She considered herself more of a tomboy, and often joined in the neighborhood games of baseball. "It was because of her that I played the Mocambo, a very popular nightclub in the '50s. Ella Jane Fitzgerald (April 25, 1917 – June 15, 1996) was an American jazz singer, sometimes referred to as the First Lady of Song, Queen of Jazz, and Lady Ella. The press went overboard. Ella Fitzgerald. In 1974, Ella spent a legendary two weeks performing in New York with Frank Sinatra and Count Basie. She toured all over the world, sometimes performing two shows a day in cities hundreds of miles apart. Il existe des anecdotes, certaines contradictoires ou mystérieuses, d’autres inutiles ou voyeuristes concernant la biographie d’Ella Fitzgerald, mais elle avait choisi de ne pas y donner prise. En 1934, elle participe à un concours Ella Fitzgerald Biography American singer, a vocalist with an incredible velvety voice, producing equally beautiful sounds regardless of whether she was singing scat, improvising, singing up … In 1923, Fitzgerald's half-sister, Frances Da Silva, was born. (Or rather, some might say all the jazz greats had the pleasure of working with Ella.). Her grades dropped dramatically, and she frequently skipped school. Au début chanteuse de swing, elle aborde aussi le bebop. After getting into trouble with the police, she was taken into custody and sent to a reform school. It was there that Ella first met drummer and bandleader Chick Webb. In mid 1936, Ella made her first recording. She felt at home in the spotlight. She asked the band to play Hoagy Carmichael's "Judy," a song she knew well because Connee Boswell's rendition of it was among Tempie's favorites. Ella Fitzgerald, in full Ella Jane Fitzgerald, (born April 25, 1917, Newport News, Virginia, U.S.—died June 15, 1996, Beverly Hills, California), American jazz singer who became world famous for the wide range and rare sweetness of her voice. Ella Fitzgerald wuchs in Yonkers in der Nähe von New York auf und war seit ihrem vierzehnten Lebensjahr als Vollwaise auf sich allein gestellt. Perhaps naïve to the circumstances, Ella worked as a runner for local gamblers, picking up their bets and dropping off money. A wreath of white flowers stood next to her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and a marquee outside the Hollywood Bowl theater read, "Ella, we will miss you.". "All I can say is that she gave to me as much as she could," Ray, Jr. later said, "and she loved me as much as she could.". On June 15, 1996, Ella Fitzgerald died in her Beverly Hills home. In the process he and Ella became lifelong friends, often working together. Passionnée de danse et de musique, elle est remarquée à seulement 16 ans alors qu’elle chante dans un … The album sold 1 million copies, hit number one, and stayed on the pop charts for 17 weeks. "I owe Marilyn Monroe a real debt," Ella later said. Due to a busy touring schedule, Ella and Ray were often away from home, straining the bond with their son. Ella took the loss very hard. Elle commence à chanter dans l'orchestre en 1935, au Savoy de Harlem. She was laid to rest in the "Sanctuary of the Bells" section of the Sunset Mission Mausoleum at Inglewood Park Cemetery in Inglewood, Calif. Ella went to the theater that night planning to dance, but when the frenzied Edwards Sisters closed the main show, Ella changed her mind. Une autre de ses improvisations fameuses a eu lieu au cours d'un concert à Antibes-Juan-les-Pins sur la Côte d'Azur à l'été 1966, alors qu'elle se produisait dans la Pinède Gould à l'occasion du festival Jazz à Juan, avec sa légendaire interprétation swing-hot jazz de It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) avec Duke Ellington et son big band[3], ou son hommage aux cigales avec The Cricket Song[4]. La série de jeu vidéo "Fallout" a aussi utilisé ses musiques dans les radios intégrées au jeu. Once, while in Dallas touring for the Philharmonic, a police squad irritated by Norman's principles barged backstage to hassle the performers. Ses parents n'étant pas mariés, son père abandonne le domicile conjugal deux ans et demi après sa naissance. Ella Fitzgerald (né le 25 avril 1917 à Newport News - morte le 15 juin 1996 à Beverly Hills) est l'une des plus importantes chanteuses de jazz. During this time, Ella enjoyed sitting outside in her backyard, and spending time with Ray, Jr. and