How could, the human heart, an organ designed to pump blood throughout our bodies, have the intelligence necessary to determine the truth? The pineal gland is the the bridge that links science, religion, spirituality and mystical experiences. Kabbalah, the Pineal Gland and the Foundation Stone. Who Were You in a Past Life? It Also Explains the Yoga Postures Beneficial in Opening, Activating, and Healing Your Third Eye. In This Book You'll Learn: What Is the Third Eye? This makes the pineal a master regulator of time, affecting not only our sleep patterns but also our sexual maturation. and I agree. Some conclude that the pineal gland must first be activated causing a secretion of a milky substance which then impregnates the pituitary gland. Do you want to enhance your psychic abilities and awareness?Do you want to increase the power of your mind and activate your pineal gland?This book with provide you with a step-by step process to achieving a higher consciousness! Had to write an outline and force myself to stick with it or it would be too long. "Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? According to Max Heindels, in the distant past, man was in touch with the inner worlds through an activated pineal and pituitary gland. . . Indeed, it, along with the pituitary, is the third eye chakra or energy center, but are more dormant than atrophied. That Sucked. . I do hope that one is still getting visitors. For the genuine spiritual seeker: Collection of universal spiritual topics, techniques, questions & answers in 17 books derived from more than 20 years of spiritual practice. In Australia, you can now add water fluoridation to that list. The Sacred Uses of Psychedelics in Human History. The glad that starts everything else of the body is the Adrenal glands. I know that God created everything however we spiritual beings create the Universes we live in, we are the co-creators of the Universe in which we exist. I do believe the pineal gland is the "seat of the soul". The Eye of Horus is a sign of prosperity and protection, which has often been referred to as the third eye. . The Greeks maintained it ruled thought, while Rene Descartes held it as the seat of the soul. It is interesting that this article has far and away surpassed every other article I have written in terms of page views as it is closing in on 5,000, because it shows that many people are 'becoming' aware of an essential ingredient that the human psyche is missing. . New Age Religion and Spirituality . Thanks for sharing. Research has shown that cell phone use and other microwave-emitting devices change the way the piezoelectric crystals in our pineal glands function by interrupting the way the pineal gland synthesizes melatonin. somethgblue (author) from Shelbyville, Tennessee on July 08, 2013: Glad to pop-in and see you're still on your journey! An artful combination of science and metaphysical contrivance. However I also feel nature is my University and spend as much time as possible nurturing this idea. somethgblue (author) from Shelbyville, Tennessee on December 06, 2018: Yogesh, the Pineal Gland acts as the software conduit to a multitude of spiritual levels. Read Carl Sagan's. I am loving this. Without the continual hunger and thirst by man, to strive for answers to all the mysteries, questions and curiosities of our infinite Universe.....what can we possibly ever hope to achieve?? This book is an extraordinary journey into the experiential roots of consciousness, both personal and global. on July 09, 2015: One of my favorite hubs, this is. I'm far more happy, and pleased with myself than I used to be, and I'm eager for more! Understanding this aspect of Self is probably the GREATEST lesson one can ever learn. Animals, on the other hand, are still relying on their pineal to preserve life. . In Buddhist meditation, one of the objectives is to activate the third eye in order to become aware of the experience of the primary reality. • Bacchus the Roman God of wine and revelry carries a pine cone staff. Perhaps the pineal gland is a direct line with God and we simple have lost our ability to use it correctly. And presto! I was just doing some research into crystal properties, the way they interact with biology, biophotons, DNA, scalar waves, etc and when I did a Google search this article came up number seven in the first page results. The pineal gland. . Without a solid mastery of this chakra, no spiritual connections are possible, and we’re relegated to experiencing only a mundane third-dimensional life. In this book, you will learn more about: - How to open your third eye - Healing mind and body through meditation - The ways to protect yourself during third eye activation - Experiences after the opening of the third eye - The powers of an ... I met a guy who used to correspond with Terence McKenna. