Found inside – Page 490Clinicians should be adept at identifying patients with high-risk features for VTE and start prophylaxis after considering bleeding risk and history of HIT ... First, due to its retrospective design, 388 of 537 patients had missing information on one or more items of the HAS-BLED score, most frequently on alcohol use (lacking in 331 patients). Interpreting the conditional recommendation, “In acutely or critically ill medical patients, the ASH guideline panel suggests using pharmacological VTE prophylaxis over mechanical VTE prophylaxis (conditional recommendation, very low certainty in the evidence of effects. Significant bleeding and thrombocytopenia are the most common risks identified in pharmacologic intervention studies against which the benefits have to be weighed. Stroke patients are one medical population in which bleeding risk has been of particular concern. Of those, 163 were not treated for acute VTE by one of the three affiliated hospitals and were therefore excluded. After reviewing the results and discussing resource requirements, equity, feasibility, and acceptability, the panel was asked to categorize the risk factors into 3 sets: included, potentially included, and excluded. The VTE-BLEED score was developed to identify patients on anticoagulation for VTED and who were at increased risk of bleeding. Two other studies performed in patients with divergent indications for VKA use, such as VTE and atrial fibrillation, reported a C-statistics of 0.57 and 0.67 for the HAS-BLED score for the entire populations, without reporting these figures for the VTE population separately [27,35]. Anticoagulation would not be used unless the Wells scores changes. We identified all patients starting VKA treatment for acute VTE (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or both) between January 2006 and March 2007 via records of the Leiden anticoagulation clinic. We used a novel approach to systematically identify and assess risk factors to support the development of a RAM and inform the update of widely used RAMs for VTE and bleeding in hospitalized acutely, critically, or chronically ill medical patients. For example, if a RAM provides inaccurate or poorly calibrated estimates of VTE risk (ie, it over- or underpredicts by ignoring clinical context), it may mislead health care professionals. 2014 Nov 7;10:627-39. doi: 10.2147/VHRM.S50543. These findings support the development or update of a RAM that can accurately predict specific events while remaining relatively simple and applicable to use in clinical settings. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the third most common cardiovascular disease affecting 1–2 per 1000 adults annually [1]. Although the RIETE, Kuijer, Kearon, and OBRI scores all reported promising results in their derivation and internal validation studies [21,22,24,26], their predictive value was reported poor by external validation cohorts, with c-statistics ranging between 0.28 and 0.60 [18,27]. Found inside – Page 62VTE & bleeding risk assessment Intermittent calf compression Pharmacological VTE prophylaxis options (continued for 10-14 days): Dabigatran – start 1-4 ... 2003 Apr 28;163(8):917-20. We excluded autoimmune disease which is included in the IMPROVE (International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism) bleeding RAM. Although a HAS-BLED score of 3 points or higher was shown to be a good predictor and of high specificity for major bleeds in our study, the sensitivity at this cut-off was only 54.6% with a positive predictive value of 8.2%. We conducted a Web-based anonymous survey through SurveyMonkey.20 We asked questions after presenting results of the previous round, the assessment of the certainty of the evidence, and a descriptive summary of findings for each risk factor from the systematic review. Would you like email updates of new search results? doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002883. Blood Adv 2020; 4 (12): 2557–2566. drafted the manuscript; and all authors interpreted the results, critically revised the manuscript, and approved of the final version. No, Is the Subject Area "Anticoagulant therapy" applicable to this article? A detailed description of the results of the systematic review and corresponding forest plots of the meta-analyses are published elsewhere.10. Patients were classified as non-high or high-risk of major bleeding events based on the reported major bleeding rates for each outcome of the HAS-BLED score, with a cut-off of 7.3% as indicated by previous studies within the VTE population [18,21–24], and based on a HAS-BLED score cut-off ≥ 3 points as is used for patients with atrial fibrillation [25]. Also, the potentially included risk factors should be explored in further research. Third, we selected the factors to include in the RAMs, using an innovative structured approach based on GRADE that required extensive clinical and methodological expertise. For very low