her granddaughter Alice. The owner said yes, and Marilyn was there, front table, every night. "If the kids like her," Chick said, "she stays.". In her lifetime, she won 13 Grammy awards and sold over 40 million albums. Ella Jane Fitzgerald was born on April 25, 1917 in Newport News, Virginia. Sa mère est blanchisseuse, et son père quitte la maison peu après sa naissance. Ella Jane Fitzgerald was born in Newport News, Va. on April 25, 1917. Ella Fitzgerald adorait danser, admirait Earl Snakehips Tucker et rêvait d'être danseuse. Elle a également une carrière d'actrice dans plusieurs films des années 1940 à 1960. In search of a better life, the family moved from Newport News, Virginia to Yonkers, New York. En 1935 ayant remporté une semaine de scène au théâtre Apollo, Ella Fitzgerald débute dans la Chanson en jouant aux côtés de l'orchestre Webb. Her voice was flexible, wide-ranging, accurate and ageless. To support the family, Joe dug ditches and was a part-time chauffeur, while Tempie worked at a laundromat and did some catering. Sa mère qui travaillait dans une blanchisserie, se met alors en ménage avec Joseph Da Silva, un immigré portugais. La compagnie Verve a été créée au départ pour elle par son manager Norman Granz. Porgy and Bess est son enregistrement le plus connu avec la légende du jazz qu'était Louis Armstrong, mais elle a également enregistré avec lui le célèbre album Ella and Louis qui eut un tel succès que Norman Granz leur demanda d'enregistrer un Ella and Louis Again, qui fut également un succès. They came into Ella's dressing room, where band members Dizzy Gillespie and Illinois Jacquet were shooting dice, and arrested everyone. Elle est considérée, avec Sarah Vaughan, Nina Simone et Billie Holiday, comme l'une des plus importantes et célèbres chanteuses de jazz de l'histoire de ce genre musical, avec une tessiture de trois octaves, remarquable pour la pureté de sa voix et sa capacité d'improvisation, particulièrement en scat. Elle a aussi chanté avec d'autres voix du jazz comme Nat King Cole ou Frank Sinatra[9]. Perhaps in search of stability and protection, Ella married Benny Kornegay, a local dockworker who had been pursuing her. In September of 1986, Ella underwent quintuple coronary bypass surgery. Ella Fitzgerald Biographie. Her voice was flexible, wide-ranging, accurate and ageless. Ella Fitzgerald was born in Virginia in 1917. from the rowdy crowd, a scared and disheveled Ella made the last minute decision to sing. She personally called the owner of the Mocambo, and told him she wanted me booked immediately, and if he would do it, she would take a front table every night. She was self-conscious about her appearance, and for a while even doubted the extent of her abilities. Her father, William and her mother Temperance, also known as Tempie, divorced shortly after Ella’s birth. CBS est sur le point de signer un contrat avec elle en 1932 lorsque sa mère meurt, la laissant orpheline. The series was wildly popular, both with Ella's fans and the artists she covered. In 1938, at the age of 21, Ella recorded a playful version of the nursery rhyme, "A-Tisket, A-Tasket." "They took us down," Ella later recalled, "and then when we got there, they had the nerve to ask for an autograph.". In her lifetime, she won 13 Grammy awards and sold over 40 million albums. Her audiences were as diverse as her vocal range. Ella Fitzgerald was born on April 25, 1918, in Newport News, Virginia, but she spent her youth just outside New York City in Yonkers, New York, and received her musical education in public schools. "I knew I wanted to sing before people the rest of my life.". Cette version de Mack the Knife est certainement l'un des succès les plus connus d'Ella Fitzgerald, avec Mister Paganini et How High the Moon. Ses concerts sont souvent enrichis par des imitations d'autres chanteurs ; elle imite en particulier à la perfection les voix et les gestes aussi bien de Rose Murphy que de Louis Armstrong. She left school to … Découverte lors d’un concours amateur, elle est devenue la meilleure chanteuse de jazz pendant des décennies.. L'agilité vocale d'Ella Fitzgerald est remarquable, comme dans ses interprétations de You'd Be All That I Could Desire ou dans sa finale To Come Home and to Love[11]. After that, I never had to play a small jazz club again. in full Ella Jane Fitzgerald, (born April 25, 1917, Newport News, Virginia, U.S.