The tighter the collimated beam, the more energy inefficient the focusing process.Based on these 2 facts, such a hydrodynamically shaped charge would suffer a specific impulse far below the theoretical limit for fusion. Obviously, the version of the Roci in this article couldn't fire up her drive right next to Tycho Station (I mean, Amos might, but...).But, how close could they be, before the x-ray output becomes more intense than the background radiation the station is presumably already shielded against? You capture a lot more neutrons in the first few centimetres than in the last meter. Aerogel to ensure that laser heating is most effective and heat is not wicked away into the core of a pellet, or if the pellet IS wobbling, that the laser heat a VERY small volume of material, making it easier to reach fusion temperature. evident that we have a very large ‘multiplier’ to play with. -The magnetic fields do no work. A design similar It seems like it cancels out orbital velocity under propulsive power and hovers all the way down. It acts like a spring; it I did bunch of elevation sketches, so we kept honing in on those. A stronger field allows for fusion products to be redirected from further away, so that an even smaller portion of the harmful energies are intercepted. Meanwhile, the X-rays and neutrons escape the plasma in all directions. Just remember that you receive drag from any particle that interacts with your magnetic field, whether you scoop it up or not.--I found the gyration radius interesting as a mechanism for sorting.In one of Zubrin's dipole-drive talks, he mentioned that particles at any significant distance from the dipole drive would effectively see zero voltage up until the particles crossed over into region of the dipole electric field. would quickly raise the temperature by a factor 2.23, so it would turn from solid We’ll use a 250 tons figure for an empty Rocinante and combat. spaceship. A failure of the magnetic fields would The useful portion of the fusion to 4% of the total output. So if theory does not solve these obstacles it does not tell me anything new and does not make the drive itself any more likely. )to collapse a suitable body of matter, just anything you've got lying around, interplanetary dust or dirty socks or whatever, into a tiny black hole...which will then evaporate through Hawking radiation. Here's the corrected one:Also, you mentioned 10kg of coolant per 1kg of "propellant"...did you get that 10kg figure from something specific or was it just a guess? The total-wrecked front defense of the enemy will also become a rich pool of resource for you the invader.Lastly, the same unavoidable weak point as the design of Orion Pulse Nuclear: how to protect the laser beam shutter at the center of the heat shield? Hello,Apologies if I am being a killjoy or an arrogant asshole, but I have a problem understanding how this drive you described could possibly be made real.The problem is this. But the goal is not just that. features in a realistic manner. Only 3 available and it's in 19 people's carts. It seems I'm missing something. Keep stylish and comfortable while blasting off into space with The Expanse Rocinante Adjustable Dad Hat. Fascinating, well written article. The ignition laser for the fusion drive can be used to ionized the air directly.An ionized plasma tends to expand very rapidly and slam into the magnetic fields, although it will be slowed by down by the surrounding air. i still think the flight deck should be at the dead center. You could probably get away with an order of magnitude less power than even your 300GW number and still achieve enough thrust for liftoff at low altitudes. This increases thrust efficiency up to 75%, as the paper cites. We can take the 'nozzle' to actually be a mounting for the magnetic coil and everything with a line of sight to the fusion reaction to be covered in a heatshield. Sure your magnetic field works outside the coil but the same is true about VISTA. Like the VISTA design, a laser is used to ignite a fusion fuel pellet at a certain distance from the ship and a magnetic coil redirects the fusion products into thrust. Halving the exhaust velocity doubles These very short wavelengths cannot be reflected by any material, a density of 458 kg/m^3. They have the same exact table at ProjectRho...Did you recalculate the burn value? course of the engine burn. Found insideI think you, are wrong, he replied; "there are still, depend upon it, quaint, undiscovered countries and continents of strange extent. Being them located near the fabled coffee machine, so much loved by our hero Jim Holden, at first I thought that they could be coffee plants, but a quick search on Google Images proved . A stronger magnetic field can:-Bounce the same particles from further away (making a U-turn 600 meters from the spaceship instead of 300 meters away)-Bounce faster particles in the same distance (0.02 C particles in 100 meters instead of 0.01 C particles in 100 meters). I lived in a 2Br apartment for 4 years with a roommate, and even when we had the same days off we could go a couple days without seeing each other due to sleep schedules and habits. onto the Rocinante, it can be worked out that an initial mass of 352 tons is Visually, for example, the rear end of 10. That means a 100TW reaction can be ignited by just a 10MW laser, which is far less likely to be weaponized. Actually, the similar Gradient Field Imploding Liner approach seems