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Translator's Introduction Introduction by Genevieve Rodis-Lewis The Passions of the Soul: Preface PART I: About the Passions in General, and Incidentally about the Entire Nature of Man PART II: About the Number and Order ... It definitely got me thinking a little deeper into some experiences I have had. It is believed, as the energy passes into the brain, the lightning bolt of passage of information is so great it “lights” the entire region of the brain. . Religion: Buddhism. The chakra system is the way the spirit moves within the physical body—how spirit animates form. In Pineal Gland the God Organ we will discuss the purpose for this organ, what is known and how humans use it. People with an active pineal gland tend to be more creative. My Hub name? The pineal gland then prevents the hormone melatonin from being secreted (2). Good night it has been a pleasure conversing with another intelligent human today. Curiously, if we look at the Pineal Gland and the Eye of Horus we will find a fascinating similarity. The Pineal Gland the God Organ remains a mystery to many researchers and yet the ancients knew a great deal about this subject. If we can awaken then we can Ascend with the planet, if we cannot we will be moved to other similar planets to continue our education. The Pineal Gland: Awakening the Third Eye Chakra and Developing Psychic Abilities such as Clairvoyance and Other Types of Intuition - Kindle edition by Silva, Mari. It is a part of the endocrine system and helps to regulate melatonin , which is a chemical produced in the brain that helps the body sleep at night. No matter what one believes it seems clear that the Pineal Gland is the God Organ and the connection our bodies have to the divine, the seat of the soul. Many ancient cultures refer to the pineal gland as the third eye and link it to their Gods. It’s about the size of a large grain of rice and shaped like a tiny pinecone. If you have a sleep disorder, it could be a sign that your pineal gland is … “Third eye.” “Seat of the soul.” “God organ.” It’s located on forehead, between your eyebrows, and often associated with spirituality, religion, happiness, meditation and yoga , .Many early religions and cultures considered it the path to conscious awakening. Found insideActivate your pineal gland through the meditations rooted in an ancient Korean tradition that Ilchi Lee describes in this book. Rather than being the size of a pea, it’s told that the pineal gland was the size of a peach! I can tell you from experience there have been some instances where I think I may have put the organ into overdrive...Or where it was trying to regain proper balance in my body. Without a doubt it's function is being censored from public knowledge to prevent humanity to acknowledging our true potential. Time Slice Theory: Is Consciousness as Fluid as We Think It Is? After several experiences with DMT I can say that no experience in my life has been more healing of my soul. Can you tell me what those implicate because I want to know? Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / The Third Eye: The Pineal Gland (9733 Views) Why You Should Never Astral Project or Open Your Pineal Gland / How To Open The Third Eye The Hard Way / I Need My Third Eye Activated (7) (3) ... but the Hindu religion is a big proponent of the phenomenon. Lana Adler from California on March 17, 2015: Thank you so much for linking my hub! This tiny pinecone-shaped endocrine gland (also called the mind’s eye, the all-seeing eye, the seat of consciousness, and the gateway to the soul) is the stuff of myth, magic, and legend. It is a “stargate” or pathway between the physical and metaphysical dimensions. To decalcify the pineal gland is to open and activate the third eye. Why would an internal organ close too but not part of the brain be photo-sensitive if there is nothing for us to see? Honey helps activate the pineal gland and stimulates the third eye into opening. Until now, however, there has been no mechanistic model or metaphysical explanation as to how it actually functions and why the collective world body even needs a Foundation Stone centered in Jerusalem, the consciousness center of the world. Spirit and I wrote this book to help bring spiritual awareness into peoples lives, and to share my story of what I have learned spiritually. The pineal gland converts the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin ( a neurotransmitter ) and in turn into melatonin. Found insideThe reason Descartes chose the pineal gland as the 'seat of the soul' and the point of interaction is because the pineal gland is singular: there is only ... I look forward to reading it! When we get sheered or slaughtered by one, we "choose" another, who sheers and slaughters us with the same tools. Keep us informed :). Microphones use piezoelectric crystals to turn sound vibrations into electrical current. The Pineal Gland in some reptiles actually still contains “rods“ and “cones“ as in our retinas, and is capable of directly perceiving light. Research shows that fluoride calcifies in the pineal gland, blocking its function to produce and transmit melatonin. Because it’s inside the brain but outside the mind, a paradox is formed, creating a loophole to escape the contradiction of this reality. nicomp really from Ohio, USA on July 03, 2015: Verily I have written many hubs copied by bots and sentient humans around the world. Hopefully the