Wakes at 7am has 8oz formula 1530 50-60 grammes cereal mix (with water to mix) plus half a jar fruit purée for added taste. Feed Amount Per Day. He usually wakes up anywhere from 8-11 am… If it gets to be past 11 I usually wake him up unless he had a rough day the day before then I just let him sleep. She gets a little apple/prune juice cut with water every few days to help keep her regular but she needs that less now that she gets veggies and fruits. 12:00 LUNCH 3-4 oz of formula, 2 tbsp of veggies, 2 tbsp of fruit (usually one is finger food like steamed green beans, peas, ripe pear, cantaloupe chunks, etc), 2 tbsp of either yogurt or cottage cheese 8-8:20- nap 7:00 dinner bread Some experts recommend waiting until a dog is about one year old before starting with serious exercise and this can vary by breed. meat/veggies; finger foods) and 8.00 breakfust plus 1 round of toast cut up, 12.30-1 beans/spaghetti on toast or 3stage jars of food and a pudding with juice in juice cup, 2-4 plays and snacks on fruit or any other finger foods. Thenfrom 18 weeks up to 9 monthsthree meals a day at regular intervals. 5:15-5:45 wakes up in crib, I give her 6 oz. 1. between 8:00-8:30 bed. For 3-6 months old Lab puppy, feed them 3-5 times daily (a mix of dry and wet food). I don’t know if it because she’s getting her molars but she doesnt eat as much in the day and wants to nurse more through the night. Why don’t some of you give your baby a small amount of formula in a bottle or cup with breakfast? 8 am- oatmeal mixed with stage 2 fruit. 7:00-9:30am – Plays and/or Naps Brea kfast. We got to think, what we teach them today they will be tomorrow. He gets 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup at night, with a kong filled with milkbone and peanut butter during the day (monday-friday) when we go to work. 10:00 AM – noon – 1st nap he sleeps all night :) 2:45 usually up then 4oz bottle and snack There is no right or wrong way … Just love your babies! Sometimes she wakes up at 6 am! 8-10 Weeks Old. A good book to help: first foods by anabel kebel (I’m pretty sure that’s the last name, but its GREAT!! whole milk in cup. 6 to 7 Months Old Feeding Schedule. 5:00 – nap i don’t hear a peep till around 10:30 or 11am its great! **once they are able to eat more finger foods I plan to have them eat breakfast when they wake and push back that morning bottle so that they will then be eating 3 bottles and then phase out the others as well as they eat more table food and we focus on more of a 3 meals a day schedule. Schedule 6: A formula-feeding part-time working mom of a 10-month-old and an older child Editor's note: This schedule is a combination (parent-led and baby-led) routine Julian's schedule at daycare is very similar to the one below, except that we leave the house around 7:30 a.m. and his naps are shorter and usually start later. baby oatmeal, 1/2 jar fruit (pear) puree, 1/3 container yo-baby yogurt, 1 oz. They are in daycare and are eating all daycare food, will eat finger snacks in between sometimes, they are happy, healthy and doing great. 9:30-11:00- Nap im a full time mom and i guess time is only time.i dont have to be slaved by time. Feeding a Pitbull puppy starts with finding a commercial or homemade diet that contains all the right nutrition for their life stages.. Changes need to be made gradually, and the number of meals each day needs to reflect their age. Found inside – Page 112The nature and pattern, rather than simply the timing, of solid feeding are ... most one-monthold infants in UK have received some infant formula and by 10 ... Sometime during this period she usually gets a jar of food – we are now trying meat blends. Skip to the schedule Daycare persons will make the schedule by themselve. 12 pm- we do a combination of stuff. 7.30am: Ella wakes up and has a bottle of formula. Found inside – Page 185fed their 9-10-month-old baby at least once a day, 57% changed their baby's nappy ... to feed or change their baby's nappy at least once a day (Figure 7.5). 