It is reached via a 7.5 mile causeway. Antelope Island State Park. Maybe thirty yards from us were a dozen bison, calmly grazing, but moving in our direction. Let me take a moment to comment on our horses. Found inside – Page 410Special Events : Each year , the annual Bison Roundup takes place during the last ... Evans , Keith , 1998 , Antelope Island & causeway - area description ... Antelope Island is the largest island in the Great Salt Lake. “He apparently had enough of being pushed around," said Shaw. Plan your trip now! Attempting to round them up, though, could easily be considered provocation. •. Snorting bison push their way through the sagebrush heading north on Utah’s Antelope Island State Park. At one point, Balius, who was in the lead, froze with her head up and ears forward. The sound of the bullwhip could be heard from every corner. It's one of the great fall spectacles in northern Utah. Antelope Island State Park is 25 miles north of Salt Lake City. Introduced in 1893, the Island bison have since become one of the largest and oldest publicly-owned bison herds in the country. Sunlight reflects off glassy skyscrapers, just across the expanse of salt, water, and mud, but the city is dwarfed by the mountain range just behind it, and it feels a world away from the stillness and silence of the island. Read on. They also make a party out of the event by holding a festival with food and music during roundup weekend. Park ranger Chris Haramoto says that the bison . Volunteers Beth and Dennis Simonsen show visitors around the historic Fielding Garr Ranch complex on Antelope Island State Park in Northern Utah. Found inside – Page 158For some of the bison on Antelope Island , the roundup is the end of the line : they are destined to be quarter - pound patties and steaks . The goal while herding bison is not to provoke them, but to coax them gently, which is why so many riders are essential. Riders in the red team on the right flank were guiding a herd from the shoreline inland, and riders to the left, on the green team, were cajoling a smaller group down from the steep upper hillside. The bison on the island are gathered and herded into holding pens where they are examined, weighed, vaccinated, and decisions are made on culling and selecting . Contributors to the volume consider both direct and indirect effects of widlife-recreationist interactions, including: wildlife responses to disturbance, and the origins of these responses how specific recreational activities affect diverse ... Editors note: Ron Brown passed as this article was being prepared for publication. FOR WOMEN WHO LOVE HORSES, TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE. FILE - In this Oct. 27, 2018, file photo, riders on horseback herd bison during an annual roundup, on Antelope Island, Utah. For a few minutes it was complete chaos of thundering hooves, and then the dust settled. The state park offers a number of recreational events throughout the season and has plenty of other wildlife available for viewing. When you visit it, it changes your heart,” says Jeremy Shaw, the park manager. The problem? Hikers, cyclists and photographers are likely to see the island’s namesake pronghorn antelope and mule deer, but the park is also home to bighorn sheep, coyotes, bobcats, badgers, porcupines, and numerous birds of prey. Wendy and Erik took off. Ed and Jeff had been coming to the roundup for many, many years. Despite its name, the park is most famous for its herd of bison. Exotic as their Greek mythological names would suggest, they were by far the most unique horses in the event, surrounded by quarter horses, paints, appaloosas, mules, and other ranching stock. We immediately took her under our wing and promised to use the buddy system and all stick together on the Big Day. View more posts. Antelope Island Hike, . Through lessons learned we now limit the number of riders but we still try and invite enough public folks to keep the experience authentic.”. Learn how your comment data is processed. Rigs were pulling in right and left, some brand-new oversized campers with flat screen TVs on the outside and every possible feature you could ever need or dream up, some old rust buckets towing equally sketchy-looking stock trailers. To learn more about the park and the activities you and your family can do there, please visit the park's web page by clicking the logo above. Glancing around me, riders seemed excited and eager, some apprehensive, but most of the horses were calm – these are ranch horses, and this was just another day at work for them. ANTELOPE ISLAND, Oct. 26, 2019 (Gephardt Daily) -- The annual Bison Roundup is happening Saturday at Antelope Island State Park. The water is mirror-still, changing colors with the hours of the day, reflecting the vast, cloudless sky and the distant, snow-capped peaks beyond the water. Violators will be asked to leave the island and may be issued a citation. “The goal is to get all the bison into the corral safely and not have any of the riders injured in the process.”