lack of resources in a sentence

Found insidePage 11-19 : Second paragraph , last sentence the Drenchwater Creek deposits ... exclusion of prime mineral resources and lack of current production which ... Expanding access to water and sanitation is a moral and ethical imperative rooted in the cultural and religious traditions of communities around the world. due to lack of budget. The system was set up by deliberate ministerial decision to lack resources. Absolute poverty. Found inside – Page 321However, planning of the syntactic frame of the sentence and application of morphosyntactic markings may require more processing resources for ... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples (1979) showed that the Of the eight questions related to Lack of Resources, five were negatively skewed, two were positively skewed, and one was approximately normal. Found inside – Page 124Page 26 , Alternative 2 , Objective - change first sentence to read : This alternative provides a balance between resource development and resource ... Found inside – Page 325The lack of quantification in the analysis of certain resources - such ... the sentence continues with " except impacts would be even more extensive due to ... It is a description that highlights your skills and expertise and it shows employers what assets you will bring to the role you are applying for. Writing weakness #3: Lack of substance. in a sentence. Examples of Efficacy in a sentence. resource (n): something that is useful or helpful. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: "Our country lacks the necessary resources.". (lacks, squanders, has, acquired) "He drained all of our resources.". (drained, exhausted, used up, depleted) "We need to conserve our resources.". (Answers should address a lack of opportunity for residents, poor educational resources, issues with sanitation, poor public safety, or a lack of safe housing.) Found inside – Page 332... Planning Process , paragraph 4 ; and page 46 , Lack Of Resource Data : In ... 37 31 Consistent with this request , we suggest that the last sentence on ... Resource definition: The resources of an organization or person are the materials, money , and other things... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The appalling lack of resources provided to the military is outrageous and requires our immediate attention. A large number of criminals who serve their first prison sentence, leave prison only to re-offend. lack of materials in a sentence All the lack of materials suffered by the people, the church suffers. examples. lack of funding. We lack resources for the provision of care for 54 million people in this country. Sentencing Commission (“the Commission”) have reduced sentence lengths for many individuals serving drug sentences. Benefits for Youth, Families, & Communities. ‘Lack of material resources cannot be regarded as the sole obstacle.’ ‘This means that they must have sufficient financial and other resources to function as a business on a lasting basis.’ ‘Owing to lack of staff resources, one unit did not start to implement and one did not fully implement the protocol.’ Or learning new words is more your thing? This fact is confirmed in case after case. The history and characteristics of the prisoner; 4. It is pretty easy to recognize when someone skillfully reads aloud in an expressive manner. In traditional classrooms, there are numerous factors which constantly push students towards their learning goals. (drained, exhausted, used up, depleted) " We need to conserve our resources. Bad: Our lack of data prevented evaluation of UN actions in targeting funds to areas most in need of assistance. for lack of resources. However, to effectively teach or assess this skill, a closer examination of its features, development, and relationship to other reading skills is needed. Using complete sentences, describe two consequences that may take place when a city outgrows its government's capacity. . few resources. In languages having a definite article, the lack of … exact ( 3 ) The orthogonal resource allocation (see Figure 3a) eliminates cross-layer co-channel interference but is inefficient due to lack of resource reuse. Found inside – Page 1096Applicants respectfully submit that such lack of resources should not operate ... His sentence also included a $75,000 fine, three years post-imprisonment ... It is usually based on tangible and intangible resources. The problem is that due to must be followed by a nominal phrase, since to is a preposition and prepositions are (almost) always followed by nominal phrases. Fancy a game? When you know which errors to look for, it's easier to act as your own editor. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with verbs: " Our country lacks the necessary resources. Verb/word ratio = 2/21] Use: Dozens more students get turned away for lack of seating space. The United States criminal justice system is the largest in the world. Substance goes hand in hand with having a clear focus in your content. Despite their lack of material resources the team is rich in experience. lack of adequate genomic … Found inside... and lack the necessary resources to enable them prepare their cases. ... persons in Tanzania charged with a capital offence will get the death sentence. These types of business resources are crucial and are important to have for your business in order for it to succeed. Poor people accused of capital crimes are often defended by lawyers who lack the skills, resources, and commitment to handle such serious matters. owing to limited resources. What term is used to describes lack of resources that is life threatening? A shift-ing of resources, changing needs, and changes in political environments may act as catalysts to tighten (Welsh & Pontell, 1991) or loosen coupling (Hagan, 1989, pp.124–125). In other words, due to is used to present the reason for a noun. Unlike eukaryotic cells, prokaryote cells lackmembrane-bound organelles. The lackof parking spaces is a common complaint among the city's residents. The clinic provides free care for elderly and infirm people who lackhealth insurance. 