risk patients, ambulation without chemoprophylaxis or mechanical prophylaxis is recommended. Major bleeding risk in low risk and high risk group was 0.22% vs 1.4% respectively. Populations for which the Caprini score has not been validated (such as orthopedic surgery) are recommended prophylaxis based on individual and procedure-specific risk factors. Although this approach followed good practice in RAM development that suggests attaining high predictability while remaining relatively simple and applicable in clinical settings, it is novel, as it uses a structured approach based on EtD criteria.18,19. The most common HAS‐BLED component was hypertension (44.5%), followed by NSAID or antiplatelet medication use (27.5%), cancer (18.8%), and a history of bleeding (11.7%). The VTE RAM included age >60 years, previous VTE, acute infections, immobility, acute paresis, active malignancy, critical illness, and known thrombophilia. The IMPROVE VTE score is an externally validated tool that can be used to identify low-risk medical patients who do not warrant VTE prophylaxis. Performed the experiments: JK NH AIdS EVP FJMvdM SCC. Fear of bleeding has been identified as a barrier to optimal adherence. Lancet Haematol. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis remains suboptimal in China due to the bleeding risk associated with pharmacologic prophylaxis. In case of disagreements, a third researcher (MVH) was consulted. Patients with major bleeding had a more … The choice of agent ( Table 3 ) is typically dependent on the institution, current pathway, cost, and availability. A full descrip- Therefore, developing a system for dynamic risk assessment of hospitalized medical patients from admission to discharge is important. Risk stratification has emerged as an important tool for both patient-level decision making and risk assessment and adjustment to improve quality of care. Found insidePadua prediction score: for hospitalized medical patients Risk factor Points Active ... bleeding which should be considered when planning VTE prophylaxis. For the overall study population, the risks of bleeding in the low and high risk groups were 0.51 % and 2.03 %, respectively, for an odds ratio (OR) of 4.04 (95 % confidence interval [CI]: 2.51-6.48). Edoxaban for venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer: results from a non-inferiority subgroup analysis of the Hokusai-VTE randomised, double-blind, double-dummy trial. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! In fact, an increased bleeding risk was one of the main risk factors considered on the IMPROVE score, although anaemia was not a useful marker of bleeding risk in that study.14 Thus, our results could contribute to expanding the tools available to identify patients with high bleeding risk before prescribing VTE prophylaxis. broad scope, and wide readership – a perfect fit for your research every time. Medical scores in … Duration of inpatient prophylaxis is shortening as the average hospital length of stay decreases 43, 44 Pharmacological prophylaxis is recommended at the standard dose for patients with platelet levels > 80,000/mm 3. Found inside – Page 404Table 27.3 Bleeding risk Bleeding risk factor Points score Moderate renal failure ... risk of thrombosis, we recommend anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis with ... We used data from the DissolVE-2 study to report the risk factors for bleeding and validated the International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE) bleeding risk score (BRS). We based these ratings on considerations of risk of bias, indirectness, inconsistency, and imprecision.15, GRADE EtD frameworks. We determined a priori that we would make final judgments based on simple majority votes. Yes We conducted a study that combined systematic review methods and an assessment of the certainty of the evidence according to Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE). PLoS ONE 10(4): Our work also strongly suggests the need to standardize definitions of risk factors if we are to make further progress in this area. VTE is a problem – there is definitely a risk of hospitalized patients acquiring and either dying or developing complications from VTE. routine prophylaxis - For Moderate risk TE patients with a Moderate procedural bleeding risk: a prophylactic LMWH dose may be used to bridge post-procedure to reduce the risk of bleeding even if therapeutic dose LMWH is used prior to procedure - For High risk TE patients with a High procedural bleeding risk other options include: The original study was based on a post-hoc analysis of patients enrolled in various trials evaluating Dabigatran [a direct Thrombin inhibitor] versus standard treatment with Warfarin and subsequent studies have evaluated patients on Rivaroxaban [a direct Factor Xa inhibitor]. William Geerts, Abdulaziz Aljurayyan, Malin Carling. Lancet Haematol. However, validation is a continuous process, and our approach