The adequacy between the applicant's career plans and the training sought is evaluated in order to ensure that the prospective student stands to gain the most from it. You cannot use the same application form twice. Graduate admissions do not provide for a waiting list. Data controller : Sciences Po (la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP) et l’IEP de Paris), Direction de la formation, Jury d’admission, MESRI; Data recipients : Sciences Po, jurys of Admission, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), Partner universities who offer with Sciences Po… Master in International Public Management. Coaching Sciences Po Paris Master 2021 has 3,441 members Make sure to submit your application form by clicking on the Submit button. Data controller : Sciences Po (la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP) et l’IEP de Paris), Direction de la formation, Jury d’admission, MESRI; Data recipients : Sciences Po, jurys of Admission, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), Partner universities who offer with Sciences Po… which allows you to track the status of your application. Master Sciences Po Paris. In order to apply to Sciences Po, please follow … It offers a … The Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (known as “Sciences Po”) was established in 1871 and is one of France’s leading universities for social sciences. If you apply to several programmes with different deadlines, you must meet the earliest deadline. Each of these intensive programmes is taught in English in Paris. Our seven graduate schools offer 30 Master's degrees and five PhD programmes. We fully understand your disappointment and your wish to know more about the reasons for our decision. Please note that you should have been awarded your degree with the first examinations, and not through resits. The overall undergraduate admissions rate at Sciences Po was 18.5% in 2016. … Continue reading Sciences Po … Les doyens, accompagnés d’étudiants, ont également abordé les questions relatives aux programmes, procédures d’admission ou encore frais d’inscription. For over 140 years, Sciences Po has educated decision-makers of the public and private sectors. ), École de la recherche (anciennement École doctorale), Bacheliers des systèmes secondaires étrangers. You can do so directly from your application platform. All deadlines always refer to Paris time (23h59). Sciences Po created the Emile Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po (1871), in order to welcome the very best international students from outside the European Union. This will ensure referees have adequate time to reply. Important: Our platform does not automatically invalidate incomplete files, it is your responsibility to submit an application that includes all required documents (including completed references). Check the list of Master's and dual degree programmes. It is important that the applicants show a clear idea of the professional field (or even position) that they are aiming for, and that they state clearly what aspects of their personality or background have led them to this choice. When applying to different programmes, you must write two personal statements in separate sections. Students are admitted through the competitive entrance examination only. Having the opportunity to study in Paris and New York, students obtain both Sciences Po and SIPA’s Master’s degrees in the same amount of time it takes to earn one degree. Les candidats justifiant d’au moins  180 crédits ECTS (niveau bac+3 ou équivalent) obtenus dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur étranger ; Les titulaires d’un diplôme de Master étranger dans un pays dont les universités ne délivrent pas de diplôme de 1er Cycle. La procédure française est ouverte aux candidats qui se trouvent dans l'une des situations suivantes (ou s'y trouveront au plus tard en juin ou juillet de l'année en cours) : Les titulaires d’un diplôme français de niveau Bachelor ou Licence ; En savoir plus sur la procédure française. Dans les pages correspondant à la procédure qu'il vous revient de suivre, vous serez invités à créer votre dossier de candidature après avoir pris le soin de déclarer votre situation actuelle. La preuve : près d’un étudiant sur trois est boursier. À Sciences Po, les difficultés financières ne sont pas un obstacle pour étudier. To be assessed, your application must be complete and submitted before the deadline of the programme you are applying to whilst also respecting the deadlines for scholarships, where applicable. Sciences Po offers degrees at the Undergraduate, Masters, Ph.D and Executive Education levels. Spanning a wide range of disciplines, this unique opportunity offers core courses in international relations, economics, and … Please note: paying the application fee does not mean that your application form has been submitted. Spanning a wide range of disciplines, this unique opportunity offers core courses in international relations, economics, and management and a large … You can select: You cannot apply for two dual degree programmes or two master's programmes. It is important to us, and to the applicants, that we offer them the training and academic framework that they need. Interested students submit applications to the School of Law’s faculty International Relations Committee during the application period in the fall of their second-year. The online applications for the 2021 intake are open. You may apply to a Sciences Po Master's programme up to 3 times, from admissions 2018 and on. On Wednesday, 10 February 2021, the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Frédérique Vidal appointed Bénédicte Durand, Vice President for Academic Affairs, as temporary administrator of Sciences Po. En règle générale, la procédure internationale d'admission en Master et programmes de double diplôme est ouverte aux candidates et candidats ayant effectué leur cursus universitaire dans un établissement d'enseignement supérieur