1 High-quality afterschool programs promote positive youth development and … Found inside – Page 114He attributes this drop of the inflectional ending to a lack of processing resources . Extending this to the data from the normally developing , but clearly ... Wiki User. In this lesson you will learn how to use Lack of in a sentence. ... For example, tell the jury how they will learn about the plaintiff’s lack of knowledge. Zimmerman will not beat himself through lack of control. Found inside – Page 68... of Sentence Processing : All signing Roles to Constituents of Sentences . ... international nature of the school and its lack of cultural homogeneity as ... Lists. deciding where to send a prisoner to serve his sentence, including halfway houses, the law says that the BOP should consider 1. a lack of other resources. In the vast majority of cases, the race of the victim tends to have an effect on the sentence outcome, with white victim cases more often resulting in death sentences; However, in some jurisdictions, notably in the federal system, the race of the defendant also affects sentencing outcomes, with minority defendants more likely to … Examples of Bad Sentences with too many Nominalizations. Possible entrepreneurial resources include venture capital funding, the money offered by angel investors, equipment, merchandise and the knowledge and experience of principles of the company. Our lack of pertinent data prevented determination of committee action effectiveness in funding targeting to areas that needed assistance the most. Too many parents in this country simply don't have the resources to feed or clothe their children properlyThe resources of our planet are being strained to the limit by our vast population. High quality example sentences with “lack of technical resources” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. Meanwhile, the manpower, material resources and funds of any enterprise are limited. Why not have a go at them together! lack of money. due to lack of funding. lack of funding. Large British offensive operations in Flanders were not possible in 1915, due to a lack of resources. This phrase is used to modify the nouns. volume_up more_vert. There are small councils that are facing many difficulties but lack resources to deal effectively with these problems. A lack of hard news developments caused wheat to trade narrowly. Thus, the raters were able to apply scores for Dirty Dozen categories not specifically mentioned by inferring from context.In coding the MOSA reports, the raters scored the Dirty Dozen category Lack of Resources far more often than any other … owing to lack of funds. Sentences are divided into four categories: simple sentences, compound sentences, complex ... the clinical study found that lack of sleep contributes to the inability to focus, irritability, and poorer health. Copy. What is Prosody? Examples of lack in a sentence, how to use it. Space colonization will facilitate harvesting the Solar System's energy and material resources. n. owing to a lack of resources. In addition to much higher poverty rates, blacks suffer from concentrated poverty. See Answer. Change in one element of a loosely coupled system may have a ripple effect on other elements. owing to lack of funds. I find in every quarter that the people concerned with their management complain that they lack resources. for lack of means. Found inside – Page 390... and felt that the sentence had to be a minimum of two years less a day . ... a lack of resources in the community to supervise conditional sentences . Verb/word ratio = 2/21] Use: Virginia has extended state recognition to eight Native American tribes resident in the state, though some lack federal recognition status. Eventually the Pankhursts had to let her go through lack of funds. For that same reason, the defendant's lack of knowledge of his or her actual sentence when the waiver is executed does not make a sentencing appeal waiver unknowing as a matter of law. a matter of financial resources. I wouldn’t trust them an inch: talking about people you don’t trust, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Use these dialogues as many times as possible. in a sentence. Such a mistake is called a run-on sentence. Using Bulmer’s (1979) general criteria for skewness, the Lack of Communication, Lack of Resources, and Pressure distributions were only moderately skewed left (negatively), while Fatigue and Stress were moderately skewed right(positively). A noun phrase can be a single word-just the noun-or more than one word. A professional profile—or resume profile—is an important tool to consider when building your resume. a lack of financial incentives. Lack definition: If there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it or it does not exist at all. But we still lack resources to guarantee continuation for a longer period. Found inside – Page 83Although it is implied , it should be specifically stated that populations of whales have been significantly reduced because of lack of regulation . Examples of Resource in a sentence. ... You are wondering about the types of resources available to students at SJSU. Due to. Found inside – Page 80This lack of clear legal mandate and undefined linkage does not allow for ... confiscation , restitution , suspended sentence , probation and judicial ... Found inside – Page 21... to prison for the remainder of their sentence for minor violations, and finally released without supervision, ... high caseloads and lack of resources. open_in_new Link to source. At yearend 2015, over 6.7 million individuals 1) U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Correctional Populations in the United States, 2015, 2 tbl. Found insideOur strategy identifies priority areas and police resources are directed to those ... and such a difference exposes the lack of interest of the police. There are three subject types: simple subject, complete subject, and compound subject. Good: Because we LACKED data, we could not EVALUATE whether the UN had TARGETED funds to areas that most NEEDED assistance. Examples of lack of response in a sentence, how to use it. antonyms. Due to having less features than an actual standard system, the performance will be better. due to lack of funds. Extending water supply and sanitation services to … Even if you join such complete sentences with a comma, it … - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar, In this area, there must be no delay and no, The other reason for lagging behind is still the, But municipalities, especially those in disadvantaged regions, often, Because the fact is that poverty, need and, Applicant countries may take part but often they, The rich countries are virtually at a standstill while the developing countries are floundering in their problems, their poverty, their, The problem of Zimbabwe is not one of intrinsic, We have heard that a number of these problems are due partly to a, The fishery sector of Ceuta suffers from the same problems as the rest of the sector in the Community, due to a, Secondly, there is no point announcing and publicizing a right if the exercise of that right is hampered by a, As the Commissioner pointed out, we do not, I also wish to congratulate Mr Cornillet on the excellent work he has done, despite a, By condemning the coordination problems alone, the report is, however, concealing the dreadful, We indicate, however, that not all the difficulties in the operation of the delegations and the management of external aid are caused by the, Some countries have a political interest in implementing the Treaty but, As MEPs, we receive complaints every week that properly submitted applications have been rejected because of a, There is the problem of cofinancing, which is fixed contractually, but not executed for, And then he said, "But I want you to know that the, The Commission is now trying, on the basis of existing conditions, that is, in spite of a, These organisations are often under threat, but they are working together despite the, We need to tell them, at the very least, that we are sorry for the, Although they are a major driving force in Europe’ s economy, SMEs suffer from a lack of information and a, This is a neighbouring area, closely linked to us throughout our history, where the, The Commission is pleased to supply information to the European Parliament upon request, but is unable to approve Amendments 18 and 20 because there is a, That is, to an ever greater extent, particularly worrying when it comes to category 4, an area in which we have a severe, Legal aid shall be made available to those who, Fundamental economic restructuring experienced by the countries with economies in transition has led to, I would like to follow on from Mr Herman when he said that in fact we already know what has to be done but that we. Most significant in this regard was the sentencing Guidelines reduction of “drugs minus two” in 2014 that lowered the offense severity … Sentence examples for. What is notable about this movie, however, isn't the plot, or lack thereof, which would just make it another lame skin flick. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. Action and characters. When family and/or friends lack resources to help with essential duties, this may cause problems for the older person. - This evidence suggested that policy could… owing to lack of funding. It is not the facts of the crime, but the quality of legal representation, [FN3] that distinguishes this … Capital costs. Good: Because we LACKED data, we could not EVALUATE whether the UN had TARGETED funds to areas that most NEEDED assistance. Learn Ludwig. Poor people accused of capital crimes are often defended by lawyers who lack the skills, resources, and commitment to handle such serious matters. Hire. ∙ 2011-12-15 17:16:31. Instead of an article sprawling out into multiple directions, focus on one specific topic and add more depth to your argument. (conserve, protect, access, combine, share) Example sentences with Lack Of. The research by Hagan et al. Lack of Resources should follow with plenty of examples to illustrate the problem. Paragraph Structure. Paragraphs are hardly ever longer than one page, double-spaced and usually are much shorter. A sentence fragment is a chunk of language that hasn’t made it all the way to being a working sentence; it might be missing a verb, or there might not be a subject. Reading aloud with expression is a foundational reading skill students should be developing between grades 1 - 5. In those sentences, lack functions as a verb. Policy shifts by the U.S. Lack of Resources to deliver the Outcomes for Finance, HR, Procurement and FPS Business Systems Replacement. Clarifying your topic sentence–clarifying your thinking–will go a long way toward producing an organized and convincing paper. "Confidence is contagious. lack of adequate financial resources. The subject of a sentence is the person or thing doing the action or being described. Most states in the U.S. which allow for the death penalty due so because of murder. Found inside – Page 210With respect to auditory sentence comprehension, resource ... The lack of correlation was interpreted to mean that the comprehension of simple grammar by ... thesaurus "Confidence is contagious. (This topic sentence reiterates the same idea and controlling thesis, but adjectives such as appalling and immediate better engage the reader. For this reason, you need to use a verbal noun or a gerund after to:. Many economic problems in the region stem from the depletion of natural resources. and resources. The resources of the facility contemplated; 2. The lack of respect earlier in his career had motivated him. All contents of the excluding publicly sourced documents are Copyright © 2013-. Example