should be viewed as a method of validating the content of current widely used RAMs. Epub 2015 Apr 18. The problem is that “hospitalized patients” includes very heterogeneous groups of patients. This means that, although they are derived from large cohort studies, unmeasured potential risk factors in a specific cohort would have no possibility of being included in a RAM, whereas they could be captured as a candidate risk factor in a systematic review. Found inside – Page 137Venous thromboembolism risk stratification should also include bleeding risk assessment. Risk factors for bleeding risk in hospitalized medical patients ... No, Is the Subject Area "Medical risk factors" applicable to this article? The International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE), an … We therefore regard the use of the cut-off of 3 points or higher more useful for the identification of high risk patients, although this might result in a lower specificity (97.7% vs 87.3%). The C-statistic of the HAS-BLED score for the prediction of major bleeds was 0.78 (95% CI 0.65–0.91). e0122520. Medical scores in … VTE Risk and Prophylaxis: Devil in the Details. analyzed the data; A.J.D. The introduction of new oral anticoagulants may play a role in post-operative prophylaxis in the future however data is lacking in gynaecological cancer patients. Our developed RAMs should be tested in an external validation study using individual patient data sets. Found inside – Page 1142Bahl and colleagues5report on their use of the Caprini risk assessment model, ... bleeding complication with and without chemoprophylaxis associated with ... A total of 17 risk factors were candidates, based on the systematic review (Table 1). Importantly, sensitivity analyses excluding either patients with missing items or including all patients but excluding the item of alcohol use on the HAS-BLED score demonstrated similar results on the discriminative value of this bleeding score (data not shown). Detailed chart review was performed to record patient and treatment details, the Caprini score, pharmacologic VTE prophylaxis administration, and 30-day incidence of VTE and bleeding complications. Major bleeds occurred in 11/537 patients (2.0%, 5.2/100 person years, 95% CI 2.8-9.2). We standardized the definitions of the risk factors to help researchers build more uniform datasets and registries. Raskob G, Ageno W, Cohen AT, Brekelmans MP, Grosso MA, Segers A, Meyer G, Verhamme P, Wells PS, Lin M, Winters SM, Weitz JI, Büller HR. Also, we identified factors that require further research to confirm or refute their importance in a VTE RAM (eg, D-dimer). The medical records of 388 of 537 patients lacked information on one or more items of the HAS-BLED score, most frequently on alcohol use (331/537 patients). The potentially included risk factors (Table 2) require further study to confirm or refute their importance for the respective RAMs. One recommendation in the ASH guidelines assessed the effect of any parenteral anticoagulation (unfractionated heparin, low-molecular-weight heparin, or fondaparinux) compared with none.7 Based on the results of the meta-analyses, the relative risk was 0.58 for combined symptomatic PE and DVT and 1.48 for major bleeding.7 Based on the predicted probabilities in the case scenario and on the effects of parenteral anticoagulation on VTE and bleeding, if the patient were prescribed thromboprophylaxis, the absolute risk of VTE would be reduced by ∼0.2%, whereas the absolute risk of bleeding would increase by ∼0.9%, amounting to an absolute risk for VTE of 0.26% and for bleeding of 2.66%. For patients with an identified bleeding risk, the balance of risks of bleeding and thrombosis should be discussed in consultation with a haematologist with expertise in thrombosis and bleeding in pregnancy. These risk estimates are useful for implementing the corresponding ASH recommendations regarding acutely or critically ill medical patients: mechanical VTE prophylaxis compared with a combination of pharmacological and mechanical or pharmacological VTE prophylaxis alone.7 Given the bleeding risk and if the patient places a relatively high value on avoiding bleeding complications, the harms would outweigh the benefits. • Routine VTE risk assessment - Identify low, mod, high risk patients • Document allowable contraindications Active bleeding High risk of bleeding - liver disease Treatment dose anticoagulation • Offer/promote acceptable agents, dosing Other options available – select reason 29 • The Intermountain Risk Score did not add to clinical risk assessment models to predict 90-day HA-VTE. The expert panel included clinicians and researchers with expertise in management of VTE and bleeding in hospitalized medical patients, and in the development, validation, and implementation of RAMs for clinical practice. 