1:00-3:30 Nap time 2pm: stage 2 fruit plus 4 ounce bottle Girls become mothers, who turn into lovers 4 answers /. ½ cup = 4 ounces = 120 mL ¼ cup = 2 ounces = 60 ml. We have changed to a new commenting system. please help = i am ready to cry and obsessed with reading online all websites and blogs of others and searching for any help/advise.. will eat stage 2 and yogerts but looks like she is miserable being fed. Hi! Bf 40min later, Snack 1/2kiwi or Avacado and crust or rice cracker again, Dinner 5pm 2tbl jar food protein & vege. My daughter happens to be on a schedule but only because this seems to work best for her and us! playtime 13 to 18 Month Old - Feeding Milestones to Look For. Here is our schedule: 7:30am wake up 10:00 bath time, massage, dress (2nd Foods) and Fruit (2nd Foods) And I don’t breast feed him simply because he left breastfeeding at 4 months Does that make me a bad mom – NO!!! Come on moms… After he wakes up whcih is any where from 4-7pm he plays then whenever supper is done he eats with us. 3:30 or 4 – naptime. This schedule has worked pretty well for us, with some occasional variations to adapt to things that may come up in the day. 2:30 Nap–till 5:00 This means you'll need to make fewer purees and mashes to freeze. John Mayer. 3:30 – Snack (fingerfood) and Juice He is a very healthy and happy baby and it is exactly where he is supposed to be weight wise. 1330 – 1415 Nap, either in bed, or in car. My little one is very advanced for his age & has been walking for almost two months now. 11:00- 1-2 oz juice diluted with water or just water. 10 pm – 7-8oz bottle then bed 5:30 – Dinner (Meat & Veggie mixed with cereal and Fruit for dessert) 3:30pm breastfeed 2.30pm snack (baby yoghurt,organix wheat puffs and water in a sippy cup). YoBaby Yogurt (with iron fortied cereal mixed in) at 10:45 a.m. Also likes to eat a whole Kraft single piece of cheese. 7:00 am - Wake up, milk, solids for breakfast. and swaddle your little bundle of joys they have better sleep when their little, 12pm – 8oz formula (trying to wean for when I start work again), 6pm – cereals with meat (and sometimes veggies), 10.30 1/4cup of cereal rice or oatameal with fruit, 1:30 at lunch veggies, shredded chicken and small pieces of potato, 3pm fruit juice plus water total liquid 5 oz, 7.30pm gerber veggies stage 2 with cereal 1/4 cup, i love preparing my little boy food at home although i hate cleaning the kitchen every two hours. 11:30- nap At this age, wake-time should be 1-2 hours TOPS, to avoid baby getting overtired. A Pug puppy should be fed 3 times daily. bathtime, quiet play and then to bed. And 1 Jar (128ml) of Meat and Mixed Veggies. Emily M (74) 21/09/2021 at 10:16 am. Feeding your baby: 6-8 months old. I have fraternal twins, a girl and a boy. After he eats he plays for awhile then has a nap any where from 2-5pm. I agree with the lady saying to feed your babies real food. 11: 6-7 oz formula bottle 12:00- Jar of stage 2 baby food and some small pieces of whole wheat bread and if she is still hungry then 1/2 jar of fruit. 9:00am – 11:30am: play 9:30-10:00 7oz formula 18:15pm – 19:15pm: play 1 piece of fruit (e.g. Loves his fruits and veggies. She also gets 1/2 to 1 jar of stage 2 organic veg or oatmeal fruit blend before 2nd nap. I’d love to have her nap longer during the day, but can’t complain that she sleeps 6:30pm-6:00am. should be getting each feeding, and how often your baby should be feeding. I have the same problem and presently have sitting in my kitchen cupboard 8 differant styles none of which my son will drink out of. I usually let him decide. So I’m a mom myself, I put my babie to sleep by nine & guess what he is such a smart babie pretty advance for his age & I’m amazed of what a great eater he is!!! Give them some REAL FOOD because that is what they need! 9:30 sleep By 10 months, the central incisors and lateral incisors may start coming in on the upper and lower gums. bottle of formula (we are trying to transition him to a sippy cup, it’s going well.). 6:00pm- dinner is always yummy and shareable, we DO NOT give our baby pork or red meat. At the age of 6 months, you can start to reduce the frequency, changing your Pug's feeding schedule times to twice a day. It is almost same for all the kids but since you are at home right now thats why you are not getting it being a mom. 1:00 Applesauce/Yo Baby Yogurt, whole grain bread, and fruit puffs or Gold Fish If putting your baby to bet at 11 is right for you…do so…Just love them and care for them the best you can! 27in long. My girls were on-schedule and in-sync the first month. bottle formula 8.30am weetabix or banana porrige for breakfast he eats a lil soft food.. but still has NO TEETTH. - BabyCentre UK 8 pm try to put her to bed but she goes to sleep at 10 pm. 9:00 PM bed, 6:30am –> 7 to 8 oz formula 9:15- snack (bagels, English muffins, oatmeal, etc.) she is such a happy baby and is always smiling and she knows when her nite nite time is so im guessing im doing a good job. 4.30 breastfed + nap 444. 