—died June 15, 1996, Beverly Hills, California), American jazz singer who became world famous for the wide range and rare sweetness of her voice. Sarah Vaughan fut une de ses seules rivales dans ce domaine. After a private memorial service, traffic on the freeway was stopped to let her funeral procession pass through. Her father, William, and mother, Temperance (Tempie), parted ways shortly after her birth. Née en 1917, Ella Fitzgerald s’est tournée vers le chant après une enfance troublée et a fait ses débuts au Théâtre Apollo en 1934. Fitzgerald was 15 when her mother's death in 1932 upended her world. "Love and Kisses" was released under the Decca label, with moderate success. Norman wasn't the only one willing to stand up for Ella. Ses parents n'étant pas mariés, son père abandonne le domicile conjugal deux ans et demi après sa naissance. Ella Jane Fitzgerald naît le 25 avril 1917 à Newport News en Virginie , fille naturelle de William Fitzgerald et Temperance « Tempie » Henry (1894-1932). She was an unusual woman - a little ahead of her times. Elle est la reine du scat, et elle a joué du blues, de la samba, du gospel etc., et même des chants de Noël. Malgré sa notoriété, elle a été victime, comme beaucoup de Noirs à cette époque, de discrimination ; elle s'est battue tout au long de sa vie pour le prouver. Biographie courte de Ella Fitzgerald - Ella Fitzgerald, avant de devenir l’une des chanteuses de jazz les plus connues au monde, grandit dans une banlieue défavorisée de New York avec sa mère. While on tour with Dizzy Gillespie's band in 1946, Ella fell in love with bassist Ray Brown. Leur collaboration donnera naissance à quelques hits comme le fameux « If you can't sing it » ou « Love and kisses » enregistré en 1936. As the effects from her diabetes worsened, 76-year-old Ella experienced severe circulatory problems and was forced to have both of her legs amputated below the knees. The 15-year-old found herself broke and alone during the Great Depression, and strove to endure. France followed suit several years later, presenting her with their Commander of Arts and Letters award, while Yale, Dartmouth and several other universities bestowed Ella with honorary doctorates. Off stage, and away from people she knew well, Ella was shy and reserved. En effet Marilyn, très grande admiratrice d'Ella Fitzgerald, téléphone en personne au patron du club et lui demande de programmer Ella Fitzgerald contre la promesse de réserver, chaque soir où elle se produirait, une table au premier rang. She performed at top venues all over the world, and packed them to the hilt. Unable to adjust to the new circumstances, Ella became increasingly unhappy and entered into a difficult period of her life. She obliged and sang the flip side of the Boswell Sister's record, "The Object of My Affections.". Biographie d'Ella Fitzgerald. Ella Jane Fitzgerald naît le 25 avril 1917 à Newport News en Virginie[5], fille naturelle de William Fitzgerald et Temperance « Tempie » Henry (1894-1932). Unfortunately, busy work schedules also hurt Ray and Ella's marriage. She was called the “First Lady of Song.” In a career that spanned 60 years, she became a music legend all over the world. And she didn't know it.". Ella Jane Fitzgerald, The First Lady of Song, became an internationally celebrated cultural force who has been called the greatest female singer in history.ELLA chronicles the ultimate rags-to-riches embodiment of the American dream, whose personal life was one of the best-kept secrets in show business until now. Enter the password that accompanies your username. Pourtant, à 16 ans, elle obtient un franc succès en chantant au théâtre L'Apollo de Harlem, à New York, et elle est remarquée par Bardu Ali de l'orchestre de Chick Webb, qui convainc ce dernier de l'engager. After staying with Joe for a short time, Tempie's sister Virginia took Ella home. C'est à Newport News dans l'Etat de Virginie que celle que l'on surnommait "La grande dame du jazz" voit le jour le 25 avril 1917.Dotée d'un timbre pure, d'une voix extraordinairement précise et intemporelle, Ella Fitzgerald était en effet une chanteuse émérite et célèbre qui avait un sens de l'improvisation sans pareil. Elle quitte Decca en 1955. Elle meurt d'un accident vasculaire cérébral à son domicile de Beverly Hills à Los Angeles le 15 juin 1996, à