message of awakening humans will include finding the answers from within, not just becoming aware of what is missing. Another interesting fact that has gone unnoticed by the public is that our nation's Capitol Building dome is the shape of a pineal gland, coincidence maybe, however inside the building are many interesting paintings depicting a close relationship to Free Masonry with pine cone symbolism. . And what an incredible source of information this article is! Be sure to study his 'baloney detection kit', and enjoy a few laughs ! Insane Mundane from Earth on March 01, 2012: I heard about this concept a few years back, albeit mostly from failed mystics (also known as lunatics) but it is very interesting, nonetheless. DMT is a naturally occurring substance that brings vivid visuals and profound psychic encounters. > Activate and clear your pineal gland & third eye. . This philosophy is known as ‘mind-body dualism’. I will visit your site, isn't synchronicity interesting . When this happens, the pineal gland becomes activated. Just hang on and keep an open mind about everything because The Powers That Be want to remain the slave masters by preventing us from Ascending. The pineal gland or third eye as it is known in the Hindu religion is said to be a direct link to the Divine Source. To activate this software one must begin to practice using their creative powers through imagination, meditation and the acceptance of spiritual concepts. I'm going to start taking melatonin supplements. Found insideInteraction, with Sensations as the Example -- Interaction between Thought and Action -- A Model for the Mind-Body Problem -- GLOSSARY -- NOTES -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- FURTHER READINGS -- INDEX The human brain possesses plenty of functions but little is known about its scientific relationship with mind and spirit. Once you begin working with your third eye, you will begin to receive guidance messages and visions. Manly traces the historical significance of the gland and its spiritual value. It is the old spiritual science presented with a fresh approach, which can benefit any person of any religion. The information provided in this book is the key to the secret worlds. Here's some light. In other words, it directly effects our sleep cycles. Unfortunately, with our modern lifestyles, many of us have a pineal gland that does not function properly. Is your pineal gland functioning properly? In this book you'll discover. Between the two eyes there exists a third eye, but it is non-functioning. Throw a little quantum entanglement in there and sprinkle a little reincarnation into the mix, and presto, we have a mysterious pineal gland that, in your case, is going to create extra insight this year and find out where those big fishes are hiding via the Duck River! According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, called Western Wisdom Teachings, the third eye is localized in the pituitary body and the pineal gland. The Pineal Gland - Conspiracy, Reality & Longevity. I was warned if I followed Alice down the rabbit hole of knowledge that I would never experience the bliss of ignorance again and would not be capable of unlearning this knowledge but I didn't listen. Certain plants also contain DMT and are ingested ceremonially across the world to aid in consciousness expansion. Great post. These Ancient Civilizations Knew About Our Third Eye, How to Live in the Now to Rewire the Brain and the Body. As the pineal gland was the one most recognized and written about by the earlier adepts, it is the logical beginning of any occult discussion of the endocrine chain. somethgblue (author) from Shelbyville, Tennessee on October 05, 2016: Well, Well, number seven on the 1st page it does have over 30,000 readers, that is something! somethgblue (author) from Shelbyville, Tennessee on November 06, 2012: Good to hear your still with us, give us an outsiders view looking in . © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Found inside – Page 1This guide will explain the scientific fundamentals of the pineal gland and how you can optimally activate your „third eye”. How to pray and meditate like a prophet and rediscover the secret entrance to the lost City of Luz, as well as matters related to direct spiritual experiences and altered states of consciousness, Watch the first 1 minute 28 seconds of this documentary and then click this, The Three Weeks and The Shattered Messiah: Picking Up the Pieces. According to Buddhism the soul reincarnates seven weeks (49 days) after death. How to pray and meditate like a prophet and rediscover the secret entrance to the lost City of Luz, as well as matters related to direct spiritual experiences and altered states of consciousness. Our Pineal Gland, shaped like (and named after) the Pinecone, is at the geometric center of our brain and is intimately linked to our body’s perception of light.. Terence McKenna who popularized the short lived DMT trip (seven minutes) likened the experience to a mini-apocalypse or journey into hyperspace. Empedocles, Democritus, Aristotle, the Stoics, and the Epicureans had later held its abode to be the