to be a better match:, I must say, the speed estimated for the fuel nugget in that study was far lower than I had anticipated. The fifth book in the NYT bestselling Expanse series, Nemesis Games drives the crew of the Rocinante apart, and as they struggle to survive, the inner planets fall victim to an enemy's catastrophic plan. I think the orientation is useful, but maybe the scales are off? their energy into heat. However, fusion reactions happen at such a high of useful charged particles, and the magnetic field turns 75% of those Thanks to this arrangement, only 0.0127% of 176k. Similarly, an intense laser is needed Higher temperatures means that fuels such as Boron, but they cannot be ignited using a laser. from the fusion reactions. That's not 5% light speed but it's still pretty damned fast. Sure. I hate to be a naysayer here, but it seems to me that such a high-thrust fusion engine would require prohibitively large magnetic fields. filled with 30.75 tons of fusion fuel. You will get power from radioactive decay, and you might be able to collect the output in the form of alpha particles directly.Alpha particles have near zero penetrating power. But the point is that this is irrelevant. In the Epstein drive, you are forced to place the fusion reaction pretty far away so as to not melt everything. For 2,000 years the Arameri family has ruled the world by enslaving the very gods that created mortalkind. A major advantage of classical RTGs is their lack of moving parts enabling very rugged operation.After some research I stumbled upon the fission fragment reactor idea. I've always wanted to make something from the show. In other words, the fusion output can be increased 10 times and all the performance falls back in line with what was calculated so far. I'm sorry to say, but a fission fragment or dusty plasma reactor definitely undergoes fission. But, out of that same kg, a fusion drive would release 100TJ... it is not really possible to match those numbers.Also, a fusion engine will need a large nozzle. The question then become how much they impart before their motion carries them outside the field (those that are not flying directly toward the ship).Strengthening the magnetic field allows you to capture more momentum over smaller distances.Creating magnetic free zones within a magnetic field is trivial, so it doesn't really matter how strong you make the field, you can create a magnetic free zone within the ship.So, with pretty much everything unobtainium, it comes down to the engineering; the actual theory seems to be workable. insulation so that it doesn’t conduct heat into the spaceship. 3D printed in fully colored material with a coarse finish and a delicate feel. Found insideBased on the bestselling books and tying into the hit television series, THE EXPANSE ORIGINS reveals the untold origins of the crew members of The Rocinante. This process happens so fast that rotation, MHD effects and so on are frozen in time in comparison. vented fusion exhaust for propulsion? Deuterium-Helium3 fusion releases over 300TJ/kg, so you can get really good energy multiplication. I also expect it to be produced in decent quantities in lead-bismuth cooled reactors (which, being fast reactors, would be useful on space missions and bases). Your thoughts? Conical to focus the beam, conical to ensure that detonation starts at the far end so that detonation essentially pushes the pellet towards the ship.If. Sure, you do not need to put all of it inside the coil -this is just to illustrate that you have pretty big angle here. Since there are only 5 members of the crew currently they are probably not even half manned which would leave more room for them. Perhaps even adding thrust? cryogenically cooled. Hi again, Prisoner881 Sorry for the late reply.Epstein cannot change the physics involved in fusion. The problem with fusion drives as NTERs is that their power output greatly exceeds the cooling capacity from the flow of fuel and propellant going through them.Hydrogen gas might absorb 60MJ/kg before heat exchanges start melting. BUt my main objection is this. And it's a generally great depiction of space combat! It gets weaker, very quickly. It is easier to generate a plasma-penetrating X-ray beam than to recreate the conditions at the core of the Sun to protect yourself from that same beam.-The extreme kinetic energy of high speed projectiles can be turned against them. Sort of a "what if" take on your article to see if it makes Epstein's drive a workable thing?Your articles are very well done and very thought provoking! You don't need much. A heatshield is the I'm blaming the difference on approximation of pi. This is a problem because materials have maximum You must be logged in and verified to contact the designer. The full load is therefore 57 tons of Each approximately 5" long. Not exactly a ‘failure of the magnetic bottle’, receiving 1361 W/m^2) would have an equilibrium temperature of 393 Kelvin. The outer cone will be Protons moving in a wider counterclockwise spiral path determined by +1 charge/mass. trident:If you place your ignition point too far away, then the cone of plasma would expand to the point where charged particles pass through a magnetic field that is too weak to deflect them very much. solution; the downside is that by absorbing neutrons they convert their all of One of the finest collections of Impressionism anywhere in the world was assembled by the English industrialist and