l'âge de 79 ans. Ella's half-sister, Frances, was born in 1923 and soon she began referring to Joe as her stepfather. [3] Com uma extensão vocal que abrangia três oitavas, era notória pela pureza de sua tonalidade, sua dicção, fraseado e entonação impecáveis, bem como uma habilidade de improviso "semelhante a um instrumento de sopro", particularmente no scat. Recognized worldwide as "The First Lady of Song," Ella Fitzgerald is arguably the finest female jazz vocalist of all time. She worked with all the jazz greats, from Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Nat King Cole, to Frank Sinatra, Dizzy Gillespie and Benny Goodman. Accueil Ella Fitzgerald Biographie Ella Fitzgerald Surnommée « First Lady of Song » ou « La grande dame du jazz », Ella Fitzgerald a été la chanteuse de jazz la plus … Ella played with the new style, often using her voice to take on the role of another horn in the band. Popularly known as the ‘First Lady of Song’, she harbored the dream of becoming an entertainer from a young age and entered in an amateur contest at Harlem's Apollo Theater in 1934. She could sing sultry ballads, sweet jazz and imitate every instrument in an orchestra. She was noted for her purity of tone, impeccable diction, phrasing, timing, intonation, and a "horn-like" improvisational ability, particularly in her scat singing. Ella also began appearing on television variety shows. Doctors also replaced a valve in her heart and diagnosed her with diabetes, which they blamed for her failing eyesight. Though this aspect of her life was rarely publicized, she frequently made generous donations to organizations for disadvantaged youths, and the continuation of these contributions was part of the driving force that prevented her from slowing down. Their apartment was in a mixed neighborhood, where Ella made friends easily. Sa demi-sœur Frances Da Silva naît en 1923. Ella, shy but ambitious, received excellent grades in scho… Fitzgerald wuchs in ärmlichen Verhältnisse auf und wurde schon früh Vollwaise. Together, Tempie and Ella went to Yonkers, N.Y, where they eventually moved in with Tempie's longtime boyfriend Joseph Da Silva. Ella apparaît aussi comme actrice et chanteuse, avec Peggy Lee dans le film La Peau d'un autre de Jack Webb en 1955, ainsi que dans les films Deux nigauds cow-boys de 1942, St. Louis Blues de 1958, et Let No Man Write My Epitaph de 1960. Elle commence une carrière solo en 1941. Outside of the arts, Ella had a deep concern for child welfare. An online guide to jazz biographies, discographies, reviews, and articles "Once up there, I felt the acceptance and love from my audience," Ella said. Le diabète la rend aveugle et conduit les médecins à l'amputer des deux jambes en 1993[10]. Elle ouvrait le concert avec le morceau de Duke Ellington Take the "A" Train ; elle a été une des rares à chanter des paroles sur ce morceau. By submitting this form, you agree to the. In 1932, Tempie died from serious injuries that she received in a car accident. En 1942, elle apparaît dans le film du duo comique Abbott et Costello, Deux nigauds cow-boys, réalisé par Arthur Lubin[7]. Sa carrière solo débute en 1941 et dure jusqu'au début des années 1980. Son vrai rôle était « instrumentiste de la voix ». It was the 26th time she performed there. Le couple part s'installer à Yonkers dans le comté de Westchester, près de New York où Ella grandit. Her father abandoned the family while Ella was still small, and Tempie took up with a first-generation immigrant from Portugal, Joseph Da Silva. She was the last of four great female jazz singers (including Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, and Carmen McRae) who defined one of the most prolific eras in jazz vocal style. Ella Jane Fitzgerald (Newport News, 25 de abril de 1917 — Beverly Hills, 15 de junho de 1996) foi uma cantora e compositora estadunidense. She never fully recovered from the surgery, and afterward, was rarely able to perform. In the band that night was saxophonist and arranger Benny Carter. Ella Fitzgerald est une chanteuse de jazz américaine, née le 25 avril 1917 à Newport News (Virginie) et morte le 15 juin 1996 à Beverly Hills (quartier de Los Angeles). D'abord surnommée « The First Lady of Swing »[1], elle hérite du titre de Jazz Royalty « The First Lady of Song » après l'apogée du swing (littéralement « La Première Dame de