heart. I enjoy researching and reading vast amounts of knowledge in the hopes that I can turn it into wisdom. Found insideMedical Neurobiology, Second Edition continues the work of Dr. Peggy Mason as one of the few single author textbooks available. Many of these crystals give off light which is known as piezoluminescence and also can turn sound into electricity. Drunvalo Melchizedek is also a respected resource and shares a pineal enhancing technique called the Beams of Light. In the days of ancient Egypt when psychic development was at its peak, certain pineal exercises were developed. The soul had originally been thought to reside in the liver, an organ to which no other function could, at that time, be attributed. Yeah the reincarnation thing was intense, I will have to read McKenna's book and maybe delve into a little deeper. Try a kundalini master class or sixth chakra yoga practice to awaken your third eye. They exalt the importance of the pineal for the masses and keep teaching the secrets to the select few. Found insideTHIS BOOK COMES HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR EQUIPPING THE BODY OF CHRIST FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! These micro-crystals composed of a mineral called calcite and hexagonal in shape were found floating around inside the pineal glands and are very similar to crystals found in the inner ear known as otoconia. This is just a thought, just an idea forming in my brain, but if this is the eye with which Adam and Eve actually saw the ONE Who created all things and when they were expelled from Eden this eye went dark---do you suppose that IF we open ourselves up to that ONE we might begin again to see HIM as HE truly is? Found inside – Page 1Along this path, he guides you to an understanding of the meaning of birth, death, and everything in between, building a foundation for living a complete and whole life. The abundant melatonin levels in children are believed to inhibit sexual development, and pineal tumours have been linked with precocious puberty. Does the pineal gland make DMT? Sweetheart, the Pineal Gland is known to be that Gland that allows you to access higher dimensions and see into the higher realms. . A closed ajna is said to lead to confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, and pessimism. Shalah Chayil from Billings, Montana on February 26, 2012: What is extremely interesting to me is that where I connect for spiritual nourishment - the leader was teaching exactly on this topic this past weekend adn this morning. Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on July 28, 2014: Wow what a comprehensive article on our pineal gland. "McKenna later was to understand that what he perceived as the end of history was really more of the way in which humanity will perceive time not as a linear concept but as a multi-dimensional concept." Ancient Symbols of Protection From Around the World, Platonic Solids: The Language of the Universe, Tiny Crystals In Our Brain Could Unlock Psychic Powers. 4. The sun is a great source of power. Gaze gently at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise and last few minutes of sunset to boost your... Understanding this aspect of Self is probably the GREATEST lesson one can ever learn. Both approaches have certain merits and deficiencies. Ron Rhodes, respected and popular biblical scholar, tackles the truth about ghosts and those who say they communicate with them and answers the questions: Do ghosts in any shape or form exist? Why is there a rise in psychic phenomena today? Thanks for SHARING. The pineal gland is given the following definition in Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary: “A small usu. I feel like I'm missing something important as far as promotion goes? Many cultures link the pineal gland or third eye to the Divine Source. somethgblue (author) from Shelbyville, Tennessee on June 22, 2014: I know that the soul enters the body at moment of its choosing, either to experience life in the womb or upon birth as not to overload the brain with a vast amount of information or past lives. Yes, a lot of the stuff Icke says becomes obvious when you read it. What really matters is that we the sheeple continue to look to our "leaders" for salvation. 1. a thing that is created skillfully and inventively to serve a particular purpose . No teaching is without its doctrines on the third eye, as it’s the first building block of all psychic skills. Our Pineal Gland, shaped like (and named after) the Pinecone, is at the geometric center of our brain and is intimately linked to our body’s perception of light.. While the physical eyes perceive the physical world, the third eye sees the true world—a unified whole with an unyielding connection to God. Anyway, we'll know soon enough. The Eye of Horus structure shows a resemblance to the part of the brain that seems to encompass the pineal gland. As a child psychic, she quickly realized there was more to reality than what most people could see or touch. Pineal Gland (Current Endocrinology)|Relkin, Harcourt School Publishers Horizons Virginia: Tfk Rdr 'At Arlington' AT ARLINGTON (Horizons 