1.2. Based on previous studies on major bleeding risks in VTE patients and the incidences found in our study, patients with a HAS-BLED score of four or higher can be regarded as high risk [18,21–24]. To develop the VTE and bleeding RAMs, we log transformed the ORs into β coefficients and determined the linear predictor (Y) for VTE or bleeding.21 The final RAMs, presented as regression models, are given as21LP(Y)=β0+β1X1+β2X2, where LP is the linear predictor Y of the outcome VTE or bleeding that is derived from the logistic regression model, where β0 is the intercept, β1 is the β coefficient for the first risk factor, and X1 is the first risk factor, and so on.21 To determine the contribution of each risk factor to the overall risk of VTE or bleeding, we summed the β coefficients, divided each by the total, and multiplied by 100 (Tables 2 and 3). The HAS-BLED score has shown to be of predictive value for major bleeds in several external validation cohorts of patient with atrial fibrillation treated with VKAs [15,28–30], but also in cohorts of patients with other indications for the use of anticoagulants [31–33]. We first conducted a systematic review of all relevant risk factors in hospitalized medical patients.10 In tandem, we used extensive clinical and methodological expertise to assess the certainty in the identified risk factors and select them by using a structured approach that requires clinical expertise. The expert panel made judgments on whether to include, potentially include, or exclude identified risk factors from the final RAMs using the Delphi method based on GRADE criteria. VTE risk is based on the type of surgery and underlying patient's risk factors. Found inside – Page 373TABLE Assessment of Stroke (CHADSZ, CHAzDSz-VASc) and Bleeding Risk ... CHAZDSZ—VASC score: 0, no thromboembolism prophylaxis; 1, TE prophylaxis with oral ... Found inside – Page 101... VTE prophylaxis in the pregnant or postpartum patient after discharge should be individualized, considering concomitant VTE and bleeding risk factors. 2016 May;3(5):e228-36. They completed declaration-of-interest forms to ensure transparency on potentially existing conflicts with regard to existing RAMs and other factors. Current management of venous thromboembolism in Japan: Current epidemiology and advances in anticoagulant therapy. In total, 43 patients (8.0%) died during follow-up, of whom 21 (48.8%) of malignancy. No, Is the Subject Area "Renal system" applicable to this article? The following subgroup analyses of risk of recurrent VTE and major bleeding in patients with incidental and symptomatic VTE were performed according to: (1) qualifying diagnosis of VTE, (2) history of VTE, (3) age, (4) site of cancer, (5) active cancer at randomization, (6) anticoagulant treatment. Mean INR during follow-up was 2.9 (SD 1.1) for patients developing a major bleeding event and 2.8 (SD 0.9) for those who did not (p 0.12). Fifth, there is no universal consensus on use of a specific RAM in hospitalized medical patients, in part because of the reasons just mentioned.9. Risk stratification for bleeding (VTE‐BLEED) 17 Risk Factor Points Active cancer 2 Prior bleeding 1.5 Renal dysfunction 1.5 Anemia 1.5 Elderly age 1.5 Male with uncontrolled hypertension 1 High risk of bleeding is defined by a cumulative score ≥ 2 points. In conclusion, our study presents a novel approach to systematically identifying and assessing risk factors to be included or further explored during RAM development. Recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with pulmonary embolism and right ventricular dysfunction: a post-hoc analysis of the Hokusai-VTE study. This work was supported by a subcontract (200-2016-92458) from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through Karna LLC. We standardized the definitions of the included and potentially included risk factors by reviewing the definitions of the original study as detailed in supplemental Tables 6 and 7. Additionally, we assessed the positive and negative predictive value, sensitivity and specificity of these HAS-BLED score cut-offs for the endpoint of major bleeds. We identified 17 eligible studies, 14 of which reported on VTE and described 29 candidate prognostic factors,24-37 and 3 studies that reported on bleeding and described 17 candidate factors.38-40 Supplemental Tables 2 and 3 provide the evidence profiles for VTE- and bleeding-related prognostic factors. This study aimed at externally validating VTE-BLEED. Bleeding included major or nonmajor but clinically significant bleeding within 90 days after discharge.13,14 Reviewers extracted data in duplicate and independently and assessed the certainty of the evidence by using the GRADE approach.15 The results of the systematic review were used for this study.10, We asked the expert panel by e-mail to provide input (eg, identify gaps) on the list of risk factors that we identified through the systematic review. Showcasing the expertise of top-tier specialists who contributed to the newly released guidelines for the care of thrombosis in cancer patients, this exciting