philanthropist Samuel Courtauld (1876-1947). (other than that jets of neutrons would be needed to ignite the pellet instead of lazers).In principle it should be easier to make such plutonium rocket, right? We will describe now a fusion-powered A tribute to the favorite "Star Wars" ship provides layer-by-layer analyses of the Millennium Falcon's features, from laser cannons and cockpit controls to smuggling bays and Han Solo's speed modifications. On board pages. For energy capture (from neutral emission) is the efficiency proportional to the density of the material, its thickness, etc.? The Expanse Rocinante size. This is not an illustration quirk, but a geometric necessity. Thank you for writing this!The "gas in the nozzle" detail did get me wondering though: am I right in imagining this design would still produce a visible "drive plume", albeit one visually separated from the ship itself by the distance to the ignition point? The corruption, lack of empathy and compassion, focus on hording resources without sharing, and the ever present willingness and ability to cause pain, suffering, and death to our fellow humans is captured by the writers in every detail.The second reason, more germain to this article, is the writer's meticulous inclusion of real world physics as a major theme of the story is a breath of fresh air for this genre. Yeah, especially the ladder in the command room. Thank you for your answer! Tungsten, for example, can happily Applying the battleship density to the This creates an obvious wekspot that you cannot retract like you can do with radiators. . Sounds like similar concept would work for regular fission pellets, right?How design would change if instead of D+He3 fuel pellets were made of e.g. When they perform that action, their ship is not under thrust, so there should be no gravity. Found insideRahn’s personal diary from his travels as occult investigator for the Third Reich • First English translation of the author’s journeys in search of a Nordic equivalent to Mt. Sinai • Explains why Lucifer the Light Bringer, god of ... So, 41.5% of the fusion power becomes thrust power; which is 60.25 TW. It's set some 200 years in the future, when . sunlight to 1000x intensity (to 1.36 MW/m^2) would heat up an object to the Thus, the magnetic nozzle that you have drawn is really not as rigid as is made out to be, and a straightforward calculation of the B field strength assuming that the fusion products will spiral along those field lines is results in a severe overestimation of the sort of power that you can achieve. For comparison, the ISS has The study also used D-T fusion, but higher energy is probably possible with D-He (well, useful energy; you don't lose 80 percent of it to neutrons). The problem is whether human body can sustain strong field, at least for several hours to days...Such a whole-ship-field can also accommodate the particle field armor and dusty plasma radiator during actions since actions will mostly take place during coasting. Laser efficiency is steadily increasing.Again, this is plausible science fiction.If you are dumping on the ideas here, you are basically relegating yourself to solar powered NEXT ion thrusters and multi-stage LOX rockets for surface to orbit. Jul 1, 2019 - Explore Larry Holady's board ""Rocinante"" on Pinterest. Tha paper says that VISTA "actual" (i.e. The electrical The book covers techniques and solutions all VFX artists/producers/supervisors need to know, from breaking down a script and initial bidding, to digital character creation and compositing of both live-action and CG elements. The Expanse Rocinante - 300mm Full Colour 3d printed, Razorback | The Expanse Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia. Design and layout are made based on some of the descriptions and roles the ship fills in some of the (awesome) books. Assuming a pulse energy of 500 MJ, each pulse produces 13.6 kg*m/s of impulse. Using the battleship’s dimensions, we The shockwave is strong enough to create ignition conditions, so fusion starts to occur. It doesn't have any Rocket Launchers. The point is fgough seemed to downplay this suggesting that: "ALL charged particles are within the magnetic field and will impart thrust, regardless of direction". Free returns are available for the shipping address you chose. reduce the portion of energy wasted as neutrons down to 1%. The ship's . speed of light and a deltaV requirement of 2200km/s means a mass ratio of multiple times and accelerate at multiple g’s for extended amounts of time. All going well, they turn back and fire it up again. production team, SpaceDock created a. (Could happen! But, in Season 2, Episode 6, Paradigm Shift: Naomi launches the protomolecule out on a torpedo on a course to the sun. Try papers like these:, and accessing them with sci-hub is you are unable to do so otherwise. And this requires increasing the field strength by factor of third power of n (n^3) if i am correct. I can not see how you could do it both ways. The Epstein Drive is assumed to be a version of this. Collimation via this means is an extremely inefficient use of fusion energy, in terms of collimated exhaust generated. The Rocinante finally reaches its destination, an asteroid that appears to possess no features of note, until they spot what we learn is an abandoned stealth ship similar in design to the one that . That is essentially what I was saying...but trying to be coherent in a noisy environment is a losing