7:15-7:30 Breakfast, he has 3 Tbsp. 6.30 eat rest of dinner and nibble crust or top up with fruit or yoghurt, Sometimes wakes @ 4am for feed then cereal is @ 8am & lunch 12.3pm. formula. 2:30-3:00 – 1/2 jar of gerber baby fruit and 7oz of formula, 3:30 to 4:00 – Usually goes down for Nap #2. Infant Baby Feeding Chart Schedule and Guide - HERCOTTAGE. Daughters will love like you do. Usually drinks most of it and goes back to sleep.**. Large breeds should be fed unmoistened dry food by 9 or 10 weeks; small dogs by 12 or 13 weeks. 12.00 – prepared veg with either fish.chicken,cheese (pureed,)Yoghurt/fruit plus water drink from bottle So have fun with feeding your baby at this stage! He never wakes up at the same time nor does he eat at the same time. 6:00 DINNER 4-6 oz of formula, 3 tbsp of stage 3 cereal, 2 oz of vegetable (most times it’s freshly steamed and cut up for finger food), and 2 oz of meat and alt: out of 7 days–> 2 days fish, 2 days beans, 3 days beef, pork, poultry my baby girl is 10months old today :-) she has reflux and is not allowed any milk products. cottage cheese? Cereal, Fruit & Yogurt, 2:00pm – Nap (sleeps for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2hrs), 3:30pm – Possible Snack if up early. Doesn’t anyone breast feed their babies anymore? Discover how much your one year old should be eating, and find out the best foods for one year olds. *He wakes at 5:30am most days and has his AM Prilosec dose 4tbl.sp cereal mixed w/2oz formula he also has “little puffs” snack puffs in between meal through the day or a fruit. She drank like that for a week and then I put the valve back and she didn’t even noticed…so now she loves her sippy cup. Talk and sing together. 8:30/8:45 Breckfast–Cereal 3Tbls W/7Tbls formula 6oz Bottle of Formula Hell get to chew a little bit, but they basically melt in ur mouth. (4, 5) 8-8:30 -Walk puppy. 8:30ish Nap A huge number of parents have shared their feeding schedules by commenting below. Breastmilk or 4 to 6 ounces formula 12:30 PM – 3rd stage jar of a meat / veggie dinner OR pasta (table food), OR a 2nd stage veggie with a 2nd stage meat. 6:15 wake her(have to to go to work) 4 oz formula to drink, 2pm 5 oz formula to drink A puppy should be fed at least three times a day until it is four months old. But the doctor always says he knows when hes tired & he knows when he hungry & he will make you well aware of either one. 10am-snack (gerber puffs, baby crackers, finger foods) & sippy cup with water. Mums share their 10 months feeding routines… "I have a 10 month old girl and she's stopped taking any milk before bed and so I dreamfeed her about 10. his feeding schedule is as follows: 6:00 AM he has a 8 oz bottle 11:00 4oz bottle Helping your baby learn a daily rhythm will greatly improve their sleep! He bites me whilst breast feeding and i am trying to put him on formula but having no luck as he refuses to drink any type, or use any type of teets bottle or cups….is he too young for the 1-3yrs toddler formula? If putting your baby to bed at 7 is right for you…do so… bottle. 3 Snack (juice in a cup)puffs or rice crackers. 8:30- eats 4-5 tbsp rice cereal mixed with 3 oz formula and then has 2 oz left in bottle And here are a few other threads in the Forum, with feeding schedules shared: But also make sure you scroll down this page. 8:30am- pear, apple, strawberry, mango slices rinse with water in a sippee, then He is doing well according to the doctor, but I still worry. my daughter is 10 months old and drinks EVERY formula bottle with COCONUT WATER/MILK instead of regular water. There are some dog foods that are labeled "all ages (or stages)", so it is okay for a puppy, but most foods are either labeled either puppy or adult. stop when full (they know better bottle after 2nd nap, sometimes she drinks the whole thing, sometimes she “snacks” taking an ounce or so at a time. You need not to worry about. Here is his schedule. This schedule assumes that your 7- to 9-month-old is taking two naps (though some 7-month-olds may still need three). Using a high quality kibble for puppies, give your puppy ¼ cup four times daily. You'll want to divide their food requirement by two. 7:45 7 oz bottle with cereal in it A baby's first teeth start to come in around 6 months old and will continue up through close to 3 years. 