. Shaw and his team outlined how the day would go, and then said a short prayer for the safety of the riders and horses. They stared one another down for a moment before butting heads, tousling back and forth, and then the bigger of the two knocked the other to the ground. No Public At This Year's Bison Roundup. It takes . The 28th annual bison range ride and roundup took place Friday at Antelope Island State Park, giving locals and tourists a chance to witness a unique, western tradition. This information is from Utah State Parks: Antelope Island State Park is home to one of the largest and oldest publicly owned bison herds in the United States. Rose is the longest tenured staff member at Antelope Island with more than 23 years. Adrienne shares her a unique inside experience as part of the team of nearly 300 riders and horses facing the impressive and almost fearless bison. of. Our camper neighbor, Derry, was in her seventies and had driven out from Washington state by herself with her new, young horse, Cash. She has a healthy respect for the bison. She is a professional equestrian adventuress and has worked internationally with horses since 2010. “You don’t herd buffalo,” said Kendalyn Hill, a local three-time rider in the event. The rest of the bison were still clustered in the corner by the gate, visibly agitated but holding steady. Sure enough, we were captivated by the landscape as we crossed the causeway, gazing in wonder at the snow-dusted mountains surrounding the Great Salt Lake, the ridgeline of Antelope Island rising out of the stillness in front of us. Disclosure: Please note that some of the links that are included on this website are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, we earn a commission if you make a purchase. When the water is low, it is possible to cross on foot, but the wildlife stays on the Island where the grazing is plentiful and the visitors are few. The camping fee pays for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. Wild they are – don’t let the wooly, awkward appearance of the bison fool you – although they are seemingly docile, ungainly-looking grass-grazers, they are far more formidable than their herbivorous nature suggests. Friday morning, we set out to ride with Ed and Jeff, along with a half dozen other riders who had all participated in the Roundup many times before. She now has her own company, Krys Kolumbus Travel where she strives to empower women to travel and provides resources, tips and online courses to encourage women to travel SOLO to unique destinations. Though Yellowstone National Park is home to one of the nation’s most famous free-roaming herds of bison, they are not rounded up. Antelope Island State Park has announced its annual bison roundup will be different this year in light of COVID-19. “It’s like another planet,” I said, “but you’ll see what I mean when we get there.”. Ultimately, we all decided it was too epic an opportunity to pass up. While the hillside offered us an unbeatable bird’s eye view, it was hard going, with rocks and boulders to scramble over, many of which were hidden in the tall grass. These mature bulls are already vaccinated and they survive just fine on their own through the winter, grouping into bachelor herds until they can rejoin their cows in the spring. Spectators are always delighted with the number of good locations to stop and follow the herd as it makes its way north. All hotels and restaurants are within an easy driving distance of the island or camp overnight. Interested in riding in the Antelope Island bison roundup? The herd was almost 800 strong now, kicking up dust as they went, and we had gotten much closer to them than we had started out. Each would require a separate camp fee. Earlier in the ride when we had cantered a little bit, Derry’s new horse had gotten a little rambunctious, and I didn’t want to take off and leave her behind, fearing her horse might blow up. 75,634 were here. Wild animals are often seen by people driving the park roads and hiking or biking the park's trails. The final push – the hillside rising steeply on our right, and the Great Salt Lake spreading vast and blue to our left. (Wesley Aston / Utah State Parks) If you go. Antelope Island's annual bison round-up takes place in relative obscurity, on a stunning landscape from another geologic era, making this event a wonderful opportunity to view the Utah bison population close-up and in a relatively natural habitat. Separated from the mainland by just a short drive across a long causeway, Antelope Island is just a few miles away but a world apart. . October 2016. Trucks and trailers continued to pull in and spectators began to arrive, cars lining the road from the ranch back across the Island. “I’ve participated in the Custer roundup by invite,” said Shaw. Her husband was a little more skeptical. It looks very exciting for spectators but can be dangerous for the participants and their horses. Bison are notoriously ornery, but only become aggressive when provoked. “In 2013 we signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Great Wall of China,” said Shaw beaming from behind his modest desk at his office. “He said this place is so peaceful and yet so wild. Participants can also rent a horse locally and trailer it onto the island. Viewer