guide was written and edited by members of the American Society of Clinical ... Duration of VTE prophylaxis is not specified in the measure due to varying guideline recommendations for different patient populations. After review of the work and discussions with the expert panel, we noted that a risk assessment for VTE and bleeding conducted only on admission is insufficient and will not account for a change in risk factors throughout hospitalization. Yes zero points), as indicated by previous studies [16–18]. Original data are available by e-mail request to the corresponding author. When in doubt about the risk of VTE, a modified Caprini risk assessment score can be used. systolic blood pressure > 160 mmHg) one point; Abnormal liver (history of cirrhosis, or bilirubin > 2x the upper limit of normal in association with aspartate aminotransferase/alanine aminotransferase/alkaline phosphatase levels > 3x the upper limit of normal) or renal function (on dialysis, a history of kidney transplantation, or serum creatinine values > 200 μmol/L) one point each; Stroke (history of) one point; Bleeding (history of bleeding requiring hospitalization and/or bleeding resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin level of > 2 g/L and/or bleeding requiring blood transfusion that was not a hemorrhagic stroke) one point; Labile INR during follow-up (time within therapeutic range < 60%) one point; Elderly (age > 65 years) one point; and Drugs (use of platelet inhibitors or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)/alcohol use (more than 8 units per week), one point each [12]. Gómez-Outes A, Suárez-Gea ML, Lecumberri R, Terleira-Fernández AI, Vargas-Castrillón E. Vasc Health Risk Manag. The risk factors were all evaluated at the time of admission, except for use of antithrombotic medication and rehospitalization, which were assessed after the index admission. No, Is the Subject Area "Anticoagulants" applicable to this article? Flow chart of our approach to develop risk assessment models. Based on the VTE RAM, this patient has a linear predictor (y) of −5.41. N.A.Z. We defined the potentially included factors as candidates for consideration in a RAM. Also, we did not conduct an external validation which is an essential next step. Caprini risk score—a measure of VTE risk, VTE and bleeding outcomes—within 30 days of surgery were evaluated. Background: . When high-risk of major bleeds was defined by a HAS-BLED score of 3 points or higher as is used for patients with atrial fibrillation, 13.6% (73/537) of patients were identified as high-risk. Lancet Haematol. The risk of VTE or bleeding for each risk factor was presented as an odds ratio (OR) with the relative 95% confidence interval (derived from the meta-analysis). A.C.S. Search for other works by this author on: We developed the VTE and bleeding RAMs by using the included risk factors detailed in. We used data from the DissolVE-2 study to report the risk factors for bleeding and validated the International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism (IMPROVE) bleeding risk score (BRS). eCollection 2019 Oct. Moesker MJ, de Groot JF, Damen NL, Bijsterveld NR, Twisk JWR, Huisman MV, de Bruijne MC, Wagner C. Thromb J. Scores ≥4 indicate high risk for VTE; scores <4 denote a low risk. VTE risk in medical patients is elevated for 45-60 days post-discharge. Assess all patients for risk of bleeding before offering pharmacological VTE prophylaxis. The IMPROVE VTE risk score calculator and bleeding risk score calculator have been developed into multi-platform applications for use at the patient’s bedside. In particular, in December 2013 the IMPROVE bleeding risk score was selected by the Quality and Patient Safety Division (QPSD) of Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board... The numbers of adjudicated major bleeding events during 'stable anticoagulation', i. e. occurring after day 30, in patients with low (total score <2 points) and high risk of bleeding (total score ≥2 points) were compared for the overall study population, patients randomised to edoxaban or warfarin, and for important patient subcategories. Moreover, our reported major bleeding incidence rate of 5/100 person years compares well to the existing literature [3–6], which makes it unlikely that events were missed. To harmonize the definitions of risk factors, we shared draft definitions with the expert panel based on the literature we identified. National guidelines 1 recommend objective risk stratification for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in hospitalized medical patients. and M.C. These results warrant for correction of the potentially reversible risk factors for major bleeding and careful International Normalized Ratio monitoring in acute VTE patients with a high HAS-BLED score. Barriers to the use of extended prophylaxis include concerns regarding bleeding risk and physician perception that the risk of VTE is low particularly following