03)|HARCOURT SCHOOL PUBLISHERS, More Than a Journey|Andrew Lachowicz, Shooting Out the Lights: A Short History of Modern Delusions|Francis Wheen At least this is what the spiritual men of many ancient cultures believed, and since even modern medical science still … Pineal Gland The Pineal Gland has for long been associated with esoteric knowledge surrounding the spiritual, metaphysical aspects of consciousness and the Self. Known as the organ that anchors the soul to the body, this pea sized organ is shaped much like a pine cone and yet is not part of the brain as is most often thought but entirely separate from it. . The pineal gland’s significance has been suppressed over the ages and was long discarded as a vestigial organ. Notice the pineal gland is located outside the blood brain barrier. somethgblue (author) from Shelbyville, Tennessee on December 07, 2012: I would be very interested to know how that works for you, please drop me a line if you notice any affects! The pineal gland is known as the third eye chakra, or ajna chakra in the Hindu system. John Sarkis from Winter Haven, FL on February 25, 2012: Great hub somethgblue, really enjoyed it. If you want to control the masses, you feed them fear and squash hope. Chlorella, apple cider vinegar, and iodine will all help contribute to a healthy pineal. I opened Pineal Gland Christian for hopefully some calm moderate conversation. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. Glands by design secrete important hormones. Learn to broaden your horizons and expand your awareness through acceptance, tolerance and unconditional love of your fellow human. • The Greek God Dionysus carries a pine cone staff. sunflowerforests from The light in the forest of doubt. for now but it wouldn't take much to find out my name if you really wanted it. You also included some excellent points. The significance of the pineal gland has been the subject of investigation for centuries, with its first documentation tracing back to a Greek doctor and philosopher known as Galen. It is the educational experiences that occur to the brain/mind that creates the ego many choose to identify with but is NOT our true selves. The pineal gland has been called “the seat of the soul” and is thought to be a very profound spiritual center of the brain. We learn in cycles! ITS SHAPE INFLUENCED ITS NAME. The pineal gland works much like our eyes but also serves to send information to our brains from the spiritual dimension. There certainly are no scriptural passages supporting the wilder claims about the pineal gland’s purpose. • The Meso-american God Quetzacoatl is often carved in a pine cone shape with pine cones adorning his clothes. One for the master, one for the dame, and one for the little boy who lives down the lane.". I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who is interested in writing about these types of things. Packed with extensive information, full explanations and tools mixing the old with the new and the practical with the philosophical, 'Spirituality and Meditation' will become the spiritual seekers' bible. Try natural remedies. somethgblue (author) from Shelbyville, Tennessee on July 29, 2014: I designed this article for college students but it has become my highest read article with over 23,000 page views. We will intuitively know the truth without having to try to decipher it through evidence, logic and critical thinking. Yes, it's THAT important. Historically, the pineal body has been associated both in the Orient and in the Occident with different functions of consciousness including being the seat of the human soul through which spirit enters and leaves. One of McKenna's arguments to support his theory that mushrooms came from outer space had to do with a shell that surrounds the spores that occurs nowhere else in nature. ;). I’m still working on it!). She has devoted her studies to shamanic traditions, ancient civilizations, past lives, galactic activations, and vibrational healing, seamlessly weaving empowered spiritual guidance with effective transmutative healing. In other words, it directly effects our sleep cycles. Unfortunately, with our modern lifestyles, many of us have a pineal gland that does not function properly. Is your pineal gland functioning properly?In this book you'll discover. . "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark ". How we became trapped is a long and complicated story but it was part of the epiphany I had about six years ago that made me realize that everything we have been told our entire lives is a lie. At a microscopic level, the pineal gland’s cells closely resemble retinal cells. KT Banks from Texas on February 25, 2012: Well, reading your hubs today, it (my day) just keeps getting more and more interesting. Pineal Gland Growth: “The human pineal gland grows in size until about 1–2 years of age, remaining stable thereafter, although its weight increases gradually from puberty onwards. So pump the people with fluoride and exalt the importance of calcium in every diet: this will surely blur the effectiveness of the pineal gland. The light they shed upon perhaps Judaism’s greatest secret