Information. Antelope Island corrals their herd during the last weekend of October. Antelope Island is 28,000-acre state park in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. Antelope Island is home to one of the largest and oldest publicly owned bison herds in the United States. The island is about 14 miles long and they start at the south end and push the Bison to the corals on the north end of the island. Written by Charles Freeman and Neil Werenskiold. The deceptively tall grass almost hid them, and they moved without a sound. For those interested in camping during the event, campsites are available at The experience is much like an overnight cowboy tailgate party. Thereâs no better place to go birding in Utah than the Bear River Migratory Refuge. "I love travelling and I love horses and I am very blessed to be able to do both of my passions for a living!" Jeremy Shaw is park manager for Antelope Island and leads the annual roundup. Many hands went up, most of the gathered crowd. Though the island's 28,022 acres appear barren and deserted, it is home to bison, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, mule deer, coyotes, bobcats, upland game birds, and waterfowl. Riders move a herd of several hundred bison up the east side of Antelope Island during the 28th annual Bison Roundup on Friday, Oct. 24, 2014. The Great Bison Roundup is a large annual event held in late October at Antelope Island State Park. We rode through the prairie grass, sometimes as high as our horses’ backs, and up the hill towards the spine that runs along the island. For those interested in participating but not riding, spectators are welcome and encouraged. Now his response is always the same thanks to a group of people living over 6,000 miles away. Utah State Parks workers are moving the animals from across the island so they can be . North into Wyoming, and then across I-80 and down into Utah, making our way towards Salt Lake City and then cutting across through Ogden and Syracuse to get onto the island. We stopped the truck to let a few pass in front of us, and then two massive bulls off to the right started to fight. Antelope Island is 28,000-acre state park in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. The next morning, we woke up to snow flurries and were thankful not to have to go round up the sixty head or so of bison who evaded us. She may be 1 weather alerts 1 closings . R & G horseback rides. Camping is offered at the Fielding Garr Ranch on the island, but very few facilities are provided – riders must bring their own camping/camper/living quarters trailer setup, corrals or highlines for their horses, as well as provide their own meals and water. With an outdoor classroom straight out of the Wild West, BYU students and faculty recently worked the Antelope Island State Park bison roundup, assisting with health check-ups and conducting research about bison birthing behaviors. “Raise your hand if you’ve ever worked cattle,” he said. Jeremy Shaw, the park manager, stood up on a tailgate with a microphone and gave a speech about how the Roundup would work and what to expect, and most importantly, how to stay safe. “To find an island out in the middle of the Great Salt Lake that has what this island has, there is no comparison, she said. About 275 ranchers herd about 700 bison into a corral. You want to see how Adrienne experienced the ride? The roundup is a yearly event held at the end of October and is designed to help manage . There are two ways to participate. Found inside – Page 22OCTOBER Salt Lake Valley Cowboys head to Antelope Island for the Bison Roundup . At historic Gardner Village in West Jordan you'll find the Scarecrow ... “They’re almost a sexy animal,” she says with a big grin. A truck and camper is one vehicle; a truck and horse trailer is another vehicle. A handful of bent and twisted trees line the bottoms of steep ravines running down the hillsides, but for the most part the terrain feels barren and rocky, covered with tawny prairie grass. The public is invited to help the park officials The annual bison roundup is open to the public with hundreds of riders getting the opportunity to round up wild bison on horseback. There they are vaccinated and given a general health evaluation. Annual Bison Roundup, Oct. 28: Riders begin at 9 a.m. from Fielding Garr Ranch and move the herd . A team of horsemen and helicopters drive the bison to corrals on the island's north end. “We ask when people sign up (for the roundup) if you want to be an aggressive rider or if you want to be a leisurely rider,” said Shaw. Trail ride. . According to Shaw, Utah State Parks took the Chinese contingent through Canyonlands and Arches national parks as well as Dead Horse State Park. 750 Bison on Antelope Island Utah. At this point, different herds which have been herded by different groups all come together, like streams into a river, and rest while the riders sit by and eat the sandwiches we have stashed in our saddlebags. Although they could stroll across the salt flats if they wished when the lake level is low, they remain. It is also a state park, where bison, antelope and other wildlife roam. Anyone wishing to move slower could bring up the rear, filling in gaps between teams as needed. The last time they used vehicles and helicopters Shaw watched a full-grown bull put its horns through the door of a full-size Ford Bronco and almost put the vehicle up on two wheels. Over 250 riders gathered on Antelope Island to herd bison to the north end of the island on Saturday October 28th 2017. From roller coasters to ski slopes, SLC has it all. One of Utah's fall traditions — the Antelope Island Bison Roundup — wraps up today. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Riders on horseback are nudging bison on Utah's Antelope Island in an annual roundup of one of the country's largest and oldest public herds. Description.Antelope Island is the largest island in the Great Salt Lake. After a few minutes he seemed fine and we all mounted back up, but were surprised how much ground the bison had covered in the small amount of time we hadn’t been paying attention. The hardest part of the Roundup, for both the bison and the horses, is known as Heartbreak Hill, the point where the bison are driven over the spine of the Island. The island is remote and the majority of its acreage is grassland with ample water supplies provided by over 40 natural springs found on the island that bring fresh water to the surface. Watching an authentic roundup with real cowboys and cowgirls is like being on the set of an old west movie or transported to a distant era — yet it’s only 25 miles northwest of Salt Lake City International Airport. We left Fort Collins, Colorado, early on a Thursday morning. The roundup occurs every year in the fall, when park personnel and volunteers ride out on horseback to gather the animals for vaccinations, health screenings and to cull the herd. annual bison roundup at . This practice stressed the bison and was abandoned for the current roundup procedure on horseback. Found inside – Page 78After lunch we set off to Antelope Island State Park. ... If you happen to be there in October you can watch the annual bison roundup and get. Spectators rush to find a good spot to watch in anxious anticipation of the arrival of the parade of buffalo. The overnight camping fee is $40 per vehicle. So if you’ve ever worked cattle, forget everything you’ve ever known about moving cattle. The Antelope Island bison herd is in Antelope Island State Park in Great Salt Lake, Utah.The semi-free-ranging population of American bison (Bison bison, buffalo) has been in existence on Antelope Island since 1893. Found inside – Page 176October Bison Roundup A hundred or so are then sold off . The Antelope Island at the Great Salt Lake purpose of the roundup is to cull the herd ( 801 ) ... This year, about 700 bison were pushed into corrals during the 32nd year of a . People from across the country head to Utah 's Antelope Island to take part in one of the few volunteer buffalo roundups in the U.S. . It is the country's only buffalo roundup that allows untrained volunteers to herd the surly 1-ton creatures. ANTELOPE STATE PARK — The annual bison round-up is critical in ensuring the health of one of the nation's largest and oldest public bison herds. Antelope Island State Park. The overnight camping fee is $40 per vehicle. Antelope Island State Park . “Typically, about 100 people will want to go on the leisurely ride and be close to the bison but not engaged. People without horses can participate by making reservations for a horse with R&G Horse and Wagon by calling 888-878-8002. ANTELOPE ISLAND — The bison roundup at Antelope Island each fall is reminiscent of a Western cattle drive, and the huge animals are emblematic of the history of the American Ready to join the roundup? To start, the bison will be herded from the south end of the island to the north end of the island where they will eventually be checked and . Around 700 bison were moved to corrals on the north side of the island where they are . Bison don’t tend to be deterred by much – they don’t go around or over things, they go through things. Hundreds of bison are being pushed into corrals near Whiterock Bay so they can eventually be given health checkups, vaccinations and even a . Live. Visitors to the Island enjoy the trails, on foot and by bike, but most of the land is left to the wildlife, which enjoys abundant grazing, free from human interaction or interference. Make sure you check out her other articles. “Alright, forget everything you’ve ever known about working cattle. We gathered into our designated teams and then all headed out at once, packed close at first and then fanning out in the tall prairie grass. It is the country's only buffalo roundup that allow untrained volunteers to herd the surly 1-ton creatures. Scott O. Smith Photo: The November photowalk will be held at the Antelope Island State Park in Syracuse Utah November 1st. Sign up early as there is a cap to the number of riders the event can allow. After the horses had been untacked, fed, watered, and settled in for the evening we headed over to the Fielding Garr Ranch for a chili dinner hosted by the park management in the historic barn. According to state park bison roundup rider registration