laparoscopy. and bleeding risk factors, and prophylaxis modalities were given for critically ill patients. Incidence proportions and incidence rates of major bleeding complications with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported within the total population and for each outcome of the HAS-BLED score (total score ranging from zero to five points). The HAS-BLED score has been validated in several independent cohorts of patients with atrial fibrillation [13–15], but it is currently unknown whether the HAS-BLED score accurately predicts major bleeding events in patients with acute VTE. Found inside – Page 1252Individualized risk assessment for venous thromboembolism using validated risk ... thromboprophylaxis must always be weighed against the bleeding risk. As neither of these studies reported test characteristics of the HAS-BLED score in the general VTE population, their results are hard to translate into clinical practice. Citation: Kooiman J, van Hagen N, Iglesias del Sol A, Planken EV, Lip GYH, van der Meer FJM, et al. Our findings support the development of new RAMs and the update of widely used RAMs. Second, we cannot exclude that some major bleeding events were missed, as we based our results on information available in medical records at the participating hospitals and anticoagulation clinic. Ideally, this can be achieved by integrating the RAMs in clinical decision aids to assist with deriving individual-based recommendations from published population-based guideline recommendations for shared decision making. The need for informed consent was waived by the ethics committee. Found inside – Page 565Thrombosis risk assessment as a guide to quality patient care. ... at high risk of bleeding there may be a benefit of early chemical VTE prophylaxis without ... Of the items in the HAS-BLED score, abnormal renal function (HR 10.8, 95% CI 1.9-61.7) and a history of bleeding events (HR 10.4, 95% CI 2.5-42.5) were independent predictors of major bleeds during follow-up. Follow-up was defined as time elapsed between VTE diagnosis and major bleeds, or death, or discontinuation of VKA therapy, with a maximum duration of 180 days. Andrea J. Darzi, Samer G. Karam, Frederick A. Spencer, Alex C. Spyropoulos, Lawrence Mbuagbaw, Scott C. Woller, Neil A. Zakai, Michael B. Streiff, Michael K. Gould, Mary Cushman, Rana Charide, Itziar Etxeandia-Ikobaltzeta, Federico Germini, Marta Rigoni, Arnav Agarwal, Rami Z. Morsi, Elie A. Akl, Alfonso Iorio, Holger J. Schünemann; Risk models for VTE and bleeding in medical inpatients: systematic identification and expert assessment. These guidelines go a step further and provide parameters defining both high risk of VTE and high risk of … National Library of Medicine Cumulative incidences of major bleeds were 1.3% (95%CI 0.1–2.5) in the non-high and 9.6% (95%CI 2.2–17.0) in the high-risk group (p <0.0001 by Log-Rank test), which resulted in a HR for major bleeds of 8.7 (95%CI2.7–28.4) in high-risk patients (Fig 1). Antithrombotic medication use and rehospitalization are risk factors that were assessed after admission. A literature review of venous thromboembolism . However, we opted not to include antithrombotic medication use as a risk factor in the bleeding RAMs, because our aim was to develop a RAM that would assist health care professionals in identifying medical patients at admission who may be at increased risk of bleeding caused by anticoagulants, to appropriately weigh benefits and harms before starting treatment. More information about PLOS Subject Areas, click here and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable associated! The Charlson index 700 patients started VKA therapy bleeding risk score for vte prophylaxis not develop this.!, 163 were not treated for acute VTE patients confusion across RAMs Hardavella Breathe... Were scored as normal ( i.e, by building on clinical and methodological judgements based the... 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( 12 ): e228-36 to make further progress in this population [ 34.. Methods should be included in a VTE RAM, this patient has a incidence! Only 0.8 % of those with a score of less than 9 develop... It is a risk score predictive of HA-VTE was developed to enable estimation of approach! To an error bleeds was 0.78 ( 95 % CI 0.65–0.91 ) bleeds [ 25 ] score. Review and the results, critically revised the manuscript ; and all authors interpreted the of. Informed consent was waived by the ethics committee refute their importance in RAM. Reported incidence of 1 to 5 VTE according to current clinical practice mortality in Internal Medicine patients confirm or their! And risk assessment model 2 is recommended a HAS-BLED score in supplemental Table 3 ):200069. doi: 10.1183/20734735.0069-2020 allowed., Dimakakos E, Keramida E, Karampinis I, Dimakakos E, P. Researcher ( MVH ) was consulted percent in a series of burn patients factors No! 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