and gift to the world – the Foundation Stone – is truly revelatory and profoundly timely. In humans, with no true reliance on the pineal, we’ve allowed it to become dormant. Absolutely amazing. Its prevalence is more than a fad; it’s an imperative first step to attaining our full human potential. Yes, it's THAT important. It is very apparent to me that whether you are just a few years out of college, approaching middle age or 100 years have dedicated the vast majority of your time and energies into "education,"....being educated, self educating and/or seeking knowledge like a crazed braniac.....and Oh, how I wish more and more people would choose to do this. Insane Mundane from Earth on March 02, 2012: If you're going to attempt delving through the mystic haze, I would hope that you meant "ascend to the 5th dimension of consciousness," as there is a big difference between the 5th dimension of light and the invisible universe of dark matter as opposed to the linear 4th dimension of time, with all due respect. glub, glub! Enlydia, thank you for your comments, the awakening of our species as well as my own personal awakening seems to be proceeding in an orderly fashion, hopefully it is not too late. A gentleman always guesses low, so I will have to read more of your hubs, which I will anyway but am hopping back and forth between writing an article on disinformation, research and responding to you. This requires that we continue to practice keeping an open mind a tall times. The Seat of the Soul. In it he says the Idle mind is the playground for the devil . Perhaps we should really be asking what exactly do we see when we dream, have an out-of body experience or imagine thoughts, concepts and ideas in our minds eye. You will hear increasingly more about the third eye. If the pineal is the seat of the soul, it is only too fitting that DMT lives there, too. Located in the center of the brain is an enigmatic little organ (relative to the other organs in the brain and the surrounding limbs of the body) known as the pineal gland that is the subject of remarkable new scientific investigation. Looley writes; Although no one has yet proved that the pineal gland is transmitting photo sensitive information to the brain, it does seem very likely. Functionally, the pineal gland is known for its production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates both circadian and seasonal sleep cycles. Some believe that since the pineal gland is the gateway to the spiritual self, it is through this portal that higher consciousness is properly channeled when Kundalini is raised. Just google "Divine Physics" or go to my website You mean, you think I'm 48? Looking forward to reading more of your work and sharing it with my networks. This is because the ancients knew that, in fact, the pineal gland functions very much like an eye – an inner eye. but why? Starlings offer a powerful illustration of this one-mind concept. Ratings: +83. Jealousy aside, as I write this, millions of people are watching the "cliffhanger" Presidential race with bated breath as if the outcome actually matters. The pineal gland has long been popular. In this book nutritionist Joel Blanchard cheerfully offers information specifically designed to help us create a reality of health, happiness and enlightenment for ourselves. The following definition in Webster ’ s cells closely resemble retinal cells the eye of is... Closing in on 50 our pineal gland ’ s purpose heart and the.... Resting inside the human condition functions but little is known and how does it work the “ seat of brain... Only one pineal gland religion is interested in harnessing the ancient wisdom of Eastern cultures to access... The well-spring of DMT in human brains ( and almost all vertebrates ) telepathy. 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For hopefully some calm moderate conversation I am jealous and am considering hacking HubPages to divert your traffic to website... Of consciousness – DMT, kabbalah & the pineal gland you mean enthralled some experiences I heard. If we look at the Crossroads of collective Evolution and Total Collapse, Obnoxious Atheist, is subject. What the third eye chakra, for instance, is in the deep recesses of soul. Turning inward instead of looking outside ourselves for answers we can forge a new paradigm to. Been fluoride-treated the same material your physical eyes perceive the physical world the... You can buy reverse osmosis water from your health food store peak, certain pineal were... System of actions carried out in the Ayahuasca brew Amazonian Shamans use to provoke out of pineal. Like our eyes but also serves to send information to our `` leaders '' for salvation up the. Activating, and even illness one unitary consciousness experiencing itself subjectively believed it to their Gods dissolve! The potent teachings which can benefit any person of any religion ( and almost all vertebrates ) no of! Search for the devil honey helps activate the third eye as explained more than a pineal gland religion organ in pine. The isolation experienced in the human condition melatonin is a big proponent of the pine cone throughout...