. Get updates on human rights issues from around the globe. We have also sent our children to school so they will be educated and independent in the future.”, Diana Jore, the chair leader of the Tokiman Center women’s group says,” We can now see our worth as women and even report other gender-based violence (GBV) cases that affect us in the community. This report examines women’s leadership in locally led humanitarian action with case studies from Bangladesh and South Sudan. It highlights the resilience of South Sudanese women and girls and their efforts to challenge barriers restricting their advancement. Revolving around the night of a murder, THE JACKSONIAN brims with suspense and dark humor and unearths the eerie tensions and madness in a town poisoned by racism. Found insideThis report examines the links between inequality and other major global trends (or megatrends), with a focus on technological change, climate change, urbanization and international migration. © 2021 The Sudd Institute. This groundbreaking book distills vast data and hundreds of studies to shed new light on deprivations and constraints facing the voice and agency of women and girls worldwide, and on the associated costs for individuals, families, ... South Sudan is relatively egalitarian and lacking in religious extremism. The entirety Article 16 of the Transitional Constitution, 2011 has been dedicated to women’s matters as a gesture of good practice. We are thankful.”. Please give now to support our work, Women Demand to Be Heard and Enjoy Full Rights. This article aims to look at the church’s role in the formation and up-keeping of gender inequality, and how it shaped and constrained gender equality through a stereotypical lens. Specification of the appropriate age of marriage in the constitution, and ensuring law enforcement to combat early marriage and gender-based violence. “We will work together to make plans to adapt the way women and men make decisions in their community, farmers groups and homes. In addition, Sudan ranks 129 among 148 countries on the Gender Inequality Index in the report. Found insideOver the past decade, the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) has consistently shown that governments need to look at discriminatory laws, social norms and practices to achieve gender equality and promote women’s empowerment. South Sudan, the world’s newest nation, has the unique opportunity to implement policies that promote gender … Equality implies that the interests, needs and priorities of both women and men are taken into consideration. Got married in her village named Gezira utilized for data collection Author of Sudanese women Union. 2010. 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