étranger (non français) et ayant obtenu : Les titulaires d’un diplôme étranger de niveau « Undergraduate » (Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Sciences / licenciatura / Licence) ; Vérifiez les conditions d'éligibilité par la procédure internationale. The Paris Institute of Political Studies (French: Institut d'études politiques de Paris), commonly referred to as Sciences Po Paris or just Sciences Po (IPA: ), is a grande école and grand établissement located in Paris, France.It was founded in 1872 to promote a new class of French politicians in the aftermath of the French defeat in … Campus France: If you come from a country using the CEF procedure, please note that you cannot apply to Sciences Po through their system. The Sciences Po Strasbourg Diploma. Voici les grandes lignes qui vous permettront de vous orienter dans un premier temps, mais lisez bien les critères d'éligibilité de chaque procédure pour confirmer celle qui correspond à votre situation. Your admission offer is for the programme that you were evaluated for only. Check the admissions and scholarships calendar. Bocconi and Sciences Po are pleased to announce a new Double Degree program in the area of European and International Public Policy and Politics for outstanding students, taught by renowned experts in public policy and politics.. Find out the first steps (calendars, access your online student account, register, choose your courses, etc.) The application fee of €100 is not refundable. The Sciences Po Undergraduate College offers a three-year Bachelor’s degree programme that includes a year abroad at one of 470 partner universities. Here are some explanations why your application was unsuccessful. A fourth application will be deemed non eligible. En savoir plus sur les admissions en double diplôme. Spend one year in Paris, one in Berlin, then graduate with degrees from both the Hertie School and Sciences Po. First of all, you should choose which programme(s) you wish to apply to. Sciences Po in Paris offers one-year Master’s programmes for young professionals who want to fast-track their career. Past this date, your admission offer will no longer be valid. Your first year is spent at Bocconi University in Milan, where you will study the … Comment vous inscrire, choisir vos cours, trouver un logement, consulter les calendriers, etc. If you already applied on a previous year, you must create a new application form. Campus France: If you come from a country using the. Sciences Po is France’s leading university in the social sciences and has been educating decision-makers in the public and private sectors for the past 140 years. En savoir plus sur la procédure internationale. 27, rue Saint-Guillaume ... B = Bachelor's degree, C = Certificate degree, D = Doctor degree, M = Master degree . When applying to different programmes, you must write two personal statements in separate sections. Afin de renforcer la diversité de ses étudiantes et étudiants et d'affirmer ainsi la richesse et la qualité de sa formation, Sciences Po a créé plusieurs procédures d'admission aux programmes de Master et de double diplôme qui diffèrent en fonction de la situation du candidat. If you do not hold an undergraduate degree at the moment you accept the offer of admission, you must provide a copy of your diploma by the time of your administrative registration (early spring). You join the Paris School of International Affairs and study for one of the following programmes: Master’s in International Security Master's in International Economic Policy Master's in International Public Management. In a series of 40-minute Q&As, current students and the deans of each of our Graduate Schools went live to answer questions from students interested in applying to one of our programmes. Please note: You may only apply to Sciences Po programmes once per academic year. Sciences Po offers a multidisciplinary education with over half of the 13,000 student population hailing from 150 countries outside of France. Spanning a wide range of disciplines, this unique opportunity offers core courses in international relations, economics, and … Les écoles de Sciences Po ont répondu à vos questions lors d'une émission en direct sur Campus Channel. Sciences Po is differentiated by its strongly international character: of the 13,000 students in the institution, 46% are international students originating … The prestige of Sciences Po attracts many students to … Should you not be admitted, you are not allowed to apply to a different programme or through another procedure for the same academic year. before the deadline of the programme you are applying to whilst also respecting the deadlines for scholarships, where applicable. You may not enroll in or transfer to any other academic degree program / school unless you have submitted a separate application and received a separate admission offer. We do not offer fee waivers, unless you have a refugee status. Students will have the opportunity to study in Paris and New York and obtain both Sciences Po and SIPA’s Master’s degrees in the same amount of time it takes to earn one degree. Applicants from foreign secondary schools, Check the admissions and scholarships calendar, School of Research (formerly known as the Doctoral School). Sciences Po has an urban campus in Paris. Applicants must therefore clarify the reasons why they have chosen the given programme, what exactly are the aspects they find attractive and explain how Sciences Po would be an integral part of their plans. Discover seven of the many reasons young professionals from all over the world choose Sciences Po to take their expertise to the next level. It may/can take up to two hours before receiving the activation link. The international graduate admissions procedure is open to applicants who graduated (or will graduate the year of application) in an institute outside of France and wishing to apply to a Master's programme and/or a graduate dual degree programme.