Only make Samuraisaga when Synchro climbing. Meanwhile, Grass Shiranui has more avenues to banish their Shiranui Spectralsword (e.g. If Needle Ceiling is used to destroy Shiranui Shogunsaga and “return” a Shiranui Spectralsword to grave on one’s own turn, then Shiranui Spectralsword’s effect can be used immediately that same turn to summon e.g. For example, consider again the two card combo of Shiranui Squire and another level 4 Zombie monster in hand. And of course, this play also gives the deck a Turn 2 OTK option with an immediate 4500 ATK Shiranui Shogunsaga. Cyber Dragon is a fan favorite deck as it is capable of destroying your opponent's board in one turn. The revival effect is good because Shiranui decks banish their monsters a lot. Going second against Crystrons can be difficult, since the deck can consistently establish a board that leads into a Turn 3 synchro summon for Black Rose Dragon and Crystron Quariongandrax. One wants to avoid triggering these traps before establishing a board, since the Blue-Eyes that gets summoned in the end phase can not only be hard to out, but also banish one’s own backrow if it is Dragon Spirit of White. So having muliple copies of Forbidden Lance for this matchup helps one play through all the backrow. During either player's turn: You can discard this card to the Graveyard to target 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard; banish that target. This is because the Grass variant has more resources and ways to extend its plays after getting hit by Cybernetic Overflow. Below are some of the more common scenarios for when one might have Turn 2 lethal with Shiranui Shogunsaga. Stopping Vision HERO Increase is key because his effect would otherwise summon Vision HERO Vyon from the deck to search Polymerization for a deadly fusion play. One would then have more resources to work with on Turn 4, such as Shiranui Spectralsword’s effect from grave. This stops Vision HERO Vyon from banishing to search Polymerization. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name … Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon is a level 7 Zombie Synchro Monster that particularly shines in the Shiranui mirror match. Alternatively this can be used to debuff your opponent's monster during battle. Thus, negating Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn can put a stop to their entire turn. Magician Navigation or counter traps like Ultimate Providence. There is lvl 8 hieratic that let u recycle the banished monster, but i forgot the name XD Kiteroid is the main nuisance when trying to push for lethal vs. Lightsworns. Second, you can use it to revive two banished monsters usually including a Spectralsword to make a Synchro monster. Shiranui decks have strong options going first and second. Thumbnail designed and created by RandomPl0x. Chaos Dragon Levianeer is the biggest threat of a Lightsworn deck, so Artifact Lancea can put in a lot of work here to stop Chaos Dragon Levianeer from coming out. Once one has the combos of the standard build down and knows most of the effects of the Shiranui monsters by heart, learning to play the Grass variant should be a cinch. On the second effect: if the banished monster were Fire attribute, then one can destroy any spell or trap card on board. Blackwings are incredibly vulnerable to early-game disruption, particularly from Ballista Squad, Bad Aim, Needle Ceiling, Floodgate Trap Hole, Paleozoic Canadia, Cosmic Cyclone, Forbidden Lance, and Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror: Ballista Squad can destroy the Blackwing player’s Black Whirlwind or normal summoned monster (if not Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn) before Black Whirlwind’s effect resolves, thus stopping the search effect and possibly any more combo play. There is not much one can do if the HERO player opens the nuts with multiple Mask Changes – the best bet is to tech in multiple Sphere Kuriboh and hopefully open with them to stop lethal from Masked HERO Anki. Getting one’s normal summon effect negated by The Sanctified Darklord, either through a hard activation or a Darklord monster’s quick effect, can be devastating, as the Shiranui archetype has little to no comeback ability if the initial combo starter gets negated. Needlebug Nest and Dice It). Or if one expects to see a lot of Dark Magician decks on ladder, then one can include cards like Chaos Hunter and Cosmic