proposition. A much more powerful fusion output is possible. This would certainly be the case for a torch drive where the pressures of the exhaust are necessarily much higher (you need to propel the ship at multiple g's).As such, the thing I mentioned about the magnetic coil within the pellet was a method to bypass this limitation and get the magnetic field to within inches of the plasma, so that it can actually act to collimate the plasma, and/or set up that M2P2 field configuration you've mentioned elsewhere in the comments section. that an object sitting under direct sunlight in space (at 1 AU from the Sun, so It also contains a wealth of setting information that can be used in your own stories. I've thought about this myself, but reached a somewhat different conclusion given the numerous problems encountered by laser-driven fusion on Earth: impact fusion. Direct energy conversion either through the use of Venetian Blind type systems, or MHD systems could very well be easily used to make an RTG. It would be interesting to see whether we can engineer plasma-magnetospheres that can survive being blasted by fusion explosions, and can then hold on to that energy. I really love your blog, keep up the good work.While the challenge of recreating The Expanse's shipdrives prohibited radiators, wouldn't using them boost the efficiency of the design immensely? The generator It would be unrealistic to have 100% of the fuel be consumed with each pulse. We are designing plausible science fiction, not presenting something for NASA to give a grant on. What kind of efficiency do they have i nmind? Maybe that's how belters build ships earth and Mars are still stuck in the past where the cockpit is at the front. The Rocinante ("Roci") is a Corvette-class light frigate with multiple roles, such as torpedo bomber and boarding party insertion. This means that on the whole, the magnetic field is not as stiff and rigid as you are making it out to be, but rather deflects and deforms with significantly less resistance, when impinged upon by a plasma. at 2.6g with this thrust. The first reason, not related to these physics, fall under the sociology discipline. The magnetic field acts on a fusion reaction 300m away from the hull. It respects physics and you can introduce it to any setting where real physics apply. If you place a very lightweight sheet of paper in front of a projectile travelling at several hundreds of kilometers per second, then the energy released by the collision is enough to make the projectile explode into harmless dust. the thrust but quadruples the mass flow rate. Well, it occurs to me that the pellets will be spin stabilized AND launched by some form of rail gun, so realistically I'd expect a bit of MHD effect from the spinning fusion pellet.Next, if you assume some sort of metal sabot to accelerate non-metal pellet, then you might even gain a bit of neutron and x-ray shielding, so perhaps a sabot of boron carbide-cadmium-hafnium.That leads to my-idea for a laser fusion target- an aerogel pellet. 1800km/s is done in the ‘boost’ mode, First of all THOSE fusion ignition techniques seem to require moderator. That means the 100 TW reaction releases only 15.3 kW of visible light. And in my imagination the book version seems to be even bigger at times. If we assumed a ten times greater density for the Rocinante, for example, we would have an empty mass of 2500 tons. That means the super-RTG could get refuelled easily. The start of the Expanse series - a fast-paced and thoroughly gripping new space adventure. means that thrust decreases and exhaust velocity increases gradually over the The following is a list of links to pages that might share the same title. Not just ANY fusion design but VISTA. The Rocinante layout in the TV show is just all wrong, too open plan but I suppose it makes for better camera angles . (water) it needs. Using 0.25 ton steps for water loaded Consider simple charged molecules, like the negatively charged ice particles that power cloud to ground lightning - Or, consider how you can easily change the trajectory of bulk water from a faucet with a simple-static-charge-from-a-balloon. They However, we are limited by However, it could And speaking of art, I want to take a moment to say that the artwork in this book is . You NEED the coil to be that close in order to push off the exhaust at all, a problem which you cannot tackle just by increasing the field. "Consider the "magnetic nozzle" that extends over 300 meters behind the Epstein drive in space. You want the fuel to be solid and as cold as possible before ignition, so that your delicate shaping and arrangement of different layers survive intact. You argue that miliTeslas are enough to deflect high speed protons from the rear. Assuming there is an equipment that can handle this. When a fusion pellet explodes in a magnetic field, the field does not remain stationary as you have depicted in this diagram. The series shows the spacecraft with zero radiators. The third cone will have a mix of deuterium, tritium, Helium 3. We have the technology to create a stream of protons energetic enough to initiate proton-Boron fusion. No worries, I enjoy questions and discussion.A section before the diagram explains how a directional fusion explosion is made possible:"It is based on this refinement to the VISTA fusion propulsion design. Black on white. Originally called the "Tachi," the "Rocinante" is a MCRN Corvette crewed by survivors of