Sentences: 1. Sentences are divided into four categories: simple sentences, compound sentences, complex ... the clinical study found that lack of sleep contributes to the inability to focus, irritability, and poorer health. a sentence that is ambiguously worded so as to elicit an understanding of the reader’s psychological characteristics; a sentence that is structured so that the reader, having only read the beginning, is able to correctly predict the later phrasing; a sentence that appears initially to have meaning but that is in fact grammatically nonsensical It is true that health care facilities in the inner city lack resources. Found inside – Page 340... called upon : lack of processing resources and lack of linguistic knowledge . ... whereas previous studies looked at sentences in isolation , for which ... This is considered a meeting dysfunction that should be avoided by properly structuring the meeting to encourage engagement … The most obvious and widely publicized barrier to renewable energy is cost—specifically, capital costs, or the upfront expense of building and installing solar and wind farms.Like most renewables, solar and wind are exceedingly cheap to operate—their “fuel” is free, and maintenance is minimal—so the bulk of the expense comes from building the technology. Example from the Hansard archive. Found inside – Page 1154 Replace the second sentence with : " Breeding colonies occur between ... and a higher number of the housing units lack plumbing for exclusive use . Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Learn the meaning of the word and increase your vocabulary while using Resource in a sentence. Paragraphs can be of varying lengths, but they must present a coherent argument unified under a single topic. Blurting out answers, interrupting, talking excessively and speaking too loudly all break common communication standards, for example. Found inside – Page 254Though this appears to be the first case to refuse to impose a conditional sentence because of a lack of supervisory resources , it has not been the last . Fortunately, the medicine had the efficacy to reduce the amount of pain John was feeling. The problem is not that you used due to at the beginning of a sentence. . 99 examples: Because of the possible toxicity of thiosulfate to test organisms, a control… Found inside – Page 6is constrained by lack of resources and concentrates on low income as an indicator ... 3 This clause fills in the ellipsis in the sentence 6 Tania Burchardt ... lack of funding. ... You are wondering about the types of resources available to students at SJSU. Found inside – Page 39The parties waive preparation of a presentence report and the court ... offices have decriminalized certain theft offenses due to their lack of resources . The first was the army, which questioned his position as commander given his lack of military experience. Our lack of pertinent data prevented determination of committee action effectiveness in funding targeting to areas that needed assistance the most. Participatory politics suffered during the conflict and the parties, especially those in opposition, lack resources, capacity, experience and organisational skills. from inspiring English sources. [Note that the sentence incorporates two clauses and two verbs. Noun Phrase-a noun and any words in the sentence that modify it; words that can modify nouns include articles (a, an, the); adjectives; participles; and possessive pronouns. The sentence must contain a subject and a verb, otherwise, it will be considered a sentence fragment, not a complete sentence. Found inside – Page 5130Syntax: Title + Goal + Context + {Resources}1N + {Actors}1N + ... as the episode sentence (see below in the Episode definition), without the constraints. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation and difficulty … owing to a lack of funds. Lack of growth rings of fossilized trees suggest a lack of seasons of a tropical climate. This page includes lots of simple and real-life examples and interactive test. Found inside – Page 65French Judges ( continued from page 45 ) 9 The main problem with the sentence judge system is seen as lack of training and lack of resources . owing to limited resources. For example, comments and indications made by the observer regarding tools, calibration, and technical manuals all relate to the Dirty Dozen category of Lack of Resources. He was later released through lack of evidence and reinstated. Inadequate representation was one of the primary reasons for the high reversal rate. Translation for 'lack of resources' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations. Every sentence must have a verb, and every verb must have a subject. lack of capacity. This is particularly the case in sciences where teachers and lecturers complain seriously of lack … English The problem is simply a lack of resources. All rights reserved. 35 sentences with lack- how to use it in a sentence. Found inside – Page 137The net effect of mandatory sentencing and longer sentencing law is shorter sentences , if the lack of appropriate resources necessitates the early release ... Understanding the 18 most common grammar mistakes can help you improve your writing. Despite their lack of material resources the team is rich in experience. Estate planning attorneys are … Lack of participation happens when participants remain quiet or do not engage in a meeting's activities creating a roadblock to meeting productivity. You are offline. Even if a sentence using passive voice is clear, it can still be wordy. In view of the millions of cars that are presented for registration each year, authorities lack resources to check all cars in accordance with current requirements. An initial attack on the city failed, and with the Crusaders' lack of resources the siege became a stalemate. These words also indicate the writer’s tone.) 1. Lack of Resources: Lack of a consistent resource stream has been a large barrier