Cyclone. Summoning Shiranui Sunsaga or Archfiend Zombie-Skull as soon as possible can also help play through Ultimate Providence, since they protect one’s monsters from destruction even if the negation from Ultimate Providence goes through. This matchup can be sort of a coinflip, with whoever going first having the advantage. a Floodgate Trap Hole that was set on a prior turn. Flipping down Medusa, Watcher of the Evil Eye immediately on summon is usually the play, because it also stops the Evil Eye player from special summoning their Basilius, Familiar of the Evil Eye from hand. Also, compared to the pre-banlist version, summoning multiple Sunsagas in one Duel now is close to impossible. Forbidden Lance has two key uses in this matchup. 22+ cards), then one can probably assume that it is a Neos - Invoked player. Ballista Squad by itself provides the deck three key utilities that other cards at the moment do not: (1) Its effect is a form of spot removal on the opponent’s turn, similar to Treacherous Trap Hole, with the limitation of only destroying one potential monster instead of two. It is also important to look out for delays from these two monsters even if Palace of the Elemental Lords is not on the field, since they can both still discard an Elementsaber monster from hand to activate their effects. This is the deadly Shiranui Spectralsword + Shiranui Solitaire combo that often ends games. Popular Skills: Alternative Evolution, Ultimate Dragons. Additionally, after using No Mortal Can Resist, the opponent will likely be below 3000 LP, which is lethal range for Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon. This is fine as long as one has a way to get another level 4 in grave next turn for Archfiend Zombie-Skull. Hi, I'm Smartrai, a USA Duel Links Player. ruling called “Turn Player’s Priority” that actually hurts the player who has the current turn in this interaction: Dark Cavalry can be chain blocked and destroyed with ease with Burgeoning Whirlflame plus Shiranui Spiritmaster. You can only activate 1 "Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui's Story" per turn. Going with this read, one can opt to leave Shiranui Squire + Shiranui Spectralsword on the field Turn 1 instead of synchro summoning. Usually, the Witchcrafter player will use this to summon a low-level monster like Witchcrafter Genni, which then tags out in main phase into another Witchcrafter Verre to reestablish their board. Note that this initial game state actually comes up quite often. It also allows the Ritual Beast fusion monsters to tag out into Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda in response to Shiranui Squiresaga or Shiranui Sunsaga’s non-targeting destruction effects. The only restrictions on synchro summoning with Shiranui are when one activates the on-board effects of Shiranui Squire or Shiranui Spectralsword Shade, both of which restrict one’s special summons for the rest of the turn to Zombie monsters. Charge of the Light Brigade) and Needlebug Nest as ways to make up for the missing copies of That Grass Looks Greener. Thank you for choosing to support Duel Links Meta's development! The core of the Shiranui archetype focuses around using and recycling its key tuner, Shiranui Spectralsword, to synchro climb from the initial levels 6 Shiranui Samuraisaga and 7 Shiranui Squiresaga into the game-ending levels 8 Shiranui Shogunsaga and 10 Shiranui Sunsaga. Doing so would give one the opportunity next turn to banish both Shiranui Spectralsword and Shiranui Samuraisaga from grave for Shiranui Shogunsaga. Going second however is usually an auto-loss unless one draws tech cards that counter Dark Magical Circle, such as Cosmic Cyclone, Forbidden Lance, Twister, Typhoon, Night Beam, and Chaos Hunter. One of these plays forms the basis of the synchro climb by bringing back Shiranui Spectralsword from the banished pile (via Shiranui Solitaire’s effect) to allow for another synchro summon. Artifact Lancea can also stop the fusion plays by being used before Vision HERO Vyon activates his ignition effect. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This effect is not limited to reviving the main deck Shiranui monsters – as long as an opposing Shiranui Synchro Monster was properly synchro summoned, Doomkaiser Dragon can summon it. This is a matchup where Revived King Ha Des shines. Karma Cut can also be a great way to remove Shiranui Sunsaga, though be mindful that the opponent can bring him back by potentially banishing Shiranui Solitaire next turn. Forbidden Lance is the most commonly used substitute for Cosmic Cyclone, as it is quickplay, allowing one to chain to and make their Shiranui monsters immune to cards like Floodgate Trap Hole and Fiendish Chain for the turn. Always be on the look out for opportunities to abuse, Early game, this effect is often used to mill, Early game, this effect can also be used defensively by milling, A similar defensive play to above is to mill, This effect comes up a lot in the initial mill off, This effect often triggers on the field from, Early game, this effect is used to swarm the field with either a Shiranui tuner or, Late game, this effect can be used to not only bring back and recycle tuners in the grave (particularly the level 3, This effect can come up at all times of the game thanks to how accessible it is off. Keep in mind that these are all HOPT. I based the ratios on my deck … The trick to stopping this bread-and-butter Turn 3 from Crystrons is in playing negation techs like Fiendish Chain, Divine Wrath, and Forbidden Chalice. Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. Turn 1, before she can get hit by Floodgate Trap Hole – can be incredibly advantageous here as she can use her effect to pick apart the opposing backrow. Some of the key cards and resources to be wary of when establishing a followup: The main Turn 2 OTK option for Grass Shiranui is the 5500 ATK Shiranui Shogunsaga. Since the monsters get bounced rather than sent to the grave, one cannot even make the usual follow up plays next turn with Shiranui Spectralsword. Thus, Shiranui has to often rely on traps like Ballista Squad to remove Necrovalley, requiring one to play a slower and more patient game. Typically, one wants at least 4 Shiranui Synchro Monsters plus another level 6 Zombie Synchro Monster like Revived King Ha Des or Archfiend Zombie-Skull. Thus, one has to choose which of the two archetypes to put out first, potentially leaving dead combo pieces in hand until next turn. Option 1 only sets up a follow up play if one is able to discard a Shiranui Spectralsword after banishing Shiranui Squire. Best: Lords Of Shining. One can also change up their plays depending on the Zombie monster in hand. Note that Dark Magician players will often have live spell and trap negation mid-to-late game with Magician Navigation in grave. The monster discourages the Cyber Dragon player from summoning the 2100 ATK Chimeratech Rampage Dragon to destroy one’s backrow. Most shiranui decks need to be taken out by the second turn or it is pretty much over. Otherwise, if the Blackwing player has Blackbird Close, then they have it unfortunately. Since the goal in this matchup is to get Shiranui Spectralsword in grave as soon as possible, it is usually better to go into Shiranui Samuraisaga first. This lets one know ahead of time when to play conservatively to not lose to a timely Artifact Lancea stun. Both Aleister the Invoker and the Shiranui combo starters compete for one’s single normal summon per turn. Inconsistency is the biggest issue for BE, you don't call it a meta deck if it can't win a tournament. Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. This is thanks to the large amount of tech space in Shiranui, allowing the deck to run hard counters to Elementsabers in Artifact Lancea and Forbidden Lance, both of which also double up as good generic staples. Note that this combos list is not a be-all and end-all, but is rather meant to be more of a foundation. From what I remember someone made it to KOG using 3 Gozuki, 3 Samurai Skull, 1 Solitaire, Spectralsword (not sure how many) and the rest were trap cards of course. The issue with these skills is that they do not address the deck’s mediocre first turn as mentioned above. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Shiranui Sunsaga is really the key to outing a defensive Gouki Twistcobra, since his board wipe effect can just destroy the Gouki to clear the way for direct attacks. Before playing the Grass variant of Shiranui, it is recommended to get comfortable with the core cards by playing the non-Grass variant first. How to Report Abuse. essentially a free Offerings to the Doomed effect. Playing around Raigeki Break can be difficult, but playing around just the counter traps can actually be easy by slow playing the game – i.e. And give us 2 more copies of Jinzo Jector. (7) If the Synchro Monster summoned in step (5) were, 1-2 extra cards in hand, depending on whether the, Possible followup plays next turn depending on the other cards milled, Suppose it is the opponent’s turn. Alternatively, if one opens with a negation tech like Fiendish Chain or Divine Wrath, then one might want to consider negating the effect of Elemental HERO Stratos to search a HERO or Vision HERO Faris to tutor Vision HERO Increase. However, this combo will banish your Spectralsword without letting you use its graveyard effect. See the “Playing Optimally with Burgeoning Whirlflame” of the guide for details. Yup! This play sets up Shiranui Spectralsword to be used next turn from the grave, which can actually pressure the opponent into NOT destroying one’s Shiranui Samuraisaga on their next turn. Glow-Up Bloom has use in this hybrid build as well, being able to add a Vendread ritual monster to hand after being sent to the grave. While the deck only needs 2 copies of Shiranui Spectralsword to function well, the limit does restrict the number of copies of other, powerful Limited 3 cards such as Cosmic Cyclone and Gold Sarcophagus that the deck can use. As a result, opening and setting multiple battle traps against Darklords can slow the pacing of the game down and allow one to eventually get the Shiranui combo game going. The general idea of how to break through a Darklord board is to gather enough resources to get through both a monster effect negation from The Sanctified Darklord and a destruction protection from Darklord Tezcatlipoca. Witchcrafter Unveiling: This card makes one unable to respond to the Witchcrafter player’s Spellcaster effects once it resolves. With a decent mill off That Grass Looks Greener, Grass Shiranui can often have enough resources to overwhelm a typical Darklord board. Doing so can first snipe away at a potentially disruptive backrow card to ensure the safe summon of Shiranui Shogunsaga and Shiranui Sunsaga. the next draw. On damage step, the Gouki player activates Gouki Twistcobra to tribute off the Gouki monster that Shiranui Shogunsaga is attacking. The skill No Mortal Can Resist is the most deadly for Shiranui – that skill can essentially wipe away all the resources in one’s grave, including Shiranui Spectralsword. By default, the deck folder is located in: C:\Yu-Gi-Oh! Gold Sarcophagus can be used to banish Shiranui Spiritmaster from the deck to trigger his on-banish effect on a Darklord monster, forcing that particular Darklord to use up its HOPT effect before being destroyed (assuming no Darklord Tezcatlipoca in hand). That means no “synchro-from-grave” follow-up play for the opponent next turn. Either way, one can then destroy Shiranui Sunsaga without triggering his protection effect. Needle Ceiling also combos well with Archfiend Zombie-Skull and Shiranui Sunsaga, as these Synchro Monsters protect one’s own monsters from being wiped, while the opponent’s still get destroyed. Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier or Black Rose Dragon respectively. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. It is worth mentioning that some players have found some success with Endless Trap Hell and Balance. This stops them from banishing Evil Eye of Gorgonio for a search. essentially a Monster Reincarnation. When banished, use Squire's effect to cycle your deck. Fan favorite Blue Eyes can beat Shi En easily. He is however vulnerable to Fiendish Chain or can just be destroyed with a Ballista Squad. So do not be fooled by e.g. Doomkaiser Dragon can play a major role in winning the mirror match though – see the “Matchups” section for more details. I just want to point out one objective fact: with 5 cards on the Forbidden/Limited list , including 4 Limited 2 cards, Shiranui is THE most nerfed deck in the history of Duel Links, and will soon be unplayable in a … Chaos Hunter: This would be an amazing card for the matchup if it were not for the fact that she can miss timing. In particular, it allows one to fuse off Shiranui Spectralsword in hand to set up for his synchro-from-grave effect next turn. Their quick effects are particularly dangerous because they allow the Crystron player to summon Crystron Ametrix or Powered Inzektron on one’s own turn. Forbidden Lance has a second use in this matchup in that it can possibly make an Invocation fizzle, similar to what happens when Artfiact Lancea is used.