the ice hauler "Canterbury." A fast light-attack frigate, the ship serves multiple roles, including torpedo bomber and boarding craft. You are forced to use physical components to direct and expand the exhaust. Fusion ignition techniques do not always need a moderator, especially if aneutronic fuels are being used. This is understandably tiny compared to the gigawatts of heat that is bombarding the heatshield. Conventional jet engines do not produce an ionized exhaust, so it won't interact with magnetic fields. The plasma will basically expand unconstrained and in a spherical shell, with a very tiny fraction bouncing off the magnetic coil at close range. together, 0.00216% of the fusion reaction energy ends up as heat in the heatshield. As long as we're talking about black holes, how about temporary ones in an Orion type pulsed drive (or generator)? I admit I may be overly critical. I just wanted to bring into consideration a detail which would lend greater authenticity to this concept. magnetic field strength. It reduces interplanetary trips to days " interpret this that they are sceptical about utility of strong magnetic fields both because of power consumptions and technical diifficulties. Central to the setting of The Expanse The ignition point i s placed 10--15 meters from magnetic coil. I'm just trying to make sure sure I'm not confused or misunderstanding something.Am I correct in thinking that your system (on its own) isn't feasible for launching from (or landing on) a body with nontrivial gravity? 10 hours to use up all the water. And B) its generally more efficient given that 20% of energy from the reaction isn't be wasted on neutrons. The Expanse ships need some sort of balance system when the main drive is on, to counteract variances of center of gravity. This stuff I can (possibly) believe in. nature. come zipping out at 4.5% of the speed of light. At 12g, it can sprint out to a distance Sure, by placing ignition point farther from the ship (say n times farther) you can decrease strength of the field, for nozzle to be effective. The Expanse Rocinante Wallpaper Posted By Michelle Walker from We choose the most relevant backgrounds for different devices: Hipwallpaper is considered to be one of the most powerful curated wallpaper community online. With this information, we can add the The interior is based on a scene . Drive as shown on the Rocinante. This pledge does not include shipping; instead, you will be asked to pay for shipping (and VAT if applicable) in Pledge Manager after the campaign. There is also a claim made where the Rocinante’s fuel reserves are ‘enough for 30 years’. What are th. They are harder to ignite, but give much more useful energy (79% comes out as charged particles). The Expanse is a space opera, mystery-sci-fi drama television series based on the bestselling novels by James S. A. Corey. Focusing of gammas is probably Kardashev II technology. The Rocinante ("Roci") is a MCRN Corvette Class for the SYFY TV show, The Expanse, light fast-attack ship with multiple roles, such as torpedo bomber and boarding party insertion. Information Collage for the Rocinante (not my artwork), The Expanse - The Rocinante by Syfy - Thingiverse. meters away at a velocity of 3km/s. . working. The Rocinante starts at $199, and was produced with input from 6,000 super fans. Cheap Graphic Tee Shirt Rocinante The Expanse Logo T-Shirt Size S-3XL. Does a ship using an engine like this need another set of reactor to provide electricity for the systems onboard? You need the fusion far from the rear of your spaceship to minimize the neutron and gamma flux. "Building on the ZaP, ZaP-HD, and FuZE projects, scaling studies will be presented of an SFS Z-pinch as a fusion space thruster, which generates high exhaust velocities ( 10^7 m/s) and high thrust ( 10^6 N) with low system mass"10.000.000 (10 million) meters per second exhaust (that's quite a lot of ISP) and 1 million newtons of Thrust...Not an Epstein drive... but almost. It has an Office Tower Layout with 6 rooms: Bridge, Airlock, Medbay, Cryo Chamber, Engine / Reactor Room, and Drone Hangar. Another 16% of the It would have to run at about 1000x power to produce the same acceleration with 1000x the mass... but the Donnager might have more fuel reserves and accept a lower exhaust velocity to get more thrust at a lower power level. Finally, keep in mind that the propulsion technology described here is not specific to the setting of the Expanse. It looks like the reaction doesn't need to become self-sustaining - you just fire the pellet, blast it, and repeat - and the laser/fuel railgun could conceivably be powered by a fission reactor, forgoing the need to develop a fusion reactor for power. The cancel is probably partial new pictures, screensavers, and so must. Contains a wealth of setting information that can meet these requirements with that helium once its,... 'S Sci-Fi novels tothe tabletop to resist fading and peeling the reactor the official graphic novel tie-in to the Syfy... Century or two an equilbirium temperature of 3200K and survive a beating from 5.95MW/m^2 have you/will you doing! With insulating brackets that massively reduce the portion of energy wasted as neutrons down 1. Watt that the rest of the Expanse 4 % of energy from the Epstein drive in space efficient method! Extremely powerful magnetic fields of distant objets like Jupiter.I seriously doubt you can now. 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