in implementing many of the recommendations, as they primarily focus on infrastructure changes. Several chief officers have told me that they may not be able to operate new schemes, as has already been said, for the time being because they lack resources. Found inside – Page 219These sentences lack parallelism. ... In sentence 1 above, “research” and “human resources” are both nouns, but “combine” is a verb. The mistake in sentence ... availability of adequate financial resources. By the end of the week, you should know thirty five sentences really well. Learn how to turn a fragment into a sentence … Found inside – Page 196Syntax: Title + Goal + Context + {Resources}1N + {Actors}1N + ... as the episode sentence (see below in the Episode definition), without the constraints. Found inside – Page 6Presentence reports are not required in all cases . ... Similarly , the absence of adequate information or resources may prevent correctional agencies from ... Regard the paragraph as the unit of organization for your essay (Strunk and White 15). The resources which are important to the organization and create a value proposition in service to its customers and deliver the product to the customers are called key resources. The nature and circumstances of the offense; 3. 31. Best Answer. Order: #5459479. Michael O'Brien. ∙ 2011-12-15 17:16:31. Yet the police in turn say that the laws are inadequate and that they lack resources. . warning Request revision. Behaviors might seem to be excessive silliness, being sassy, free-associative comments, emotional outbursts, contextual swearing, blurting out, inappropriate comments, explosive anger, and oppositional defiance. Examples of lack of exercise in a sentence, how to use it. This enabled the Moriori to preserve what limited resources they had in their harsh climate, avoiding waste through warfare. Definition of Lack of Resources. Lack of Resources means that Alternative Funding Sources are unavailable to fund all, or a portion, of the Project for which program funds are being sought as demonstrated by an Applicant pursuant to section 8112(d)(2) hereof. a lack of financial penalities. Sentence Making Lack of. If you settle for vagueness in your topic sentences, you will be more likely to write off-topic or jump around from topic to topic. inadequacy of the resources. Look at these examples of lack being used as a noun: The project was canceled due to a lack of funding. And when lack is used as a noun, then we do say “lack of” + the thing that is missing or insufficient. RELATED ( 5 ) lack of adequate budgetary resources. owing to a lack of funds. Lack of Equipment, Facilities and Materials: In Nigeria, the necessary equipment, facilities and materials needed for a meaningful research are either lacking or grossly inadequate. related to lack of resource. The case against Bibbs was dropped through lack of evidence. a lack of financial controls. Found inside – Page 92The lack of interest in learning and individual variation has meant that the issues occupying mainstream sentence processing research have been seen as ... Usage examples for "lack of resources" in English. Found inside – Page 56Of these , 4,602 were indeterminate sentence for public protection ( IPP ) ... The lack of resources to deal with this population was a recurrent theme in ... Lack of self-motivation among students continues to be one of the primary reasons why students fail to complete online courses. were under some form of correctional control in the United States, including 2.2 million incarcerated in federal, state, or local prisons and jails. People with ADHD also often make tangential comments in conversation, or struggle to organize their thoughts on the fly. A lack of access to high quality maternal health services in rural communities is the result of many factors including hospital and obstetric department closures, workforce shortages, and access to care challenges arising from the social determinants of health which have contributed to disparities in These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Unfortunately, it is also those countries which most need educated people to participate in the democratic development of civil society which lack resources for education. The death penalty, or "capital punishment" if one prefers a friendlier term, is the planned killing of an individual by a government or ruling entity in response to a crime. Core ADHD symptoms undermine this aspect of communication all on their own. Examples of Lack of Resources in a sentence Lack of Resources to deliver the Outcomes for Finance, HR, Procurement and FPS Business Systems Replacement. We are told that could be extended depending on the amount of progress or the lack thereof. Gold was the most valuable resource found in the land, but silver and quartz were found there as well. Through human resources, many companies have internal mechanisms to resolve problems. for lack of means. Simple Example 1: The traffic jam was due to a terrible accident at the intersection. So is lack of confidence". Essays are the most common type of academic paper – and sometimes, you are assigned Lack Of Creative Writing In Schools just too many of them. 4. is not responsible for their content. lack thereof. lack of. Find 31 ways to say RESOURCES, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. through lack of. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. owing to resource constraints. Society’s Lack of Resources and ResponsesMany women are unable to identify and address violence against themselves because of a lack of resources, social support, legal remedies, employment opportunities or resources to support their children. 13Our method not only overcomes the lack of authority to gain... depending upon available treatment / resources... System may have a lack of resources and lack of resources of Vietnamese but also improves threat to society small! 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