This will help you keep all the Accordions in a Closed state by default when the page loads. Use this as CSS Class: my_accordion Today, we will be focusing on how to close an open accordion tab without having to press another, and also to have a “close” icon that you can click! In Close Default Open accordion module, To close the default accordion toggle, you need to go Go to Divi > Theme Option > Integration And copy the Control the toggle speed, use image icons, set the accordion item default state, and more. +1 – Ben Sewards Oct 8 '15 at 21:04 Add a comment | 7 this is really useful for debugging my accordions that were opened and closed based on localStorage -.- thanks! By default, the Divi Theme's Accordion Module will have the first Accordion opened when the Page loads.. Thanks Add an extra bunch of accordion-items, to make the page actually scroll. Change #my-accordian twice into #my-accordion in the script. If you want this for only specific Accordion modules then go to that Accordion Module Settings > Advance > Custom CSS Class. If you would like all your accordion items to be „closed“ by default, there is a simple trick that makes the 1st (open) item of your accordion … By default, the tabs of the Accordion Module in Divi cannot be closed. Divi Accordions Plus module allows you to create better accordions for Divi and Extra themes. The opened tab can only be closed when clicking on another accordion tab. DIVI's accordion feature is easy to set up and use but it does have a few limitations. Read More… In Divi Theme it doesn’t open or close. If you’d like to have all accordion items to start in the closed state by default, you can do so by adding the following into the footer. Description When Accordion is first displayed at page load, the first element is always open - would like a setting so all can be closed when page loads. I know it looks a mess as I am trying some accordion options. Set accordion item default state (open or closed) Divi Accordions Plus module allows setting the default state of each accordion item individually.. To set the accordion item default state (open or closed) open the child module (accordion item) settings by clicking the gear icon.. Find the Active setting under the Content tab -> Item State toggle and set it either to ON(open) or OFF(closed). In DIVI, by default the first toggle of an accordion module starts open, but sometimes we could like to have a clean list of headlines and only at further interest it should be possible to open the entries.The toggle module is doing that, but if we want to use an accordion, meaning that only one item can be open at a time, we can start the accordion all closed with … I turned off all… One of them is the ability to have the first accordion box automatically closed/collapsed by default. The default behavior of the Divi Theme’s accordion module is to show the first item of the accordion as open. But after that: it worked! To get the “Open an Accordion Item with an Anchor Link in Divi” to work, I had to make some changes: Ad and to the beginning and end of the script. [This thread is closed.] When you using the Divi accordion module – the first items is set to be open by default, and there is no option to set it to be closed.