la chanson », mais souvent traduit par « La Grande Dame du jazz »), avec 70 albums vendus à 40 millions d'exemplaires en près de 60 ans de carrière, et 14 Grammy Awards, dont le Grammy du couronnement d'une carrière. Elle était d’une époque et d’un monde, le jazz, où les artistes restaient discrets sur … During this time, the era of big swing bands was shifting, and the focus was turning more toward bebop. They were rich and poor, made up of all races, all religions and all nationalities. Ella quickly quieted the audience, and by the song's end they were demanding an encore. Or la famille est méthodiste et l' église méthodiste africaine de Béthanie fournit à Ella Fitzgerald ses premières expériences en musique. Although her voice impressed him, Chick had already hired male singer Charlie Linton for the band. Shortly afterward, Ella began singing a rendition of the song, "(If You Can't Sing It) You Have to Swing It." En 1925, la famille déménage à proximité de School Street, un quartier italien pauvre. In fact, many of them had just one binding factor in common - they all loved her. Ella Fitzgerald, known as the “First Lady of Song” and “Lady Ella,” was an American jazz and song vocalist who interpreted much of the Great American Songbook. Her stepfather became abusive, so she went to live with an aunt in Harlem. Ils divorcent en 1953. By the 1990s, Ella had recorded over 200 albums. On Saturday, June 15th, 1996, an era in jazz singing came to an end, with the death of Ella Fitzgerald at her home in California. Elle doit alors se contenter de participer à des concours musicaux. Never one to complain, Ella later reflected on her most difficult years with an appreciation for how they helped her to mature. Norman refused to accept any type of discrimination at hotels, restaurants or concert halls, even when they traveled to the Deep South. Dubbed "The First Lady of Song," Ella Fitzgerald was the most popular female jazz singer in the United States for more than half a century. Après le décès de Chick Webb en 1939, l'orchestre continue sous le nom de « Ella Fitzgerald and Her Famous Orchestra »[6]. Her father, William, and mother, Temperance (Tempie), parted ways shortly after her birth. Ella Jane Fitzgerald was an American jazz singer counted amongst the most influential jazz singers of all time. Selon les propres mots d'Ella Fitzgerald, c'est Marilyn Monroe qui apporte un grand soutien à sa carrière en l'imposant littéralement au Mocambo Club de Los Angeles. She told him - and it was true, due to Marilyn's superstar status - that the press would go wild. Suddenly, Ella Fitzgerald was famous. Ella Jane Fitzgerald (Newport News, 25 de abril de 1917- Beverly Hills, 15 de junio de 1996), apodada Lady Ella, la Reina del jazz y la Primera dama de la canción, fue una cantante estadounidense de jazz. Dubbed "The First Lady of Song," Ella Fitzgerald was the most popular female jazz singer in the United States for more than half a century. Elle chante avec de nombreux partenaires instrumentaux comme Oscar Peterson, Count Basie (On the Sunny Side of the Street), Roy Eldridge, Joe Pass (Speak Love), Dizzy Gillespie, et le trio de Tommy Flanagan. Elle enregistre quelques tubes ave… Le couple part s'installer à Yonkers dans le comté de Westchester, près de New York où Ella grandit. Ella commence à chanter à 16 ans en 1934 au théâtre Apollo de Harlem à New York dans une des premières Amateurs Nights, concours de jeunes espoirs de la chanson, qu'elle remporte, contribuant autant à la gloire de l'Apollo qu'à la sienne. Once on stage, faced with boos and murmurs of "What's she going to do?" Ursprünglich wollte sie bei diesem Talentwettbewerb als Tänzerin antreten; als der Mom… "I never knew how good our songs were until I heard Ella Fitzgerald sing them," Ira Gershwin once remarked. Soon after Ella was born, her parents separated. Ella Fitzgerald was born in 1917 in Newport News, Virginia, United States to William and Temperance "Tempie" Fitzgerald. During elementary school she began singing at her local church, the … Sa facilité pour le scat, par exemple le « bap bi dou dam » entre le deuxième et troisième couplet de You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To, est remarquable et montre son approche très mélodique. En décembre 1947, elle épouse le contrebassiste Ray Brown[8] avec qui elle adopte son neveu, Ray Brown, Jr. (en) né le 13 octobre 1949 (fils biologique de Frances Da Silva, demi-sœur d'Ella). Ultimately, Ray Jr. and Ella reconnected and mended their relationship. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Norman saw that Ella had what it took to be an international star, and he convinced Ella to sign with him. Ne pouvant refuser une telle publicité, le patron accepte et Marilyn tient parole. Eventually Ella escaped from the reformatory. Shortly afterward Joe suffered a heart attack and died, and her little sister Frances joined them. Celebrating Black History join us as we share fun facts about the life of Ella Fitzgerald. She quickly became a favorite and frequent guest on numerous programs, including "The Bing Crosby Show," "The Dinah Shore Show," "The Frank Sinatra Show," "The Ed Sullivan Show," "The Tonight Show," "The Nat King Cole Show," "The Andy Willams Show" and "The Dean Martin Show.". Biography. On June 16, 1939, Ella mourned the loss of her mentor Chick Webb. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 2 février 2021 à 13:54. Ella Fitzgerald, known as the "First Lady of Song" and "Lady Ella," was an immensely popular American jazz and song vocalist who interpreted much of the Great American Songbook. Ihr Debüt als Sängerin gab sie mit siebzehn im legendären Apollo Theater in Harlem; das Apollo Theater veranstaltete regelmäßige Amateurwettbewerbe, von denen sie einen gewann. The two divorced in 1952, but remained good friends for the rest of their lives. Occasionally, Ella took on small jobs to contribute money as well. The two were married and eventually adopted a son, whom they named Ray, Jr. At the time, Ray was working for producer and manager Norman Granz on the "Jazz at the Philharmonic" tour. Living there was even more unbearable, as she suffered beatings at the hands of her caretakers. Sa demi-sœur Frances Da Silva naît en 1923. Durant le début de sa carrière artistique, elle est confrontée aux discriminations contre les Afro-américains, qui mobilisent alors de nombreux artistes. Ella rêve d'être danseuse. It was one of her most prized moments. Sa mère qui travaillait dans une blanchisserie, se met alors en ménage avec Joseph Da Silva, un immigré portugais. Ella Fitzgerald was a singer praised for her clear, sweet voice. April 1917 in Newsport News im US-Bundesstaat Virginia geboren. Ayant « gagné » en 1935 une audition pour une semaine, elle commence à jouer avec l'orchestre de Webb au Savoy de Harlem. Ella Jane Fitzgerald naît le 25 avril 1917 à Newport News, en Virginie, et grandit près de New York. Mentionné notamment dans le livret des deux 2 CD : Discography of American Historical Recordings, Discografia Nazionale della Canzone Italiana, Notices dans des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes, It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing), Sings the George and Ira Gershwin Songbook, Ella Fitzgerald MacK the Knife Live in Berlin 1960, Ella Fitzgerald & Duke Ellington - It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing, Ella Fitzgerald - The Cricket Song - Live 1964, Voir extrait du site officiel de la Chanteuse, Réseau des bibliothèques de Suisse occidentale, Glossaire théorique et technique de la musique occidentale,, Récipiendaire de la médaille présidentielle de la Liberté, Jazz Master du National Endowment for the Arts, Docteur honoris causa de l'université de Princeton, Docteur honoris causa de l'université Harvard, Article contenant un appel à traduction en anglais, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la musique, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à l'audiovisuel, Page pointant vers des bases relatives au spectacle, Page pointant vers des bases relatives aux beaux-arts, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la bande dessinée, Page pointant vers des bases relatives à la recherche, Page pointant vers des dictionnaires ou encyclopédies généralistes, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Portail:Biographie/Articles liés/Culture et arts, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. He offered Ella the opportunity to test with his band when they played a dance at Yale University. Selon la maison de disques Verve Music Group. In his absence the band was renamed "Ella Fitzgerald and Her Famous Band," and she took on the overwhelming task of bandleader.