8:30 Fruits( banana, apples,) 7:00 wakes up 3:00pm nap time 10:30-1:30pm – Plays and/or Naps 3:00PM – Gerber 2nd Stage Food (For ex: Apples & Chicken) 8oz. 1:00pm- RAW diced veggie, squash, broc, mushrooms along with fresh berries, apple or pear My baby’s almost 10 months and his daily schedule goes something like this (of course with a little flexibility): 7:30am – Breakfast. 7:00 Wake up; 5 oz. She will sometimes wake up at 11:00pm for another 6oz feed but this has been decreasing since her solid food is increasing. 7oz., at 11 inches long Do not listen to judgemental moms and just wait and see how PERFECT their kids turn out to be ;-) After all, one got hungrier quicker. 8:00 am - Free play ( floor time, cuddle time with mom, sibling play) 9:00 am - Nap time. * 5am- 7oz of breastmilk in bottle (I pump full time). A very happy baby. 830 BEDTIME I HAVE TRIED DIFFERENT FORMULA,PUTTING TO BED EARLIER, LATER. :-), ok so i am also struggling with a feeding schedule for my 10 month old twins…, i feel like i struggled to spread their nursing sessions out to four hours, and now that they are eating solids, i seem to be feeding babies every two hours or so, how do you get anything done/go anywhere with babies eating so often. feeding solids soon so they won’t 3:00 7 oz formula bottle 12:00 sleep – wakes up again at 6:30-7 am for 6 oz bottle Sample menu ideas for an eight- to twelve-month-old: 1 cup = 8 ounces = 240 mL. Criticism seems to come flying from everywhere once you become a mom! We then watch a children's programme together. followed by yoghurt or fruit, 1:30/2:30-2/3pm: Nap (dependent on how long a morning nap she has had), 5pm(ish): Dinner, similar foods to lunch but a smaller meal followed by fruits, baby biscuit or yoghurt, (Water offered and taken throughout day, occasional snacks of baby crisp type things or fruit), 7:30am breakfast: waffle w/fruit puree spread on it and cut up & berries, 12-1pm lunch: cut up turkey, cheese, and cheerios and yobaby yogurt (sometimes add cut up green beans or cooked carrots), 3pm snack or yogurt melts and puffs or cheerios, 6-6:30 dinner: Stage 3 dinner w/cut up veggies and whatever else we are eating. 6:00 – Bath 7.30 – wheatabix/porrige with 5oz formula and cup of 6 oz formula Sure thing! 2:00-2:30 – Usually wakes and plays for 30-45min. read about this website and how it all started here. She is my first baby and i feel so lost! – plays a bit and then has breakfast 7:30 am (oatmeal, other mixed cereals, pureed fruit mixed with yoghurt, sometimes cheese, toast and cream cheese) Solid foods are not meant to be their main source of nutrition yet anyway; breast milk or formula is.Check with her health nurse to make sure. 10:30 breakfast bread with orange juice 1pm breastfeed 3 yogurt or bottle with cereal (depends on our day) and puffs. thats the main layout of the schedule. No water or bottles of formula in between. The parents have a schedule for most activities of the child such as sleeping and playing. Baby-Led Weaning Recipe Book is a must-have resource for parents and is the perfect standalone guide for those wanting to explore this method exclusively. recently needing a nap, normally stays up till 2pm, 5.00pm 3 rusks, 40g fruit (crushed, mixed with water to paste), 7.00pm 4oz bottle or meat, veg/ pasta (stage 2), 11.00pm 6oz bottle (we have always woke her for night bottle because we have to give her meds). 3 pm Nurse 5 minutes then Nap from 3 to 5. I worked at a daycare for 12 years and this is the schedule a lot of children are on at this age along with my litte one: she dont like to eat as soon as she wake up, 12:30-1:30 eats half to a third of a cup of oats with 4oz formula mix with pureed veges I will give my daughter a sippy cup with 1/4 gerber juice (apple or pear), and the rest water, and she will sip on it between lunch and dinner, and after dinner until bed time. By 11 months I started giving them pieces of actual chicken and whatnot and they’re fine. 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