information, riders “must provide their own horse to ride in the Roundup.” The registration fee includes park entrance, a souvenir bandana and dinner. Antelope Island is 28,000-acre state park in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. Go!” they yelled as they galloped past, and looking into the dust cloud where tails had been, we now saw eyes. : Saturday, Oct. 27th, 2018. From a distance, we watched as individual riders would dart out towards the herd, cracking the bullwhip, to encourage the slower-moving bison, and every now and then a bison or two or a dozen would break off from the herd and try to make a run for it, and a group of riders would have to divert and try to convince them to rejoin the group. Found insideSee bison in a natural setting on Antelope Island (if visiting in October, don't miss the annual bison roundup). In Ogden, you can fly like a bird in the ... ANTELOPE STATE PARK — The annual bison round-up is critical in ensuring the health of one of the nation's largest and oldest public bison herds. Changes to the 2020 Bison Roundup Include: Members of the public will not have the option to register as a rider in the 2020 Bison Roundup. December 2, 2019 Saturday October 30, 2021 (date change) will be the main push to move bison from the southern portion of the island to the handling facilities on the north end of the island. Yearly since 1986, the park opens its doors to some 200 riders who work together to herd the bison population to the north side of the island. Back in June, I was sitting in the waiting room at the equine vet, drinking the free coffee and thumbing through magazines. That’s the thing about bison. Krystal Kelly is a California girl on a Quest to see every country. Charles Freeman (at right) loves Jesus, family and photography. Yearly since 1986, the park opens its doors to some 200 riders who work together to herd the bison population to the north side of the island. Watching an authentic roundup with real cowboys and cowgirls is like being on the set of an old . We drove the rest of the way to the ranch in silence, contemplating the size, speed, and aggression of the clash we had just witnessed, but the lively atmosphere as soon as we pulled in assuaged some of our fears. “This place is so peaceful and yet so wild. Watch this video of her at the bison roundup on Antelope Island in Utah: Adrienne is a regular contributor for Equestrian Adventuresses. Custer State Park in South Dakota and Antelope Island State Park are about the only places where people can actually experience a public bison roundup first hand. Don’t be deceived though – beyond the tranquil calm, the island is home to free-ranging bison, bighorn sheep, pronghorn antelope, mule deer, porcupines, badgers, and coyotes, who all thrive here, far away from the ever-expanding human footprint just across the causeway. “Bison are easy to move,” he said, “in the direction they want to go.” We were told that the best way to upset the bison was to push them too hard, try to herd them too fast, and especially during the final push, this could make or break the Roundup. A few dozen bison had broken through the rider ranks, and by the time I had my bearings again they were halfway up the hillside behind us, and some had run out into the salt flats, already tiny specks in the distance. This time fellow Adventuress Adrienne takes us on a very special equestrian adventure: the yearly bison roundup on Antelope Island, Utah. Whether its the Bison that draw you to the Great Salt Lake's largest island or the camping, hiking, biking or bird/nature watching, Antelope Island State Park will deliver a unique experience. Friendships are formed as stories are swapped around campfires, riders who attend year after year telling tales of unruly bison and previous Roundups gone awry. Once in the corals each Bison is tagged, checked for disease and given shots. The sun was beginning to set and a chill had taken to the air – the mountains to the west are so high that the sunshine disappears long before the sun dips below the actual horizon and the temperature plummets, so our ride was short. Previous Group
Antelope Island State Park in Utah has incredible scenery that's quite different from the rest. After lunch, we resume the ride, bringing the bison around a sharp corner and then we are in the final stretch. Found insideAntelope Island is a great place for mountain biking; park trails are open to ... The yearly bison roundup (late Oct.) is a big event for both cowboys and ... Derry’s horse stumbled over a rock and came up lame and we took a moment to dismount and evaluate, not wanting to leave her behind. Largest cows first roundup 25 miles north of Salt Lake City to Antelope Island bison herd ranges from 550 700... Salt flats begin on either side of the largest and oldest publicly owned bison herds in the air but serious... A local three-time rider in the corner by the unique landscape, which consists of 300-500.... A long wait while erik caught a ride back to the public hundreds... Each fall is a wildlife biologist on staff at Antelope Island bison herd the... 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